Vested interests, the proper handling of differences, the international rules-based order, and “a place in the dock”
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:?
- 美国近年来退出联合国教科文组织、《巴黎协定》等17个国际组织或协定,在全球大搞无差别窃听、窃密,连G7盟友也不放过,肆意挥舞外交施压、经济胁迫、军事干涉大棒,悍然侵略阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚等弱小国家,造成数千万无辜平民丧生或沦为难民。在遵守国际规则方面,美国应当站在被告席上,而不是对别国指手画脚。?
In recent years, the US walked away from 17 international organizations and treaties, including UNESCO and the Paris Agreement. The US has spied indiscriminately on countries globally, not least its G7 allies, strong-armed countries diplomatically, and applied economic coercion and military interference. The US has blatantly invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and other countries that are smaller and weaker than the US, killing and displacing tens of millions of innocent civilians. When it comes to international rules, the US’s place is in the dock. It is in no position to point fingers at other countries.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 事实一再表明,那些“捍卫人权”调门喊得最高的国家,恰恰是残害无辜百姓最多的“刽子手”;那些攻击别国人权状况最起劲的国家,恰恰最应该坐到世界人权的“被告席”上。?
These are the facts. Those who are most vocal about defending human rights have turned out to be the deadliest murderers of innocent civilians; and those most fervently attacking other countries’ human rights conditions are the ones who should be put in the dock on human rights.?
- 最后我还想说,对于亚洲和世界其他地区的国家来说,军国主义侵略是日本历史上最黑暗的“魔”,日本只有敢于、勇于正视并战胜自己历史上和心理上的这个“魔”,才能真正重新取信于亚洲邻国和国际社会,否则只会继续处在历史的被告席上。?
Last but not least, for countries in Asia and other parts of the world, militarist aggression is the most evil "demon" in the history of Japan. Only by bravely facing up to and conquering the "demon" in the history and mind of Japan, can Japan win back the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community. Otherwise, it will always be in the dock of history.?
Today’s quote:
- 今天,美国口口声声要维护以规则为基础的国际秩序,却把自己当年起草的《波茨坦公告》抛在脑后,支持、纵容“台独”分裂活动,破坏战后国际秩序,损害中国主权和领土完整,中国人民决不答应。?
Today, the US claims itself to be a champion of the “rules-based international order”, while ditching the Potsdam Proclamation it drafted, supporting and conniving at “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, undermining the post-war international order and China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Chinese people will not accept this.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 当地时间5月10日,秦刚国务委员兼外长在德国柏林参观了波茨坦会议旧址并发表讲话。秦刚国务委员表示,1945年召开的波茨坦会议对奠定二战后国际秩序发挥了重要作用,对中国人民具有特殊的历史意义。会后发表的《波茨坦公告》重申了《开罗宣言》的规定,包括日本所窃取的包括台湾在内的中国领土应归还中国。这是世界反法西斯战争的重大成果。这是3500万中国军民用生命和鲜血换来的。?
On May 10 [2023] local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited the site of the Potsdam Conference in Berlin and delivered remarks. State Councilor Qin noted that the Potsdam Conference in 1945 played an important role in establishing the post-World War II international order and is of special historical significance to the Chinese people. The Potsdam Proclamation issued after the meeting reaffirmed the terms of the Cairo Declaration, which states that all the territories Japan has stolen from China, such as Taiwan, shall be restored to China. This is a major outcome of the World Anti-Fascist War that was won after 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians were either killed or wounded during that war.?
- 1945年7月26日,中美英三国共同签署、后来苏联参加的《波茨坦公告》,重申“开罗宣言之条件必将实施”。?
The Potsdam Proclamation was signed by China, the United States and the United Kingdom on July 26, 1945, and subsequently recognized by the Soviet Union. It reiterated: "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out."?
- 世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。这不仅具有充分的事实和法理依据,也为《开罗宣言》《波茨坦公告》等一系列法律文件所确认。?
