A Very Bad Old Man

A Very Bad Old Man

“Then Herod...slew all the children that were in Bethlehem...”

—Matthew 2:16—

The Scriptures are filled with wicked men and their despicable deeds. Oftentimes the worst of these atrocities are committed by kings, for they have the authority to do what they please without restriction.  As a result, all those under their dominion suffer dire consequences, while the rest of us gasp in horror.  To be sure, when the edicts of despots go forth, their wicked hearts are exposed for all to see.

By God’s grace, the vast majority of us are not kings.  And isn’t that a good thing! However, as I’ve told you before, in certain matters we are all kings.  When it comes to matters of the heart, the natural man is king.  He wants what he wants, and he’ll do all within his power to get it.  Oh, his wishes may not be realized outwardly, for he has limited external authority, but internally, he’ll either get his way or he will murder any who would oppose him by harboring bitterness and hatred toward them.  Such lusts must be dealt with directly and immediately, or they could be realized outwardly, causing much damage.

Herod was an interesting character.  He was “king of the Jews,” yet had no real authority.  Whatever power he had was strictly limited by Caesar and the Roman government.  Yet he was able to murder multitudes on a whim.

Beloved, since we have trusted in Christ, we are now ruled by a greater King than ourselves; and yet the former remains!  And you need to be continually reminded of the fact that he has no power over you anymore!  The old man is dead!  See to it that you do not continue in his murderous, adulterous, idolatrous ways!

“Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.”

—Romans 6:6—

“Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

—Romans 6:11—


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