A veteran is someone who at one point in their lives, wrote a blank cheque made payable to this country for an amount "up to and incuding their lives".
That is honour and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand their sacrifice now, or in the past.
We have a duty to respect with dignity the sacrifices that they made to keep us safe, together with our assistance in their hours of need and those of whose loved ones are left behind.
No one wants war, except those who want regime change because their leaders refuse to bow down to them and their ideals. As a people we should all stand up for that which is right, rather than a nod in appreciation for the orders that they followed.
All service personnel are required to follow orders laid down to them by their officers, who take their orders from their generals, who in turn take their orders from their respective governments but governments can be wrong.
The older generation know what its like to lose someone dearly loved through conflict and we have a duty to instruct those who are young to what is right. Defence is much better than any form of attack, yet in defence you must be willing to go that extra mile in defending others, irrespective of who they may be.
Be a good neighbour to all those around you, irrespective of their colour, gender, or faith, for by what you do towards others will make them follow your example. In times of need we all need someones help sooner or later, so be ready to help others less fortunate to yourselves.