On Veterans Day: Let us thank You for your Voice
Every Veteran takes "Thank you for your service" a little differently. For a lot of us who are no longer in uniform, it makes us think of those we served with who didn't come home and those still in harm's way. That element of military culture is what I miss the most about active duty service...that collective pull toward caring for those among us in need.
The sad truth is that there are a great many men and women who have served our nation and are in a terrible state of need today. They are in harm's way here at home, facing a health system that is unable to protect them the way they deserve. The Veterans Health Administration estimates that we lose 20 Veterans every day to suicide. The Washington Post reports that the Department of Veterans Affairs now has 49,000 unfilled positions. It is estimated that 96% of VA facilities are experiencing at least one severe occupational shortage. The most severe shortages are in psychiatry, with 85 facilities lacking the professional staff they need.
Part of the root of this problem lies in laws that limit the pay of federal employees and cap salaries for some key positions at as little as half of private sector wages. This is a solvable problem. It is a problem wrapped in the way we as a society set our priorities and how we as Americans approach the promises we make to the men and women we send to fight for us. We can and must do better.
So, for this Veterans Day, please thank the Veterans you meet. We appreciate the sentiment. But please also take the time to reach out to your congressman and let them know where our most vulnerable Veterans stand among your priorities.
You can find the member of the House representing you at: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
You can find your Senators at: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact
Please reach out to them. Let them know that 49,000 empty VA positions is an unacceptable way to serve those who have served us. Let them know that 20 veteran suicides a day is an unacceptable loss to our country and a violation of the sacred pact we make with those who swear to protect us. Let them know you care, and that you're watching.
Afterwards, let us thank you for speaking out on behalf of those in the Veteran community who are at greatest risk, who deserve the care of a fully staffed VA, and who might not be among us next Veterans Day if we are unable to drive change.
Thank you for raising your voice in service to those who served.