A Very Specific Angle and a Very Specific Speed - How 9/11 Saved the World
Joshua Weightman
Trys Hill - Looking for security/ revenue protection clients in Retail
On the morning of September 11th, 2001 several hijacked planes were flown into several high value economic and political targets in the US. What we now affectionately dub 9/11 was the most effective attack on America since Pearl Harbour and it turns out, just as profitable for the world.
The operation to scare the US congress into passing the most invasive set of laws that essentially would give visibility to the data of any citizen of the western world. The Patriot Act. The reasonable definition is supplemented by spiritual technology which literally can see everything that happens, tech related or not. This can be actioned, providing we agree to it, which is nice. Nice, unless of course, you have a whole room of people desperate for no one to find out what they wank too almost just as much as how much they want to survive, well - some scaring into action was needed and thus the biggest and most important operation was underway to do exactly that.
It begins, not with the towers construction, which was done with the absolute intention of withstanding eternity and certainly a few bombs and aircraft impacts. If you speed up the video of the towers collapsing this is made clear, it is holding on for dear life, collapsing while desperate not to, I actually omitted that footage from a movie which no one saw as it was too upsetting, with the video sped up - we see between the lines and the true story beneath the footage. In 1993, the biggest ever bomb ambled into Manhattan. The bomb was intended to topple Tower one sending it crashing into tower two (instinct - confirmed research) . It was big enough, reasonably, to carry this out. 50, 000 (instinct) people were evacuated, impossibly lucky to be alive. According to reports (researched) 6 people lost their lives and clearly, the tower remained. How? Well, time is bendy, when needs be, thus something spiritual sat on that bomb as well as the hundred odd fires and explosions lesser reported in the following 8 years (instinct) up until after the first plane hit the tower on the morning of 9/11.
A real thorn in the conspirators side. Just what the hell was causing these explosions?! Thats 1993 popping off, further and perfectly weakening the structural integrity of the unbreakable, a building befitting the economic centre of the world and subsequent target value. There is footage from a couple of French documenteerers who were covering the NY fire dept showing the explosions and the fire fighters who were mainly milling about on the ground floor, “sending up” groups of people to tackle the blaze on the upper floors of the tower. The footage is incredible, I’m not sure if anyone else can or has seen it but if they have not much as been heard of it. The towers seem deserted. Literally 15 or so people running down crying through the lobby, NO ONE was in work on 9/11. Awful lot of visitors though?! International guests were running riot. Instinct tells me it was a perfect spread of nationalities globally, per capita, each country sent their abject worst to be killed in the best ever news for the world. I mean, it was impossible to change the channel! UGH this was newsphoria, visually stimulating as it was unpredictable and LIVE. Loss of life?! Are you shitting me I feel lucky to be alive in my living room!? I will credit Peep Show with that but it was all part of the plan. This was designed to stick.
Where would a plan of this scale take place? Tower 7? Relying on the far from definite complete destruction of a building designed to withstand hell and high water? Its ridiculously sensitive residual documents floating on the breeze through New York City? No fucking way.
Getting to work for those involved required a submarine and a very real willingness to die for your country. A building at the bottom of the sea. Not impossible as is widely believed, not if it moves in its construction, not place but, like a jenga tower constantly moving bricks around its centre. They were tasked with the impossible. The success of the plan rotated around mathematics. How many people were to be in work? How scared would they be? How much movement would be created by their frenzied evacuations? For example, Japanese people tend to evacuate a shitload slower and quieter than europeans, subconsciously protecting the building from adverse vibration given it would almost always be an earthquake and a teetering staircase down which they were fleeing. I shit you not all this was taken into account- they had time on their hands but it all had to come together on the day.? As I write this i’m scared because I know there has been a similar building on the bottom of the sea for me and the prevention of my exposure to the world, albeit far more shortsightedly, I think…how would the outlign of the towers, when combined into one from the correct angle…create the optical illusion of the perfect incision through the tower combining the gaping holes of both impacts? All this was necessary for success. Plane one hit, disaster. The pilot was panicking and off target, way too quick, the drift and dip required to dispense the perfect impact completely missed. Tower One was compromised, severely, but it was never gonna drop, despite the 1993 bomb being slowly and tactically released through its steel beams and reinforced girders. Heads drop under the sea. Tower Ones collapse was pretty much off the cards now, the success of the operation was near impossible.