There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. This is not only supported by a solid factual and jurisprudential basis, but also affirmed in a series of legal instruments including the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation.?
- 当地时间5月10日,秦刚国务委员兼外长在德国柏林参观了波茨坦会议旧址并发表讲话。秦刚国务委员表示,1945年召开的波茨坦会议对奠定二战后国际秩序发挥了重要作用,对中国人民具有特殊的历史意义。会后发表的《波茨坦公告》重申了《开罗宣言》的规定,包括日本所窃取的包括台湾在内的中国领土应归还中国。这是世界反法西斯战争的重大成果。这是3500万中国军民用生命和鲜血换来的。?
On May 10 [2023] local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited the site of the Potsdam Conference in Berlin and delivered remarks. State Councilor Qin noted that the Potsdam Conference in 1945 played an important role in establishing the post-World War II international order and is of special historical significance to the Chinese people. The Potsdam Proclamation issued after the meeting reaffirmed the terms of the Cairo Declaration, which states that all the territories Japan has stolen from China, such as Taiwan, shall be restored to China. This is a major outcome of the World Anti-Fascist War that was won after 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians were either killed or wounded during that war.?
Today’s quote:
- 谈到国际规则,首先应当搞清楚,什么是国际规则。国际社会绝大多数国家都认同,以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则,才是各国都应当遵守的国际规则。七国集团(G7)很少提联合国宪章,却总把“民主国家”“以规则为基础的国际秩序”挂在嘴边。说穿了,G7所说的国际规则,就是以意识形态和价值观划线的西方规则,就是“美国第一”、G7主导的“小圈子”规则。这样的规则,服务的是G7等少数国家的既得利益,而不是国际社会的共同利益。?
Before discussing international rules, we need to first of all make clear what exactly the international rules are. For the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, international rules consist of the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and all countries must abide by them. The G7 hardly ever mentions the UN Charter, but keeps talking about “democracies” and the so-called “rules-based international order”. However, when the G7 talk about international rules, they mean the Western rules that draw lines according to ideologies and values and the US-first and G7-dominated rules of a small circle. Those rules serve the vested interest of a very few countries, including the G7, rather than the common interests of the international community.?
- 要求中国遵守国际规则,但自身恰恰是违反规则、破坏规则的代表。美国近年来退出联合国教科文组织、《巴黎协定》等17个国际组织或协定,在全球大搞无差别窃听、窃密,连G7盟友也不放过,肆意挥舞外交施压、经济胁迫、军事干涉大棒,悍然侵略阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚等弱小国家,造成数千万无辜平民丧生或沦为难民。在遵守国际规则方面,美国应当站在被告席上,而不是对别国指手画脚。?
While asking China to abide by international rules, the G7 itself has constantly violated and disrupted rules. In recent years, the US walked away from 17 international organizations and treaties, including UNESCO and the Paris Agreement. The US has spied indiscriminately on countries globally, not least its G7 allies, strong-armed countries diplomatically, and applied economic coercion and military interference. The US has blatantly invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and other countries that are smaller and weaker than the US, killing and displacing tens of millions of innocent civilians. When it comes to international rules, the US’s place is in the dock. It is in no position to point fingers at other countries.?
- 中国积极推动网络、深海、极地、外空、反腐败等新兴领域国际规则的谈判和制定工作。?
China has actively facilitated negotiations and formulation of international rules in such emerging areas as cyber, deep sea, polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic), outer space and anti-corruption.?
- 香港积极融入国家发展大局、对接国家发展战略,继续保持高度自由开放、同国际规则顺畅衔接的优势,在构建我国更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放新格局中发挥着重要功能。?
Proactively integrating itself into the country's overall development and carving out its role in national strategies, Hong Kong has maintained its strengths in its high degree of openness and in aligning with international rules. In doing so, the region has been playing an important role in raising China's opening up to a higher level with wider coverage and scope.?
