Veterans Day
Today, we celebrate and show appreciation to our veterans for the selfless service to this great nation. This month, especially today, light your front entry way with a green light. It signifies your appreciation and support of our veterans. When you encounter a veteran today and any day, try to thank them for their service or simply place your hand over your heart and nod your head. Conscription in the United States ended on January 27, 1973. Since then service in our military has been a choice. They volunteer not because they have to, but because they chose to. We owe a debt of gratitude to every veteran and military member for their service and sacrifice. I am proud of my colleagues and their service; the student veterans in our classrooms; and all the veterans I encounter daily…thank you for your service and sacrifice. I am proud to have served as long as I did, retiring from the Air Force in 1997. However, I am very proud of those that came before me and after; my grandfather – Edward Duke (USN), my father-in-law – Clyde Mohler (USMC), and my son – Alexander Bush (USA). Thank you for your service.
“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.” - John F. Kennedy