Veterinary Practice Receptionist Scripts: Best Practices To Help Your Staff Engage Clients
When talking to a client on the phone, they're forming an impression of your practice. You will want to be warm and genuine yet have a professional tone. Here are some tips and scripts to take your phone calls to the next level.
When a client calls your veterinary practice, they’re getting a critical first impression of your practice and how it runs. This will determine whether they make an appointment or go to another vet practice. Therefore, implementing a set of standard receptionist scripts for your veterinary practice is essential.
In this post, learn best practices for your vet practice with receptionist scripts that will help your team engage clients and prevent any lost conversions.
Simple, Polite, and Professional Call Scripts for Your Receptionists
Here are some script examples, based on the most common client phone calls and questions that veterinary practices receive:
1. Confirming an Appointment
Many veterinary practices call pet owners to remind them of an upcoming appointment. It’s best to call clients a few days ahead to remind them. This gives you extra time to fill the appointment slot if they cancel.
Here’s a general script to follow:
“Hi, [client name]. This is [caller] at [your practice name]. I’m calling to confirm your upcoming appointment with us on [date and time]. Does that still work for your schedule?”
Should the client say no, ask if they would like to reschedule.?
If not, prompt them to call back when they are ready to book a new appointment, and wish them well.
“Okay, would you like to reschedule that appointment? We have a few openings on [dates and times]. Okay, perfect! We look forward to seeing you then! Have a wonderful day!”
Alternatively, you can use automated reminders to help pet owners remember when their appointment is.?
For example, using Chckup’s appointment reminder software is an easy and effective way to remind clients of their upcoming visits and reduce the time your staff has to spend on the phone.
It also makes confirmations faster and more convenient for clients and cuts down on no-shows.
2. Rescheduling Missed Appointments
Many clients miss appointments. It’s a fact of life for both human and veterinary medicine.?
However, you should call them back within a day or two of missing an appointment.
“Hi, [client name], this is [caller] from [your practice name]. I’m following up regarding your missed appointment on [date and time]. Can we reschedule you for another time? We have openings on [dates and times].
3. Scheduling Follow Up Appointments
It’s also essential to not just worry about missed appointments but to call clients who may not have had time to schedule a new appointment after their last time in the practice.
“Hi, [client name], this is [caller] from [your practice name]. We’re calling to schedule your next [follow up appointment type]. Can we set a date now for your next appointment? We have openings on [dates and times].
4. Possible Future Clients
New or potential clients can be the most challenging to deal with over the phone. It’s much harder to acquire new business than it is to retain existing clients. This is due to the time and effort required to establish trust with these potential new clients.
Here’s a script for following up with potential clients:
“Hi, [client name], this is [caller] from [your practice name]. We’re following up about your recent [treatment, price, etc.] inquiry. Is now a good time for you to talk?
If they say No:
“Okay, when would be a good time for us to call you back?”
If they say Yes:
“Are you looking for more info about [specific question/service] or to book an appointment? If you’re looking for an appointment, we have openings on [dates and times]. Can we schedule you for one of those times?
Important Tips To Remember When Following Call Scripts
Here are a few tips for your veterinary staff to remember when they’re engaging with clients over the phone:
Be Brief:?
Be Genuine:?
Be Thorough:
Examples of what to repeat:
Best Practices for Your Veterinary Receptionist Scripts
Do you want to learn more powerful and simple ways to schedule clients and help your business grow and thrive? We’ve got everything you need here at Chckup, including software solutions and cutting-edge tools to streamline your practice. Contact us today to learn more about our services or?schedule a demo.