Vibing To The Frequency Of Life

Vibing To The Frequency Of Life

It’s all about vibrations, man!?

A theory in which I do believe for life.?

Our comprehension of the world is not solely about what we glimpse, vocalize, listen to and cogitate. It is appreciably and immensely beyond that. It is about the vibrations and frequencies, in my opinion.?

Off and on, yours and some person’s or place’s frequency twin-up like peas in a pod and you resonate in consonance. That sense of “vibing” if ever experienced, you definitely know is more than merely a figure of speech.

Well, it all started with vibrations (and of course with a big bang)!?

Scientifically speaking, everything is made of atoms. And all atoms vibrate. The universe is comprised of discrete atoms, vibrating at different speeds. The rocks, the seas, mountains, rivers, trees, and so are you. Every aspect of humans has a vibrational frequency to it. Be it your physical body, your thoughts, your mind, your communication. Everything moves and nothing rests. Everything is vibrations and energy we perceive consciously or subconsciously.?

Our cerebral hub is a place for vibrational energy transition just like an electronic switching station. As we start to think, we generate thoughts and with thoughts, we set up a vibrational frequency in us. We carry ourselves at this frequency and we perceive the internal and external reality around us according to this frequency level.

We think with our mind - “the Voice in the Head”. Our minds create a perennial stream of thoughts. It has a continuous dialogue of two-way commentaries going on about anything and everything that prevail or not. Our minds in turn create emotions as a by-product of thinking. These emotions carry energy. This energy has the ability to turn on the vibrational frequencies in us - humans, which further creates positive or negative feelings analogous with that emotion.?

Emotions spring from the word “motion” i.e. movement. All emotions have a vibrational frequency, which is reshaping and impermanent. Just like the source of emotions i.e. thoughts, emotions are ephemeral in nature. Your thoughts ceaselessly reorientate, fleet. You can merely forecast what your thoughts will be in the following second. Equivalently, you recurrently change from one emotion to second. No emotion lasts in perpetuity.?

Even a supremely radiant and sunny person can begin to weep and grizzle at some point. If you are depressed you cannot live on depressed endlessly. Even the most depressed person dissolves into laughter at times. In a jiffy you may be kind and compassionate, the next split second you may be unkind. You may be angry at this instant but in the very next, be loving truly. Your emotions take this rollercoaster of reconstruct incessantly.?

No emotion has endured the test of times. Emotions carry energy in states. And these states keep altering and transforming - one to another. Emotions are like flowing rivers - from one form to another form.?

There is a strong chain reaction of mind-emotions-body-behavior in human beings. As your emotions vibrate, each cell in your body physiologically, your mind, your behavior vibrate at that frequency. There are elements of emotions that are interlinked with each other.

Vibrational Frequency element of emotion

Emotions resonate with the vibrational frequency they kindle. The frequency, these emotions conduct gets transferred to each cell in your body. When you have a higher vibrational frequency, there is a piping expansion and there is a greater Life Force in each cell of the body. Whereas, the lower your vibrational frequency is, increased is the contraction and there is meagre Life Force in each cell of the body.?

With each emotion, you can experience a distinct vibe that you carry. As a matter of fact, when others diffuse a particular emotion and hence a discrete frequency, you can sense their vibe, their energy even without communicating.?

You can feel distinct emotional energy current at different vibrational frequencies. It can feel like a feather in a state of joy and happiness. The energy can sense akin high spirited and sprightly butterfly hovering unreservedly in the state of love. The emotional vigour can sense alike a tornado in the state of fear. It can intuit earthquake tremors in a state of anxiety. The energy can hold as a hot volcano lava in a state of anger. It can feel spacious and calm resembling a vacuum in a state of bliss. It can feel like you are drowning in the deep ocean with a heavy rock tied to you and you are not even striving to survive in the state of depression.?

Emotions are nothing but voltages. As per the law of physics, the flow of energy is from high potential/ voltage to low potential/ voltage. Similarly, emotions with lower vibrational frequency draw energy from matter vibrating at a higher vibrational frequency. You can taste it this in both ways. In a euphoric and gleeful state of mind, often visiting a certain place with lower vibes or talking to someone very negative, you can observe an undeniable drain in your energy levels. And vice-a-versa as well. You can be vibrating at a lower frequency like anger or in grief and visiting calm places like a temple for e.g. or meeting someone that carries a higher vibrational frequency can scoop-up your spirits. The emotional energy of joy and bliss can be felt in children with a twinkle in the eye and chuckle on the face with a steady heartbeat. Even if this effect is felt temporarily, there is no denying that there is a drift of potential energy.???