- 美方打着促进地区合作的旗号,玩弄的却是地缘博弈的把戏;高喊要回归多边主义,实际上却在搞封闭排他的“俱乐部”;声称要维护国际规则,却试图另搞一套自己的“帮规”。?
The US professes a desire to advance regional cooperation, but in reality it is stoking geopolitical rivalry. It talks a lot about returning to multilateralism, but in reality it is forming exclusive clubs. It claims to uphold international rules, but in reality it is setting and imposing rules that suit itself and its acolytes.?
- 谈到国际规则,首先应当搞清楚,什么是国际规则。国际社会绝大多数国家都认同,以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则,才是各国都应当遵守的国际规则。七国集团(G7)很少提联合国宪章,却总把“民主国家”“以规则为基础的国际秩序”挂在嘴边。说穿了,G7所说的国际规则,就是以意识形态和价值观划线的西方规则,就是“美国第一”、G7主导的“小圈子”规则。这样的规则,服务的是G7等少数国家的既得利益,而不是国际社会的共同利益。?
Before discussing international rules, we need to first of all make clear what exactly the international rules are. For the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, international rules consist of the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and all countries must abide by them. The G7 hardly ever mentions the UN Charter, but keeps talking about “democracies” and the so-called “rules-based international order”. However, when the G7 talk about international rules, they mean the Western rules that draw lines according to ideologies and values and the US-first and G7-dominated rules of a small circle. Those rules serve the vested interest of a very few countries, including the G7, rather than the common interests of the international community.?
Today’s quote:
- 当地时间5月10日,秦刚国务委员兼外长在德国柏林参观了波茨坦会议旧址并发表讲话。秦刚国务委员表示,1945年召开的波茨坦会议对奠定二战后国际秩序发挥了重要作用,对中国人民具有特殊的历史意义。会后发表的《波茨坦公告》重申了《开罗宣言》的规定,包括日本所窃取的包括台湾在内的中国领土应归还中国。这是世界反法西斯战争的重大成果。这是3500万中国军民用生命和鲜血换来的。?
On May 10 [2023] local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited the site of the Potsdam Conference in Berlin and delivered remarks. State Councilor Qin noted that the Potsdam Conference in 1945 played an important role in establishing the post-World War II international order and is of special historical significance to the Chinese people. The Potsdam Proclamation issued after the meeting reaffirmed the terms of the Cairo Declaration, which states that all the territories Japan has stolen from China, such as Taiwan, shall be restored to China. This is a major outcome of the World Anti-Fascist War that was won after 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians were either killed or wounded during that war.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 1943年12月1日,中美英三国政府发表《开罗宣言》宣布,三国之宗旨在使日本所窃取于中国之领土,例如东北、台湾、澎湖列岛等,归还中国。?
The Cairo Declaration issued by China, the United States and the United Kingdom on December 1, 1943 stated that it was the purpose of the three allies that all the territories Japan had stolen from China, such as Northeast China, Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, should be restored to China.?
- 一段时间以来,日本一些政治人物频频以各种方式歪曲美化侵略历史,公然违背明确规定把台湾归还中国的《开罗宣言》等重要法律文件。?
For quite some time, some Japanese politicians have kept using various means to distort and glorify its history of aggression and openly acted against important legal instruments including the Cairo Declaration of 1943, which clearly stipulates that Taiwan shall be restored to China.?
- 世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。这不仅具有充分的事实和法理依据,也为《开罗宣言》《波茨坦公告》等一系列法律文件所确认。?
There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. This is not only supported by a solid factual and jurisprudential basis, but also affirmed in a series of legal instruments including the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation.?
Today’s quote:
- 谈到国际规则,首先应当搞清楚,什么是国际规则。国际社会绝大多数国家都认同,以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则,才是各国都应当遵守的国际规则。七国集团(G7)很少提联合国宪章,却总把“民主国家”“以规则为基础的国际秩序”挂在嘴边。说穿了,G7所说的国际规则,就是以意识形态和价值观划线的西方规则,就是“美国第一”、G7主导的“小圈子”规则。?
