Vibemaa - The Land of Slow Living
In a world of constant change, the incessant bombardment of social media, and the futile attempts of people keeping up with and comparing themselves to carefully edited and polished public images, I am always in awe of people who choose to opt out and try something new...
I stumbled across Vibemaa when watching other YouTube videos about 'permaculture', 'off-grid living' and other alternative lifestyles and ever since I have eagerly anticipated anything new they have posted. Yesterday I spent almost 6 hours on my computer and, although I managed to complete a lot of work, I can't really justify the hours spent in front of a screen. I think part of my interest in Vibemaa and their simple, hard yet apparently very satisfying lifestyle, stems from my own desire to lead a life where the fruits of my labour are more apparent, and my focus is more on my immediate surrounding rather than in some distant, remote digital world.
So, if the Vibemaa lifestyle speaks to you, let me know and please share other such projects, and please checkout their website or their Etsy store where they tell their story and sell their impressive block printing art. Enjoy.