Veterans Day.

Veterans Day.

Today, November 11, is Veterans Day. Many may not know this, but it used to be known as "Armistice Day" to signify the end of the First World War, when the guns fell silent at 11 am on the 11th day of November in 1918. That deadly conflict was supposed to be the "war to end all wars," but since it obviously wasn't, Armistice Day became "Veterans Day" in 1954. It now rightly honors every man and woman who has worn the uniform in peacetime and in war.

Today our nation is defended by citizens who volunteer to serve. They are a unique group who willingly give up their freedoms to go where they please, and do as they please, in exchange for a chance to belong to something greater than themselves. The sacrifices are real -- as more than 20 years of war since 9/11 show -- and they extend well beyond the veteran to families which endure extended absences and the terrible uncertainty that their loved one may never come home. It is, at its core, a labor of love.

At Mission Edge we've worked with many veteran service organizations over the years, from The Honor Foundation , Zero8Hundred , SEAL Family Foundation , PsychArmor , Armed Services YMCA San Diego , and many others. In addition, our CEO, Ken Davenport, has had the honor to work at FourBlock and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families - IVMF , where he's helped many transitioning service members as they take off the uniform and start a new life in the civilian world.

Just a week or so ago Ken published a new book on veteran transition called The Stoic Transition . It's a guide designed to help veterans think through not just what they need in their new life, but what they truly want. Using the ancient philosophy of Stoicism as a guide, it lays a foundation for veterans to take control of their lives by focusing on what's truly important, use of the power of their perceptions to see obstacles as opportunities, learn to embrace failure as a primary tool for learning, and come to love their life for what it is, rather than what it could, would or should be.

Anyone in transition could benefit from that kind of thinking!

It is our hope that every veteran finds a life of purpose. This nation needs them. Now, more than ever.