Before discussing international rules, we need to first of all make clear what exactly the international rules are. For the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, international rules consist of the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and all countries must abide by them. The G7 hardly ever mentions the UN Charter, but keeps talking about “democracies” and the so-called “rules-based international order”. However, when the G7 talk about international rules, they mean the Western rules that draw lines according to ideologies and values and the US-first and G7-dominated rules of a small circle.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 国际机构是开展国际合作的平台,不是推行地缘博弈的战场。如果美方真心客观评价中国在联合国教科文组织的积极作用,我们表示欢迎。但是,如果美方为了平衡、限制中方影响而重返教科文组织,只会让各方质疑美方是换汤不换药,仍旧把“美国第一”置于国际公益之上。?
International organizations are platforms for global cooperation, not arenas for geopolitical games. We welcome it if the US truly sees China’s positive role in UNESCO objectively. However, if the US’s return to the organization is meant to counter or check China’s influence, it will only lead to questions as to if the US remains unchanged at heart and still puts “America first” before international public wellbeing.?
Today’s quote:
- 当地时间5月10日,秦刚国务委员兼外长在德国柏林参观了波茨坦会议旧址并发表讲话。秦刚国务委员表示,1945年召开的波茨坦会议对奠定二战后国际秩序发挥了重要作用,对中国人民具有特殊的历史意义。会后发表的《波茨坦公告》重申了《开罗宣言》的规定,包括日本所窃取的包括台湾在内的中国领土应归还中国。这是世界反法西斯战争的重大成果。这是3500万中国军民用生命和鲜血换来的。?
On May 10 [2023] local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited the site of the Potsdam Conference in Berlin and delivered remarks. State Councilor Qin noted that the Potsdam Conference in 1945 played an important role in establishing the post-World War II international order and is of special historical significance to the Chinese people. The Potsdam Proclamation issued after the meeting reaffirmed the terms of the Cairo Declaration, which states that all the territories Japan has stolen from China, such as Taiwan, shall be restored to China. This is a major outcome of the World Anti-Fascist War that was won after 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians were either killed or wounded during that war.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 世界反法西斯战争伟大胜利的取得,是全世界爱好和平和正义的国家和人民共同奋斗的结果,也为二战后国际秩序的构建奠定了重要基础。?
The great victory of the World Anti-Fascist War was secured thanks to the concerted efforts of countries and people loving peace and justice all over the world. The victory also laid an important foundation for the establishment of the post-World War II international order.?
- 世界反法西斯战争的胜利带给世人的一个重要启示是,国与国之间应该相互尊重,和平共处,求同存异,坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续新安全观,重视各国合理安全关切,以对话代替对抗,以团结代替分裂,以合作代替冲突,这才是维护世界和平、促进共同发展的正确之道。?
An important lesson from the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War is that countries should respect each other, live in peace, seek common ground while putting aside differences, follow the new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, take all countries’ legitimate security concerns seriously, and pursue dialogue instead of confrontation, solidarity instead of division and cooperation instead of conflict. That is the right way to uphold world peace and promote common development.?
- 2015年,两军共同庆祝世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,互派高层和方队参加对方庆祝活动和庆典阅兵,首次一年内举行两次海上联合演习,中方参加俄主办的国际军事比赛全部项目,在俄成功举行首届“中国军事文化周”。?
In 2015 the two militaries [China and Russia] jointly commemorated the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, and sent high-ranking officers and teams to each other's commemoration activities and military parades. The two militaries successfully held joint maritime drills twice in a year for the first time. China participated in all events of the international military skill competition hosted by Russia, and the first Chinese Military Culture Week was held in Russia.?
- 70年前,我们的先辈经过浴血奋战,取得了世界反法西斯战争的胜利,翻过了人类历史上黑暗的一页。?
Seventy years ago, the earlier generation of mankind, with vision and foresight, established the United Nations. This universal and most representative and authoritative international organization has carried mankind’s hope for a new future and ushered in a new era of cooperation.?