Physiological element of emotion

Your physical body responds and tries to resonate with your emotional vibrating frequency. This reaction is to prepare your body to face a similar ball game as per the state of mind and emotion. When you are angry, the body sensations prepare your body for action: increased heartbeats, high blood pressure, contracted muscles, stress hormones released, your face and hands flushed, increase in the body temperature. Another example, mind prepares the body for fight or flight in a predicament of fear. It arms oneself to react either physically or verbally. Emotional energy is generated from physiological responses of the body and conversely.?

Often the energy generated through emotions is not liberated. You do not make way for it to release either due to circumstance or to avoid further conflict or to fight shy of hurting others. As per the law of conservation of energy, we know energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can be transferred only. This energy gets trapped in us and it gets accumulated within us as stagnate emotional blockages. Over time, recurring emotional sufferings or stale and blocked emotional energies find their way out by virtue of physical issues like GI disorders, autoimmune diseases, heart issues, blood pressure issues, and sometimes even fatal issues like a heart attack.?

Behavioral Element of Emotion

With emotional energy rolls up a chain reaction of your behavioural patterns. And as per your?Gunas?either?sattvic, rajasic, or tamasic?your behavioural reaction to external standings vary. For all emotions, the behavioral response is either expression or repression of that emotion. Either you will react or suppress it. For example, if you are angry, you will either react for e.g. by being aggressive either physically or verbally, which feels like you are trying to harm someone. The behavior can be violent and you might start slinging things around. You may yell, threaten, use dramatic words, bombard with hostile questions, expressing how others’ actions cause an impact on you.?

Or there are people who repress anger in order to not escalate the situation further. Some people are terrified to fight after a grade as there can be higher rage and lash back from the other person. So they try to repress their anger to be shielded. Some people internalize their anger. They may be seething inside and may physically shake, but they don’t show their anger in the way they behave when they are around other people.?

The act of repression some may call it self-control. But it is a mere disguise of self-control in many cases. In an effort to repress anger, they deliberately harm themselves, usually in secret, as a way of coping with intense feelings they can’t express another way. Repression doesn’t make those feelings ward off. They get buried temporarily. Self-harm doesn’t solve the problems in long run. Often, the repressed anger finds its way out in different situations, times and context. Many times you will find yourself reacting abruptly and effusively or over sensitively to trivial issues. It is nothing but, these issues triggering your repressed emotional energy and ripping open your unhealed emotional wounds.?

Emotional energies often multiply when you express them or repress it. For e.g. reacting to anger can intensify the energy and can lead to even more conflicts. And repressing it can create unhealed wounds within. So it can be a dilemma of behavioral expression, at times.?

Mind element of emotion

Your mind continuously generates thoughts. Thoughts from past, present, future. Your mind can swing to and fro from being positive to negative within no time. And you can hardly control what thoughts you will get the next minute. These thoughts are further fuelled by unhealed and hidden emotional wounds, memories, fears leading to suffering or joy depending on the thought.

When deep acceptance, realization, and learning happen the intensity of these particular thoughts becomes neutral. It does not instigate any emotion in you.??Humans are predominantly run by emotions and they play a major role in life, progress, etc. So, aligning them is essential to align life. In vibrations, any object always tries to strike a resonance with a similar vibrating object. Just like fireflies. They start flashing their little fires in sync in large gatherings.?

As is our frequency we attract similar people, objects. We react to situations as per our emotional frequency at that time. We experience life at that frequency.

As humans, we strive to raise our consciousness level. This is nothing but aligning your frequency to higher vibrational frequencies.?Emotions are voltages. And all you have to do is raise your voltages in order to raise consciousness so that everything within you is lit up and you experience life in its full form.

A very interesting take by the scientist David Darwin on the study of the vibrational frequencies of different emotions and their correspondent life view. These are levels of consciousness and the emotion and life view these levels carry.?

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Enlightenment 700 - 1000

The emotion here is just “Is” - it is inexpressible. Seeing everything as is without any veil of prejudice. This is the Aham Bhramasmi State, I would relate to. A state where there is no difference between I and the world. This is the super consciousness state of mind. It is the pinnacle of the evolution of the consciousness of mankind.?

