The very first 3D / VR Treasure Hunt

The very first 3D / VR Treasure Hunt

In order to increase brand awareness of the student housing brand THE FIZZ in Austria, we came up with the idea to do a 3D treasure hunt in our building.

Step 1: Planning the Hunt

We focused on the ground floor and tried to stick to a handful of hints in order to keep it as simple as possible. Since THE FIZZ offers a lot of different communal spaces, we tried to lead the participant through all of our different areas: the reception, the chillout area, the communal kitchen and finally the apartment.

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Step 2: Scanning the Building

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Together with Adrian Edmunds from Scanetic we scanned the whole building using Matterport cameras. For later use we scanned all six floors but in order to keep it as simple as possible we deselected the "dollhouse" view (which you can see above), so that participants are more likely to stick to the ground floor.

Step 3: Editing the panos

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In order to make hints even more obvious and enhance the experience we edited the 360° panoramic shots and replaced them in the backend.

Step 4: Adding Mattertags

After first testings only 10% of participants could find the golden key since the hints were not as obvious as expected and didn't stand out enough. To cope with this lack, we placed so-called mattertags in our model to make participants aware of the hints. They are red dots which can be seen from afar and unveil more information on click.

Step 5: Landing Page Design

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If participants would directly find themselves in the fullscreen model they might be overstrained. We also needed a page for the competition's terms and conditions and a final page which can be accessed as soon as you found the golden key, so we developed the pages on a new subdomain.

Step 6: Getting the message out

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In order to make students aware of the campaign we used a 360° marketing mix of owned and paid social media channels, partner collaborations (local blogs) and expositions where you could experience it with VR googles. We also created a visual for a coffee ads campaign which has been printed on 20,000 cups. These cups are distributed at student hotspots.

Step 7: Getting first qualitative feedback

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Through our feedback plugin we gained qualitative feedback from participants. We were overwhelmed by the number of positive feedback we got up to now.

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Step 7: Getting first quantitative results

We set up a google data studio sheet and after the first 1.000 landing page visits we can already draw the following conclusions:

  • Conversion rate of nearly 50%: people starting the game, finishing it on the "found it" page and submitting their email address
  • High engagement: They spend an average time of 8:15 minutes exploring the model
  • Traffic from the target group: About 70% of the traffic is coming from Austria. 80% of the total visitors are between 18 and 34 years old

Up to now, we reached our main goal – getting our brand out in Austria and making our product more tangible through an interactive and engaging experience.


