Vibrant, beautiful and prosperous!
Claude Reginald Jean
Founder - General Director at Haitian Academy International
At the price of ultimate sacrifices former slave african decent became universal heroes for the oppressed in a world supremacists, prejudice, apartheid, exploitation and general inequality. Something definitely has changed, a new world order has been established for the dominant to adjust by the dominé.
The world is so ungrateful some times!
Our vision is that every place, street that honors the names of Toussaint, Dessalines, Christophe, Petion, Capois, Boisrond,... is vibrant, beautiful and prosperous.
Please help and join our efforts and dreams to clean, renew and rebuild public parcs, monuments, streets, museums honoring these names all across the country. You don't obligatorily need to be Haitian or Haitian descent to be proud and pay respect to these universal heroes for humanity.
Your assistance will help us improve the quality of living for the residents in this great community on the Pearl of the Antilles, Queen of the Caribbean and mother of Liberty. We are bound to a United vision that is verified many places elsewhere that an individual, a family, a group, an organization, a nation that put together resources to create an aesthetic environment for and with a common goal will definitely prosper.
We have created Grodysh Int'l Inc., the Future Of haiti Organization to be a federation of developmental organizations engaged in the dynamic of rehabilitation and revitalisation of this land to showcase gratitude and determination to the rest of the world.
Instead of scattering our resources through off program activities and in order to address real communities needs it has become imperial for us to raise the funding needed and coordinate the financing of the many necessary different projects. Make a tax deductible donation to our federation
We can bring back the Divine Dream of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity dreamed by our ancestors on the Island of the Gods as conceived by the Creator.
All your donations, supports, contributions or participations will go toward investments into -Organic agricultural food productions for local consumption and exportation - Nurseries for tree production for the reconstitution of our flora - National school repair and construction for wide literacy program and basic professional education addressing local needs - Construction of solar water system for agriculture - Construction of health centers and formation for health agents - Encouragement with financial support for civilian groups active in fishing programs, commercialization for local products, little industries of transformation,...
We will distribute funds with equity through community organizations with priority determined by urgencies and the size of the benefitting groups and the eager desire to improve conditions for the community at large.
We want to invite artists and promoters in the field of show business to promote and support our efforts to address efficiently the many programs.
Your Sponsorship of $50 to $5,000 (Tax Deductible) will allow us to cover expenses for Seminars Venue, Specialists Fees, Transportation Fees, and Supervision associated costs.
If you are able to participate and engage this ultimate spiritual development concept and be a sponsor please contact:
Claude Reginald Jean, Founder/ President and Director of Fundraising @ +1(727)466-7705 /
“God grant that ministers, and lay leaders, and civic leaders, and businessmen, and professional people all over the nation will rise up and use the talent and the finances that God has given them. Life's most persistent and urgent question is :
What are you doing for others"?.
Dr, Martin Luther King Jr.