VIBHISHANA Of The Team..!!
The times have changed, but the humans will always remain the same.
At a workplace, we always encounter the people who play a role of Vibhishana in the team. But how bad are they for you, for the team or for the company?
Let's go back to the history and understand this..!
Ravana was intelligent and educated, a great warrior, had a huge army, plus the Shiv Tandav Strotra was written by him; he was such a Shiv Bhakt. ----- YET HE LOST THE BATTLE
You know why?
As per my opinion, Ravana lost the battle because of Vibhishana (Younger brother of Ravana)
Having Vibhishana in the team never helps. It also frustrates the other team members and makes them go crazy. It effects their professional and personal lives too. It could go to a critical extent to make them leave their jobs.
It's not that Vibhishana in the team don't contribute enough. Sometimes the other team members have to give away their extra time and efforts to achieve meaningless things. So we are talking about the extra time and efforts of each and every team member which is gonna go in vain. IT'S HUGE!
A few takeaways, use it if you want! :)
If you are a Director ------------------ Identify and fix it, It's your damn company.!
If you are a Manager ----------------- Identify and fix it, It's your damn team!
If you are a Team Member ---------- Take a deep breathe, and focus what matters and IGNORE THEM and make the best out of your work, because It's your damn life and career :)
Let's all work towards it, and focus on better workplace.
Have a happy working! :)