Veterans Day/Remembrance Day 11/11/11 #RemembranceSunday #RemembranceDay #VeteransDay #LestWeForget
To all those who have served their Country, both abroad and at home, we say Thanks.
In Honor of Veteran's Day, I'd like to share this poem.
In the Service of my Country by Scott Hazlinsky
In the service of my country, I have been prepared to give all
In the service of my country, I have had comrades fall
In deserts, and in mountains, in wadis filled with mud
Through the smoke and the gunfire, in orchards soaked with blood
In the service of my country, I have aged beyond my years
In the service of my country, I have faced my deepest fears
I have become closer than brothers, with those that I have served in war
It is for the men next to me, my brothers that I fight for
In the service of my country, I have often been away from home
In the service of my country, I have never been alone
The freedoms that we love, were earned by men like me
And we will keep on fighting, so we can all breathe free
In the service of my country, we do not ask a lot
Remember all our sacrifices, they should never be forgot
A 21 gun salute, a folded flag, the sweet melody of taps
Remember to honor the heroes of our country's past
Song of Service - Prayer for the United States Armed Forces
the Song of Service, A Prayer for Our Armed Forces
The Ballad of Rodger Young-MoH
(Take) A Pittance of Time (Canada):
Patriot Guard - A Pittance of Time (USA)
"Hymn to the Fallen" by John Williams
Remembrance Day Soldier Cries (Soldiers Cry)
Sullivan Ballou Letter-Sullivan Ballou - "Dear Sarah" - A Soldier's Farewell Letter to his Wife?? :
The Band Played Waltzing Matilda - John McDermott
Remembering the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month: Armistice, Remembrance, Veterans Day, and Tipperary , by @padresteve
How to Talk to a Veteran: A list of questions to avoid, questions to ask, and ways to say 'thank you'
Honor Flight-National Site:
Jonathan A. Cohen
O Valiant Hearts