Veterans Day 2022 - Another great event - Armistice Day & Poppies

Today had another great day speaking to 26 veterans in a US Flag Pinning Ceremony and Recognizing Veterans from the Marine Corps (on the Marine Corps Birthday), Army, Army Air Corps (the young lady hit 100 today), Army National Guard, Air Force and of course the United States Navy - here is what I said:

Good Afternoon, it is a pleasure to be able to once again celebrate Veterans Day with all of you, this marks my 5th year in doing so. I do this also for selfish reasons as it gives me an opportunity to see if I can still fit into my uniform.

Thank you Mr. McCoy, the Pacifica Senior Living Staff, Vista High School Air Force ROTC, families, friends, and of course my fellow veterans.

I thought I would start off today with the history of veterans day, previously known as Armistice Day - this also includes the spouses, the sons, the daughters and the entire family which supports the military service member.

World War 1’s fighting ceased on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month when an armistice was signed between Germany and the Allied nations. It is regarded as the end of World War I. Then in Nov. 1919, President Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day, now Veterans Day which is always on the 11th of November and does not change.

Along with the spirit of Armistice/Remembrance Day worldwide, many commemorate by wearing a simply red poppy on the lapel, reminiscent of the red poppies that were among the first plants to bloom in the devastated battlefields of northern France and Belgium. The connection with the poppy and the fallen soldier was solidified with one of the era’s most famous poems, “In Flanders Field,” written by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae. McCrae was reportedly inspired to write the poem after presiding over the funeral of his friend and fellow soldier 22-year-old Lieutenant Alexis Helmer. The poem gives voice to those soldiers buried in the battlefield, pleading with survivors to take up the torch of their fight, and to remember them even though red poppies now cover the battlefield.

I would now like to share the poem with all of you

In Flanders Fields

by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae

?In Flanders fields the poppies blow?

Between the crosses row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly?

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago?

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved and now we lie?

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:?

To you, from failing hands we throw?

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die?

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow,

In Flanders fields - I always curious regarding how to wear the poppy on your lapel - here is a story about that.

A man selling poppies stop a lady and asked if he could reposition her poppy.?While doing so he told the lady that she should wear the poppy on her right side; the red represents the blood of all those who gave their lives, the black represents the mourning of those who didn’t have their loved ones return home, and the green leaf represents the grass and crops growing and future prosperity after the war destroyed so much.?The leaf should be positioned at 11 0’clock to represent the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month the time that World War 1 ended.

I like him believe that with approximately only 7% of our population are veterans, that our younger generations wouldn’t understand this and our generation wouldn’t be around much longer to teach them.?We must remember those from our current wars too - those from the War On Terror, Desert Shield Desert Storm, Iraq and Afhganistan.?It is our responsibility to share and pass this knowledge on to those who do not know the meaning and who care enough to know.

I would now like to shift focus on celebrating each service represented here today - again as I go through this it is not just about the Veteran but the entire support group for the veteran, spouse, children and many others.

First because it is November 10th - Happy 247th birthday to my brothers and sisters who served and are serving in the United States Marine Corps - Semper Fidelis to you which is the Latin for “Always Faithful” ?- TO EACH OTHER, TO OUR COUNTRY, AND TO THE BATTLES AHEAD. This is the motto of every Marine—an eternal and collective commitment to the success of our battles, the progress of our Nation, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines we fight alongside - because of this mindset they earned nicknames such as Devil Dogs and Leather Necks and rightly deserved all of them.

The 1st two battalions of Continental Marines officially became "resolved" when Congress issued the first commission to?Captain?Samuel Nicholas?on 28 November 1775.Nicholas' family were?tavernkeepers, his prominence came not from his work but from his leadership in two local clubs for fox-hunters and sport fishermen. Historian Edwin Simmons surmises that it is most likely Nicholas was using his family tavern, the "Conestoga Waggon", as a recruiting post;?although the standing legend in the United States Marine Corps today places its first recruiting post at?Tun Tavern?in Philadelphia - having served with so many Marines - this is so apropos.

Next the United States Army – we celebrate the U.S. Army Birthday on June 14th as we remember its creation in 1775. The army originally consisted of volunteer soldiers with roots to the Continental Army — and was formed to fight the Revolutionary War commanded under General George Washington. Today, as the largest branch of the U.S. military, the proud men and women of the U.S. Army continue to provide peace and security for all of us. The U.S. Army is 245 years old, and counting. It’s Motto is “This We’ll Defend” - was 1st used by the War Office of the Continental Army during the American Revolution in 1778, signifying the unit’s constant readiness over the past 200+ years to defend the country and preserve its integrity. The phrase is steeped in a long history of service to America, considering that the Army is the oldest branch of the military. You can find the motto on its official flag as well as on the Department of the Army’s emblem.

As a Naval Academy Alumn and veteran I have to say - GO NAVY BEAT ARMY! - I will probably do this several more times (smiles and laughter all around).

In leading off with this I have to wish the young lady whose 100th birthday today as a member of The?United States Army Air Corps?(USAAC) which was the?aerial warfare?service component of the?United States Army?between 1926 and 1941. After?World War I, as early aviation became an increasingly important part of modern warfare, a philosophical rift developed between more traditional ground-based army personnel and those who felt that aircraft were being underutilized and that air operations were being stifled for political reasons unrelated to their effectiveness. The Air Corps was renamed from the earlier?United States Army Air Service?on 2 July 1926, and was part of the larger?United States Army.

The Air Corps became the?United States Army Air Forces on 20 June 1941, giving it greater autonomy from the Army's middle-level command structure. During?World War II, although not an administrative echelon, the Air Corps remained as one of the?combat arms?of the Army until 1947, when it was legally abolished by legislation establishing the:

Department of the Air Force with its birthday of September 18. The Air Force is a relative baby - I say that with great admiration - among the other branches of the military, and it turned a spry 76 yrs old this year.?It’s motto “Aim High … Fly-Fight-Win” Formally adopted in 2010, is both a call-to-action and a promise in response. The Air Force always pushes itself to new heights (no pun intended) and expects its airmen to do the same. Also congratulations to the Air Force and the Vista High School Air Force ROTC as Air Force won the Commander in Chief trophy outright.

The National Guard with a birthday this coming December 13th is a unique and essential element of the U.S. military. Founded in 1636 as a citizen force organized to protect families and towns from hostile attacks, today’s National Guard Soldiers hold civilian jobs or attend college while maintaining their military training part-time, always ready to defend the American way of life in the event of an emergency. National Guard Soldiers serve both community and country. Their versatility enables them to respond to domestic emergencies, overseas combat missions, counterdrug efforts, reconstruction missions and more. The Guard always responds with speed, strength, and efficiency, helping to defend American freedom and ideals. The National Guard motto, “Always Ready, Always There” means the Guard has to be ready for many contingencies that will likely never occur.

And of course last but not least is the United States Navy which celebrates it’s birthday on October 13th, also the ripe old age of 248, which recognize the brave men and women who have served our country — past and present. Established during the Revolutionary War, the original Continental Navy was formed, disbanded, and then reestablished nearly 10 years later. Today it’s the largest and most capable navy in the world, with the highest combined battle fleet tonnage. The Navy also boasts the world’s largest aircraft carrier fleet, over 300,000 active personnel, and nearly 100,000 in the Ready Reserve.

GO NAVY BEAT ARMY - I told you so (another round of laughter)

Thank you Veterans for choosing to serve our great county - Thank you to the spouses here today, families and friends - Thank you again for this opportunity – God Bless you, God Bless all of our veterans?and God Bless our great country. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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