Mohammad Atta receives a radio call and there was a change of plan. Calmly, He changes course amid the frenzied jabbering of his terror toting cohorts. Heads for new york and away from Washington DC and the Pentagon. Course, the Pentagon had to be hit, so a cruise missile was blammed through the Washington DC airspace and into the corner office of some poor cunt, ANYWAY. Atta. Atta boy. Cash in the attack. Atta loose end. Attam before time. THE MOOHAM. AMAT.
Space. Several of the best pilots from all over the world are lined up facing a man with a clipboard and a Hungarian accent. He says “For the last stage of the process I am going to put you all through a black hole space reactor” Or something of that ilk. I dreamt this, the morning as im waking up a great time for me to effectively see a “sim” or some unreasonable bit of footage, its clearly distinct from a normal dream. It then gets quite upsetting as not all participants were up for it as there was a 90% of chance of this stage resulting in their deaths. “He wanted to come back” showing a? pilot freaking out and refusing and well….at this level of importance eggs and the acceptance of their breaking are not unheard of.? Attah. Steely faced, I see him doing his pilot shit dunno what its called but there is all manner of hell going on around him sparks explosions… cinematically it cuts back to the voice of the clipboard bearing bastard “….*inaudible* Its either luck….or sheer skill”
Some time and investment had gone into the eventuality of a monumental disaster befalling tower one and the topple thereof.
So, hang on? WAS it a terrorist attack? Well, yes. In 90% of ways. It basically was, then fucked up , then once fucked the US was like maybe we can do this properly now we’re already training for it on the same day. Cos no ones gonna fuck us that hard. WE ARE. Show em how its done. Attah returns as the man for the job once the terrorists had already managed to fail. If the plane had done its job on tower one, the piloting prowess of MATTAHLAN would not have been called into service. This was the real plan.
A plane, destined for, of all places, Detroit crashes into a field in Minnesota, its occupants bravely overcoming the hijackers and downing the plane so it couldn’t hit its target. Detroit?! What the hell was in Detroit?
At many levels, in addition to the terrorist motivations, national security and middle eastern ousting of Saddam HussI mean Osama Bin Laden. (George Bush not the best at hiding his intetion to get rogue CIA deserter Saddam Hussein off the oil garden) 9/11 was on attack on me, personally.? From those who saw the prediction of what I was about to do to them - tragically, from the perspective of me being warned and agreeing to the attacks that were about to take place on me. Thinking about all of this, the events concerning and entities involved, obviously there may be different interpretations but there is an Eminem lyric, which is ridiculous and uncomfortable and which we all chose to forget immediately “Shady Records was 80 seconds away from the towers some cowards fucked with the wrong building, they meant to hit ours” Now, steady on, Em. THE ATTANASAPNA is not a coward. He’s been through a fucking space reactor. They also meant to hit more than one building and it wasn’t your NY office, it was Detroit. Why would he use that lyric? I don’t think he would, but he KNEW there was a plane going for Shady Records, so nemesis gimps were quick to justify that line being put into the track, they have that ability (because it makes little difference) What does that look like? A landing more than a crash. Given the fact that the detroit SR sits on a landing strip. Mental. Apparently the crashing into a field was preferable for all involved. As the landing on shady records by the final plane was made to look like it was my spiritual intention, not appreciating time or events or the fact I was 11 at the time. Indicative of the disconnect from our world there is by many nemesis influencers despite their interaction with our feelings. I wasn’t gonna put this but, it was me on that plane that crashed, I AM THE MAN. FLIGHT 93 conveniently missed the fact the man that overpowered the hijackers was ENGLISH. Sorry, just thinking about these spastics intentions has made me increase their nightmare despite its detriment to me. Ahhh.
Nemesis. As I think about this the intentions become clearer. They are so disconnected from life satisfaction that quite literally their only shot at anything close to this is depriving it of people who deserve it. Evolution making this more and more absolute with time to the point where its unquestionable and obvious from their hell perspective. Hello vitriol. I never thought I would experience actual hate but that is what is reflected by my intentions for them. They may have bore the cross of disconnection so we wont have to but nonetheless I am causing them abject physical pain in real time of experiencing the ramifications of their actions and their shameless pursuit of misery then death. For everyone. Calling the important section of the Circle website “exist” probably inviting all manner of suppression and hiding of it, time for a re-brand to use their own weapons against them.
Extinction. Hopefully now more amplified by their twisted motives than Exist. More so than they can use “extinction” as the title as a reason to deliver exactly that. Who knows. How do we avoid it? DO WE WANT TO? Don’t know and YES. I speak for all of you.