Today’s quote:
- 美国近年来退出联合国教科文组织、《巴黎协定》等17个国际组织或协定,在全球大搞无差别窃听、窃密,连G7盟友也不放过,肆意挥舞外交施压、经济胁迫、军事干涉大棒,悍然侵略阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚等弱小国家,造成数千万无辜平民丧生或沦为难民。?
In recent years, the US walked away from 17 international organizations and treaties, including UNESCO and the Paris Agreement. The US has spied indiscriminately on countries globally, not least its G7 allies, strong-armed countries diplomatically, and applied economic coercion and military interference. The US has blatantly invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and other countries that are smaller and weaker than the US, killing and displacing tens of millions of innocent civilians.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 解决台湾问题是中国人自己的事,任何外国都无权干涉,也不要指望中国会因外部施压而在维护自身主权和领土完整问题上有任何退让。?
Resolving the Taiwan question is a matter for the Chinese ourselves. No foreign forces should try to interfere in the Taiwan question or expect China to make any concession on issues concerning its sovereignty and territorial integrity under external pressure.?
- 半岛形势发展到今天,症结是清楚的,美方拒不回应朝方已采取的无核化措施,反而不断加强对朝施压威慑是主要原因。?
The crux of how the Korean Peninsula situation gets to where it is today is clear. The main reason is that the parties concerned have refused to respond to the denuclearization measures taken by the DPRK, and continued to intensify their pressuring and deterring of the DPRK.?
- 冲突、制裁、施压解决不了问题,现在需要的是冷静、理智、对话,和谈进程应尽快开启,各方合理安全关切都应得到尊重,从而找到实现欧洲长治久安之策。?
Conflict, sanctions and pressure will not solve the problem. What is needed is calmness, reason and dialogue. The process of peace talks should begin as soon as possible, and the legitimate security concerns of all parties should be respected. This is the right way to achieve durable security in Europe.?
- 国与国难免出现矛盾和摩擦,施压抹黑、单边制裁,往往事与愿违,甚至贻害无穷。?
Disagreements and frictions do exist between countries. Yet handling them with pressuring, smear campaigns or unilateral sanctions is often counterproductive, and may even entail endless trouble.?
Today’s quote:
- 中方愿同澳方一道,落实好两国领导人达成的重要共识,增进互信、深化合作、妥处分歧,推动中澳关系持续健康稳定发展。
?China stands ready to work together with Australia to deliver on the important common understandings reached by our leaders, build mutual trust, deepen cooperation, properly handle differences and work for the sustained, sound and steady development of bilateral relations.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 南海的和平稳定,关键在于地区国家坚持相互信任、团结合作,把妥处分歧的主动权掌握在自己手里。?
When regional countries are committed to mutual trust, solidarity, cooperation and properly handling differences, they have in their hand the key to peace and stability in the South China Sea.?
- 此次磋商中,中方与英、法两国防务部门代表就军事交流合作、地区安全形势、国防与军队建设等共同关心的问题深入交换了意见,一致认为中英、中法军队应加强战略沟通和机制性交流,开展多领域合作,增进了解,深化信任,妥处分歧,为两国两军关系健康稳定发展作出积极贡献。?
During the talks [online defense strategic dialogues between China, the UK and France on January 12 and 13, 2022] , the Chinese side had in-depth discussions with representatives from defense departments of the UK and France on issues of mutual interests, including defense cooperation, regional security situation, and defense and military development. The Chinese side agreed with both the British side and the French side to strengthen strategic communication and institutionalized exchanges, conduct cooperation in different areas, enhance mutual understanding and trust and properly handle their differences, so as to make positive contributions to the sound and stable development of the relations between the countries and the militaries.?
- 今天习近平主席和杜特尔特总统举行会谈时,就妥处分歧、改善发展两国关系进行了友好坦诚深入的交流。 习近平主席指出,双方要坚持妥善处理分歧。?
