Very Excited due to the Upcoming Event, Dear Sir
Prior to tonite′s first encounter I can only sports forecast the following, Dear POTUS:
Time is on your side,dear Sir. 81 is such a great time in your life that, ONLY PETTY CREATURES, may focus on it as a main concern to their petty and burrocratic demeanors, I state burro, in concerns to their petty interests where, loyalty,awareness,and evident rendition ought be vital in whomever places age to the Presidential Post .
Few are as qualified, basing such filing by tremendous results and fruition many, many johnny come latelies would NEVER be able to present themselves with VALID authority basing it upon results.
Comparing your Presidency these tribulated years to anybody′s IS in itself, abuse.
But to pretend putridfecalformerpettypotus,....EVER got close IS AN INSULT to your HISTORIC Solutions starting on DAY ONE.
I just feel optimistic the NATION AS A WHOLE may witness what you represent and finally ACKNOWLEDGE AND THANK your immense rendition to what most people EITHER IGNORE or are so caught up in the middle of doubt that require this precise moment to attain such awareness.
Truly, to me and my country, in Corrupted CHAOS wouldn′t have a fighting chance to feel or expect solution to what has been constant crime thru 7 misgovernments only rendering fruition to the Corrupted Pact felons and their olygarchic bosses....and a couple of deviate military associated with organised crime.
They care not for our children′s health or the fact AVITAMINOSIS IS so HIGH, children who may survive hunger, ONLY survive with IRREVERSIBLE NEUROLOGICAL INJURIES that condemn them to infraexistence which WILL affect their future families more so.
AS you may remember, I Invented Phitovitamax and Maya Cuscún along with the Malnutrition Eradication Integrated Program for Guatemaya in 5 years which divides all phases into 20 plus the fact IT can only be done WITHOUT corruption.
I remember stating we require $8.5 to 9.5 Billion for the 5 year period we are to solve it in.
Today, I′ve wanted to ask of your attention as much as our dear VP may, we have to solve a priority to my 6.7 Million kids′ dire need, to the one we are suffering precisely because of Corrupted Pact felons that refuse to let go and continue to influence TREASON as long as they have impunity and Influence peddling support by those petty members of Congress with ties to mob and other deviate companies embezzling billions without producing their goals.
I found that ALL international donations were systematically embezzled, and they found me to be AN OBSTACLE to their praxis continuum. They wouldn′t have it , OH no! That′s why they′ve blocked my Inititive for over 40 years now, ONLY to ALLOW ME to find, that, their doing so, obstructing my goals and continuing embezzlement, CONSTITUTES A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. WE, In Guatemala NEED your help and support, Dear Sir.
I mention this within the Spirit of Solutions to what a country requires on a daily basis, provided it is clear among those ruling the country.
IF it′s foreign to their interests, petty ones, circumstances as the ones we′re suffering in Guatemaya will continue as total impunity and their gov′s position immunity only make things worse.
I mention this because I heard news this morning regarding more deviate illegal contracts are appearing and those responsible to find and report them, are SCARED to do so, precisely as my case, nobody within the country DARES face the criminal structure extorting me over 2 decades because, violent and lethal retribution is palpable to all of those aware of the crimes in commission. This is the main subject regarding Guatemala Dear Sir. We cannot oppose these criminals with local legal Firms precisely because the country is a handkerchief. Everyone knows who is who here. So, VP′s Anticorruption Task Force IS VITAL TO US precisely because it conveys an International Diplomatic Agreement in which Corruption may be persecuted. Herein, you are so important to back up these documents so we may confront all those felons believing they are STILL untouchable to this day regardless all the nepotism and influence peddling they may enjoy, We may be able to have several of the most deviate criminals who were in office, as mamatei&boyfriend, the Alejos Clan; Sandra Torres; clown and allies; so many more,.....FINALLY face the LAW. But NOT the actual pseudo justice system, NO! Your Governmental legl persecussion and trial to those whose irrrefutable evidence condemns.
Such are my tonite′s expectations, dear Sir.
I′d say I′LL ROOT FOR YOU ,but you already know that. I will though, ENJOY every minute of it.
My best and warm Regards to you, your Wife and My Dear VP with your PRICELESS CABINET:
Edgar Emilio
Guatemaya 27/VI/24.-
Fiat Dominus