Veterans Day
On the 11th day of the 11th month marks the 99th anniversary of Armistice Day, now known as Veterans Day. That day nearly 100 years ago marked what should have been the end of the war to end all wars, World War I. However, there have been many wars fought since…again in Europe and the Pacific, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places too numerous to list. Since the first Armistice Day, a day to commemorate the end of war, it has evolved to honor the duty, sacrifice, and service of the more than 25 million American veterans who have served throughout our nation’s history.
We are committed to honoring and serving all of our veterans and their families. We cannot repay our veterans for all they have given us, from the bottoms of our hearts we cherish the sacrifice you have given and the service you continue to provide. We ask our friends and neighbors to take a moment to embrace the veterans in your life. Celebrate and honor them every day. Learn and share the names and stories of those who fell in defense of our nation. Find a way to give back to them by volunteering with local veteran community organizations or VA facilities. Teach the next generation the importance of this day, share the stories and names of our heroes, and be proud of our republic and the brave individuals willing to defend it. Lastly, remember our veterans every day, thank them for their service.
Veterans have given us freedom, security, justice and a strong nation. It is impossible to thank all of you, enough for all you have done for the rest of us. Thank you for your service, God bless you all, God bless our veterans, and God bless America. Thank you