VET FAQ for the 1st (12/1/2017)
So I am starting something new called “VET FAQs for the 1st” for veterans who want to be in the know for employment. I talk to many people in Illinois and I feel it important to inspire other Veterans to do what works for them and those around them. I welcome inspirational comments as I am only one human :)
Q1: What are some easy things to do in order to avoid employment RED Flags to avoid?
1. Avoid frightening civilians with war stories at the work place. Keep it clean, we fight to keep peace here in the states. Even when they ask for it.
2. Avoid Military Jargon with civilians. It is hard to do... I get it! but it doesn't make sense to them.
3. Do not attempt to treat civilians inferiorly just because they have not been in the military. This for some people is hard especially when it at times is reaped through the ranks. There are many civilians who have doctorate degrees or have designed the equipment we utilize in the battle field. They treat us with respect. They hire us. They put food on our families tables. Show them the same appreciation for their competence as they have shown us.
4. Regardless of how you feel about previous employment in or out of the military, never exfoliate hatred towards them to others whom they may influence. Maybe you didn't like everyone there... but when you get on a social network like LinkedIn or Facebook and make a negative statement you hurt everyone there. Handle things behind as much of a closed door as you are comfortable with. It also looks bad to future employers who realize the ramifications to social media "trolls" who dispel toxic waste on open forums... It just might keep you from getting that next gig.
Q2. What can I do in order to be proactive in my search for employment?
1. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable... hey you have gotten up at 4 am for Uncle Sam, why not do the same for your career. Put yourself out there.
2. Get educated. Be it undergrad, grad or certifications... go get it. Someone makes money off your efforts and you can only do so much with that... why not include your skills sets that you bring to the table and compound your efforts.
3. "Squeaky wheel gets the oil". Inspire people of the fact that you exist and have something to offer them. I made the cut many times because I was proactive positive and assertive in what I was choosing to go after.
That’s all I’ve got for now, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions for the next FAQ.
For IT certification opportunities please reach out to me
312.228.6347 [email protected]