A Very Ordinary Story about Motivation
People that see my social media feed probably see a fairly energetic, active person.
And I understand why… I run a few times a week, HIIT sessions a few times a week, I also enjoy walking on the beach. And like any self-respecting Strava user I post about it on social media! ?
In fact I like to talk about it a lot and post it on social media anywhere I can. Not because I like to brag (I'm really not that fast or strong), but I know the tangible benefits that being healthy has on you personally, your life, your family, your work. In fact I don't just know it, I live it.
I love encouraging others to be active! But quite often when I talk about being active people say something like:
“but Charlie, it’s easy for you to be active because you are fit, healthy, and have energy to do it”
This is a fair point, as not everyone is healthy and able... but which do you think came first?
The obvious answer (I hope) is that I am only fit and healthy because I push myself to be active.
Being healthy isn’t something you wait for, it doesn’t mysteriously come to you one day, after which you can then be active. It takes a lifestyle choice, and it takes commitment… feeling healthy and feeling energised follows. How you live, what you choose to do every week and what you choose to eat are all choices where YOU decide how healthy you want to be.
I won't pretend making healthy choice are easy, they are not. We all have reasons (or excuses) for not getting more active and not being as healthy as we should. I’m no leader in this field; I do not eat healthy every day and I easily drop out of the habit of exercise, but I know these are my choices and understand the impact and importance of making more regular 'good' choices.
But here’s the thing… I didn’t run for 10 years.
In my early 20's I kept relatively fit with no real routine, just a few ad-hock gym sessions when I felt like it. I like to think at the time I was fit and healthy – but in your 20's it’s pretty easy to feel fit and healthy.
However, I was struggling with an issue with my toes; I had a condition known as 'hammer toe', where my toes were constantly bent down and this made running, or even walking, uncomfortable and painful. So I stopped running. As time went on I even walked less and less.
Before I knew it years had passed and I hadn’t run at all!
It wasn’t a conscious decision to get less active, I didn’t decide to not run one day, it happened over time. But it was still mine to own, it was a consequence of my choices and my actions so I could make a decision to change.
So I changed.
I went the doctor, and after various referrals and consultants I was scheduled for an operation. The operations was fairly straightforward (a little detail coming up so skip to the next paragraph if you don’t want to know). The plan was to cut my toes off, then straighten them up, drill pins through them to hold each in place while the bones fused, then 6 weeks later pull the pins out and hey presto, straight toes! So that’s what I did. I had the operation on both feet, I was unable to walk for a couple of months while I recovered and life got very awkward for a period of time (going to the loo when you can’t walk is tricky).
Everything went to plan, time passed and before I knew it I was up and about.
I had to prove to myself it was worth it!
The reason for the operation was to be able to walk without pain or discomfort, it was never in my thoughts to run. I did not plan to become a runner, that bit came about through necessity (or privilege).
I had to prove to myself that the operation was worth it and I wanted to really test my feet out… so I went for a run. I started small, just a couple of kilometres, but going from not running at all for 10 years to suddenly running was not easy. I continued to go for a run a few times a week and after 6 months I was able to run 5 km!! I may have still been wearing my comfy Clarks trainers and beach shorts… but I was running.
Then I had a great idea (yes there is lots of sarcasm in that statement). I realised that if I could go from couch to 5km, then surely I could go from running 5km to running a marathon!? It’s just putting one foot in front of the other for a bit longer, how hard can it be!? So I signed up for a marathon.
At this point in my life I’d never run more than 5km, I’d never even been in a running event, I didn’t own running trainers or running shorts. But these were all challenges I could solve – these were not reasons not to do it, just obstacles to overcome.
Say YES and figure out how later
It was a fitness journey, a learning journey and a mental journey. The road to the marathon had a lot of firsts for me: not only did I have to get fitter and run further than I'd ever run in my life, I had to learn about endurance, recovery, running styles, gait, training plans, strategy, stretching, nutrition and hydration. The training took A LOT of my time which impacted my family’s life too.
The pain of training for an endurance event is real, which when coupled with the other challenges makes the journey really hard and I felt like stopping so many times. If I had actually written down all of the challenges ahead of starting, I may not have done it.
It’s more comfortable to say no to opportunity, because the enormity of the challenge can be overwhelming.
Choose feeling uncomfortable. It really is more rewarding to say YES and figure out how as you go.
I did it. I ran the marathon. It was harder than I ever imagined and probably the hardest thing I have EVER done in my life. But because of this it was also one of the best things I’ve ever done!
This story isn't about running a marathon. The marathon was the start, the catalyst that got me moving.
Being Active is a Privilege! Please don't waste it.
There are a lot of people that are not able to run. Being able to run and be active is a privilege.
I now run because I can. I go out running because I am healthy enough and capable enough to do so. The ONLY thing stopping me is my own motivation, or rather my own discipline (or lack of it).
These days I have ‘being active’ firmly in my lifestyle, putting my health and wellbeing ahead of my work – nobody else will prioritise my wellbeing apart from me.
It's not all about feeling smug about my time on Strava, the benefits are far reaching:
Since the marathon I’ve tried to make the most of this new found active life. Over the last few years I’ve said YES to a charity boxing match, a Tough Mudder, I’ve cycled to work for a year, regular ran to work, I've entered a few more shorter running events and I’ve raised money for some charities along the way. And I hope, by sharing my journey I can also help to inspire others to get active and make healthier choices.
There are a few key things this journey has taught me so will finish with these to takeaway:
Good luck.
p.s. I'm setting off to Cyprus for a second marathon on April 14th 2024!! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/charlie-adams-run2