Rich people, who think they are going to die, are more than happy to sign up to the altruism glossed evil of ending this world out of kindness and the avoidance of a living experience of the future. Plus its almost always profitable in the run up to its eventuality. Well, you wont die as soon as you think. The human lifespan now is 150-300 years. With the older among us getting the same shot at life as the youngens. That is of course, you stay the course of your intention forcing an example to be made out of your physical form, you haven’t born the cross of anything but jealousy and stupidity therefore you are culpable to be tortured in line with the value to others of what you are trying to throw away on their behalf, just because you can’t experience it.
The angle and the speed and other specific skills of were…indescribably impossible and essential to existence. Navigating out of the space reactor was no comparison to the pressure of everyones existence relying on a perfect execution of your role, I don’t know to what extent he was aware of this, from my own experience, the lesser the better. But he delivered. If you have played sport you’ll know the best shots you hit are not hit hard. Its that sweet connection which was needed , lining up with intention and goal, clear head completely separate to hitting the target, just hit it well. HONK HONK perfect 10 !! Confetti and all that. Bitches with feathers. A mariachi band, he second tower to be hit was the first to fall. Under the sea - pandemonium for a few seconds realising their mission would be a roaring success, bringing down both towers an eventuality impossible on the morning of 9/11. They knew straight away, then the walls cave, killing all of them instantly. A little sooner than was expected, at least let them enjoy their succe…oh right.
In Tower One, the firefighters looking busy doing very little are clearly uncomfortable in the opposite of their job they were doing here. One of them, slips up, in front of a cameraman “The second plane just hit” Another, covering while compounding his colleagues mistake by emphasing in a brief hiatus with one of the brothers “…THE second plane just hit…yea…it hit THE other tower” A little bastard with a southern accent was there for some reason, exhibiting the worst possible leadership qualities “Im ‘gon send him up” The firefighter went up in the lift for his mistake, the only one knowing he was going up to die. Impossibly , he survived amid the collapse. The empathetic and responsible leader however - while evacuated, turning up dead, Ah.
This slip lead to the initiation of COG. An emergency process that is designed to maintain the government after a catastrophic event. It essentially involves a certain number of important people popping into a bunker, kissing the world they knew goodbye and readying their fingers on the nuclear weapons, pointing a lot closer to home than they were intended. If it had got out at the time that the attack was primarily co-ordinated by the US govt the assumption was that law and order would collapse and the people would set about dismantling the country which they love so much. The look that George Bush gave when being “first informed” is that of a poker player who has been handed exactly what he needed. The bizarre 9/11 report, its omissions and redactions also playing for time until someone could say what was needed to be said.
Yes, it was an inside job. Without it the Patriot Act would not have passed and we would all be dead already. It has already saved our lives. That makes George Bush the greatest ever American President. Why do I love it so much though?
Framing. You would not believe the lengths that have been gone to, since it becoming clear they couldn’t kill me, to have me banged up for as long as possible. My instinct tells me that due to the Patriot Act, NO ONE has ever been falsely imprisoned. Hard to believe but time works in mysterious ways - this does not rule out however being sent down for a crime you did not commit. Getting away with a rape usually leading to an entirely false one sticking later down the line.
I was however, sectioned, incorrectly — for my opinion. This 30 day journey to hell forcing me to encounter the psychological maelstrom of imprisonment, impossible to explain to anyone who hasn’t experienced it. Then its too late. Someone needs suing for that - but I need to prove my opinion was right, although im pretty sure
When they first put a BCI in my head, The demon was the worst part. It may be hard to understand but I quite liked “Stockholm” Sandy, the mrs of the guy that? initiated this and the blocker of everything good that can happen to me, translated into nothing or something rubbish. I think Sandy left him for the thought of me. She did 95% of the torture among some American scientology rep I called OD. By hearing the warning as their conversation through the walls - I knew some stuff about the people who were surveilling me, initially, as a recruitment opportunity into Scientology. That changed. I used to run a reel of the worst possible things through my thoughts so as not to think anything personal, further cementing my place as the mortal enemy of these people. It may be the case it was just the beginning of the process about which I should have been warned and prepared, the interaction with my thoughts translated back to the original attackers as my chosen words, making a resolution even less likely.
Those worst things ever are all covered over the past few months in “exist” (probably leave it as it is)? actually many of the tragedies of our time are our greatest achievements. This highlights the thin line between the two. Often the difference is, well, one person or one event. One day, one decision, one man can change the world.