Very Important Communication from SFA
Kelly Buckley
Managing Principal, Managing Director for Asset Management @ Spectrum Financial Alliance Ltd., LLC | Founder
Based on this morning’s opening and the precipitous selling that is going on with Wall Street, I believe that today (or at latest, the next few days) will mark the low point in this short-term sell off. Capitulation selling patterns appear today! Also know that we believe the markets decline is absolutely not driven by economic fundamentals, but rather by emotion related to concern over our trade dispute with China. It is my firm conviction that an agreement will be reached over the next two to three months. It’s likely to be sooner. The market should recover its footing very soon and then advance to new highs. What does that mean to you? That means that today is likely to be a low-point and that if you are sitting on cash, you have an incredible opportunity to buy high dividend, high growth securities, like Citigroup, at a historically low valuation and at a discounted price. If the equity market were Macy’s, we would all be there buying a lot on sale! Don’t lose sight of the simple fact that long-term, the market is driven by the economy – and that our economy is performing at a near record level. We will be getting more information out today about these important events and a letter is soon to follow. Please call me if you would like to discuss. – Kelly Buckley