President Xi Jinping and President Duterte had a friendly and candid exchange of views on how to handle disputes and improve bilateral relations during today's meeting. As pointed out by President Xi Jinping, the two sides should commit themselves to the proper settlement of disputes.?
- 我们愿同包括菲方在内的有关各方共同努力妥处分歧,维护地区和平,实现共同发展。?
We are willing to work with relevant parties including the Philippines to properly handle disputes, maintain regional peace and realize common development.?
- 谈到国际规则,首先应当搞清楚,什么是国际规则。国际社会绝大多数国家都认同,以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则,才是各国都应当遵守的国际规则。七国集团(G7)很少提联合国宪章,却总把“民主国家”“以规则为基础的国际秩序”挂在嘴边。说穿了,G7所说的国际规则,就是以意识形态和价值观划线的西方规则,就是“美国第一”、G7主导的“小圈子”规则。这样的规则,服务的是G7等少数国家的既得利益,而不是国际社会的共同利益。?
Before discussing international rules, we need to first of all make clear what exactly the international rules are. For the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, international rules consist of the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and all countries must abide by them. The G7 hardly ever mentions the UN Charter, but keeps talking about “democracies” and the so-called “rules-based international order”. However, when the G7 talk about international rules, they mean the Western rules that draw lines according to ideologies and values and the US-first and G7-dominated rules of a small circle. Those rules serve the vested interest of a very few countries, including the G7, rather than the common interests of the international community.?
Today’s quote:
- 谈到国际规则,首先应当搞清楚,什么是国际规则。国际社会绝大多数国家都认同,以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则,才是各国都应当遵守的国际规则。七国集团(G7)很少提联合国宪章,却总把“民主国家”“以规则为基础的国际秩序”挂在嘴边。说穿了,G7所说的国际规则,就是以意识形态和价值观划线的西方规则,就是“美国第一”、G7主导的“小圈子”规则。这样的规则,服务的是G7等少数国家的既得利益,而不是国际社会的共同利益。?
Before discussing international rules, we need to first of all make clear what exactly the international rules are. For the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, international rules consist of the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and all countries must abide by them. The G7 hardly ever mentions the UN Charter, but keeps talking about “democracies” and the so-called “rules-based international order”. However, when the G7 talk about international rules, they mean the Western rules that draw lines according to ideologies and values and the US-first and G7-dominated rules of a small circle. Those rules serve the vested interest of a very few countries, including the G7, rather than the common interests of the international community.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 美方高官近来言必称中国构成“步步紧逼的挑战”,动辄指责中国企图改变“以规则为基础的国际秩序”。他们担心的其实是美式“霸权秩序”受到影响,担心美国自己设定、被包装成国际规则、用来遏制打压别国的“家法帮规”受到挑战和反对。?
US senior officials have spouted off “pacing challenge” from China at every turn and wantonly accused China of attempting to change the “rules-based international order”. But what they are worried about is that the US “hegemonic order” is affected, and that the “rules of the gang” set up and packaged by the US and a handful of Western countries as international rules to contain and suppress other countries are challenged and rejected.?
- 22日,德国海军司令舍恩巴赫接受采访时称,中国海军军力“爆炸性增长”,相当于每4年增加一个法国海军的规模,令人担忧。他理解中国想要拥有一支蓝水海军,问题是中方是否遵循以规则为基础的国际秩序。?
German Chief of Navy, Vice Adm. Kay-Achim Schonbach said in an interview on December 22 [2012] that China is increasing the size of its navy by the equivalent of the entire French navy every four years, which is “explosive” and a cause for concern. He said he can understand that China wants a blue-water navy, adding, “The question is if they fit into the international rules-based order”.?
- 从美方所作所为看,美方所谓“以规则为基础的国际秩序”不过是恃强凌弱,所谓“民主”不过是拉一派打一派。?
What the US has done shows its so-called “rules-based order” is nothing but “the strong bullying the weak”, and the so-called “democracy” is nothing but “pitting one group against the other”.?
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