There are numerous saints, realized beings like Buddha, Shri Ramana Maharshi, Prabhupada, Paramhans Yogananda, Anandmayi Maa who have attained this state.?

One can notice the powerful effects someone at this level has. They have the ability to impact society’s consciousness for generations even after they leave their mortal body. A conscious level, so powerful that by merely remembering them you can raise your own consciousness level.

Peace 600 - 700

This level is also categorized as a state of total transcendence and stillness of mind. This emotion is Bliss. A state of Sat-Chit-Anand I can compare to.?

Joy 540-600

The emotion here is that of internal joy, harmony, and serenity. A joy that arises from every moment of existence and is not dependent on the external world. The life view of feeling complete no matter what. A near-death experience can push people temporarily to this level.

Love 500 - 540

This is an emotion of unconditional love. A love so pure, selfless, resilient, unwavering that all you have is to offer and not expect anything in return. Without being entangled in ego, external conditions all you care is about service. In?Srimad Bhagvad Gita, this is called?Bhakti Yoga. In this state, all your actions and their fruits are done and offered to?Lord Krishna.?

Reason 400 - 500

This emotion of understanding and reasoning. In parallel with?Srimad Bhagvad Gita, I would call it?Jnana Yoga. A person seeks out to gain knowledge, analyze and then conclude. Many a time, a person gets trapped and preoccupied with data and over-intellectualization, unable to gather the essence out of the study.?

Acceptance 350-400

This is the emotion of accepting and forgiving and taking actions for your life. In?Bhagvad Gita?I can relate it to -?Karma Yoga. Where you do your Karma - take action and responsibility for your own life without being agitated for the fruits of your actions.?

Willingness 310-350

With a life view of hopefulness and emotion of optimism. This is where you start seeing potential in the challenges of life. You accept social constructs, embark upon a journey to self-discipline, and attain your goal. People with extremely successful careers fall in this category.

Neutrality 250 - 310

Here the emotion is that of trust and satisfaction. There is a lack of deep drive, but there is satisfaction in what and where you are. You are willing to see things as they are without judgment and do not take situations or possessions personally.

Courage 200 - 250

This is the major turning point in the human consciousness level. It is the separation between power and force. The world view is full of possibilities. Once a friend advised me, “You do not have to react to everything in life.” At this point you see yourself respond to rather than react to life.?

Pride 175 - 200

The life view being demanding. There is a positive emotion but it is based on external possessions, wealth, the position of power, and circumstances. This is a very critical situation as external possessions can be removed in no time. This leaves you in denial and arrogance.?

Anger 150 - 175

With a pretty agnostic life view, the emotion is that of hatred, revenge, and frustration. The lower levels are cyclic in nature. At this level, either a change can happen or you can get stuck in it.

Desire 125 - 150

There is a huge attachment to external desires at the level of addiction. There is a hunger for power, money, sex, status. But, the life view is disappointing, one hardly achieves his/ her desires.?

Fear 100 - 125

A high level of paranoia and anxiety-oriented energy exists at this level. Common situations would be fear of losing someone, fear of death, fear of rejection, different types of phobias.?

Grief 75 - 100

Feelings of sadness, regret. A constant sense of you is at loss and failure.?

Apathy?50 - 75

Victimisation plays a role at this level. A state of despair, hopelessness accompany at this level.

Guilt?30 - 50

The inability to forgive oneself. Feeling of worthless, blame, remorse persists at this level. This level cultivates destruction.?

Shame?Below 30

The person at this level feels humiliated easily. Self-esteem is very low. People vibrating at this level for prolonged periods have suicidal thoughts.?

We all can relate to and have experienced most of these frequencies within us at some point or the other. And it can be spotted that our frequencies keep fluctuating within a certain bandwidth. Also for many, there might be a few frequencies that we may not have experienced ever. Or some of the highest or lowest frequencies we might have experienced, but for a teensy-weensy duration.?

So we ought to seek to elevate our current frequencies with an aim to prepare our consciousness to be in a constant state at these higher levels.?

To elevate our frequencies all we have to do is increase our emotional voltages.?

Consciousness means nothing but you are well lit inside, within. So turn up the voltage and experience what life is in its full form.

?Everything is energy. Everything is about vibrations. Your thoughts begin it. Your emotions amplify it, your actions increase their momentum.?

Observe. Watch. Analyze.?

Increase your Voltage. Think in awareness. Become Conscious.?

#consciousness #raisingconsciousness #vibrations #positivevibrations #selfgrowth


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