Very Demure, Very Mindful! And unusual trends that take off.
Abhishek (Abhi) Verma
VP Marketing | CMO | Product Marketing | P&L Management | Digital
Every now and then, a phrase from a creator on social media goes viral, and suddenly, everyone is talking about it! In India, one such phrase was “So beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a Wow,” spoken by Jasmine Kaur, a small business owner from Delhi who sells ethnic wear. Her words quickly became a sensation, with celebrities like Deepika Padukone and Sanya Malhotra joining the trend. It didn’t stop there—someone even turned her catchphrase into a song!
The latest catchphrase that has caught everyone’s attention in the US from Tik Tok is “’Very Demure, Very Mindful” Creator Joolie Lebron first used the phrase in a video in early August mocking office beauty etiquette about women being demure, modest, and respectful at the workplace.
Brands soon caught on and collaborations poured in for Joolie with Southwest Airlines, Verizon, Synergy Kombucha, Netflix, and Lyft.
Zillow a real-estate platform had an interesting collaboration with her. She was appointed as the brand’s “chief demure officer” and asked to assess the “demurity” of certain homes in videos posted to Instagram and TikTok.
Zillow’s video with Lebron received more than 1.8 million views, 82,000 likes, and more than 2,000 comments across Instagram and TikTok
While jumping on trends might seem fun and exciting, executing them is no easy task. Speed is crucial—once a trend is spotted, the agency, brand, and creator have less than four days to plan, get approvals, and post it in time! Few brands can pull it off and pull it off well!
The content must connect with the brand in a meaningful way; otherwise, you could swap out the brand name, and the message would remain unchanged. Brands that align with popular culture are better positioned to leverage trending ideas—without that relevance, it simply doesn’t work.
To see Joolie and her collab with Zillow, click on the link below