Vertical, and the horizontal knowledge illustrative embodiment of preconception at the talent stage

Vertical, and the horizontal knowledge illustrative embodiment of preconception at the talent stage

One of the most innate, yet rewarding idiosyncrasies of any primate is standing competitive. The perception of accomplishing the ample ahead of the rest is vital, like the two newly hatched bird chicks competing for the food conveyed by the parents; to the breadth that the dominant sibling may hurl the other of the nest in the feat of claiming all the feeds. The human being is no different measuring up to competitiveness, and the fierceness of rivalry is even bigger and more intricate in the individual’s circumstance. To be robust, the person adapts to the climate, learns from those surrounding circumstances, and strategizes the means to prosper. Knowledge is the mother of all skills and abilities, where ability is the instrument of competence. The talent inspires a cycle of wisdom and understanding, thence how we enact on the logistics to stand agile. It may appear straightforward and fair, but one aspect history has taught us is that the pursuit is unfairly enforced. As some of those clenching the upper hands end up regulating the essential facets of the knowledge admission, skills, thus hurdle the talents, personal capabilities, and resources to exercise that mastery in one way or another.

The facts, subject, and information amassed by someone through comprehensive insight or tuition, be it for technical or theoretical doctrines, is a precious possession of the beholder. Knowledge is wisdom and by no means obliges categorizing based on specific profiles or shared privilege tagged by a title. Insight comes in an endless variety of combinations. But a predetermined medley is permitted within the spectrum of the established hierarchy. For example, a licensed dentist can extract a tooth, or a licensed orthopedic surgeon is allowed to replace a knee joint. Still, if a person is capable of performing the two skills, I.e., tooth extraction and knee replacement surgery, he or she would not be ratified to practice them unless they meet license or certification requirements for general dentistry or orthopedic surgery. That averages, a set of predetermined skills that have been sorted under the umbrella of the job description for dentist or orthopedic surgeon, hence the candidate excelling in the latter two skills would have to decide on one and concomitantly compelled to take up other capabilities within the respective job categories of skills within the given education path.

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For the sake of expanding on the point of discussion, I would like to use a simple categorization of skills, by classifying knowledge into speculative vertical and horizontal; the vertical intellect being about the kind of proficiency, which is the branch of an already comprehended information. Meanwhile, I would like to refer to knowledge in the alphabetic system (A to Z), skill relating to a given education as a single quote (‘) and the respective talent in the form of double quote (“) amended to the alphabetic representation of the particular knowledge. More so, the extension of knowledge in the vertical category is presented in digits (1, 2, 3…). For instance, a person with knowledge A3 may occupy skill A’ and talent A”. Using the latter assumption, one may commence from knowledge “A” and overtime time may advance the same knowledge into versions of A1, A2, A3, etc. The horizontal intelligence so is the group of unrelated intellects possessed by one person, I.e.” A”,” B”,” C” and so on. In both examples, the number of knowledge points an individual can clench is endless, but in neither cases, conservation of insights obey a distinctive configuration or profile. Because everyone is unique in their path; and supports inseparable propensities, hence make up an endless assortment of A to Z and 1, 2, 3 variations.

Now let’s turn the table around by deeming; for an individual to be eligible to exercise a knowledge-A must furthermore uphold in A, B, C, D, and A3, which exemplifies the typical scenario for a standard job licensing requirements, such as skills A’, B’, C. And D where all the subject want is A’1, A’2, E’1 while possesses A’, A”, E’ and E”. Yet, as an implied person neither carry interest nor carries the talent for B’, C. And the D! As we can surmise from the two theories, the 21st-century scientific and job call does not allow selective intention, hence annihilates those with an unusual but exceptional talent from the market. Rather acquaints a person to the employment demand who is brandishing less than maximal aptitude in a wad of the proficiency that individual was approved for, even though they meet the minimum bars for licensing and credentialing requirements.

A good deal may consider it as entirely absurd for simplistically deduce, permitting one to exercise any form of skills or knowledge without formal clearance through a stack of predetermined scholastic aisles. And assert their controversy using the fact that to extract a tooth, one must memorize the basics of human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology before perpetrating to fully grasp the science behind the dental procedures or the same in case of knee replacement surgery. One’s understanding of the basics as a provision to the full embodiment of knowledge is valid and universally applicable in every case, but by no means attend to as a rule to must get skill B’, C’, and D’ to practice skill A’!

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Teeth are an aspect of human anatomy, and ideally, a dentist must understand the basics of the human body before being able to extract a tooth. But maxillofacial surgeons will never be allowed to do knee surgery even if they know how to do so unless they withstand a predetermined gated path to orthopedic specialty. An entrance merely unlocked or bolted by a class niche. The succeeding contention would be for observing public safety as the agent of a necessity for licensure to protect the public interest. Which is precisely the point!, as is much simpler to make sure the quality of skill A’, and reward those who have the promising talents to deliver skill versus striving to legitimize one’s own capacity on conducting a batch of skills A’, B’, C’ and D’ under title XY who may be best at performing skill A’, careless on B’ and illiterate on the rest. I must convey- such analysis is never close to being absurd, as is the way to simplicity, and Unsophistication is the key for better quality and safety.

Translating knowledge into skills

Perceptions on what an example of knowledge-A, skills-A’, and talent-A” make led me find out upon browsing the literature, one can discover that all three phenomena are merely synonymous; but, in verity, knowledge is the conception of how an assignment is conducted, whereas a skill referred to the technical execution of that proficiency. Talent variously is the individual’s ingrained status of aptitude to execute a particular ability. Ability or talent is the explicative element of every individual’s uniqueness in delivering the regular chore.

But what are a Specialty and Subspecialty?

Again, the later idioms are generally borrowed to formulate the accuracy and meticulous essence of a person’s understanding in unraveling one problem that may depict the atypical presentation or uncommon variation of a familial problem. Irrespective of how unusual the presenting issues or assignment may be, every skill is unique to everyone in their way, as there will invariably be someone extra informed than the other.

In the realm of employment, what tallies are how and what we can allot to those at our stretch borrowing our Skills and fitness in exchange for something that we are unqualified to achieve by ourselves. The more wisdom we get, the further skills we can extend; hence, we sustain an advantage over our adversaries. We learn from our peers, make it our own, and innovate, exploiting our inherent potential. That is the criterion of reasonable competitiveness of skill swap. Bureaucracy has cultivated crowns of title by establishing fictitious entitlements, to what we own, through an operation that sets individuals aloof from each other or unites them based on common synthetic dispositions. That prevails where all the problems commence. Ownership by way of the title of profile resembles stamping for a commodity. They correspond to the ornate jar for a widespread strawberry jam. The designation procures the perfect skill A’ along with substandard abilities B’ and C’! The title encompasses profiling and swaddling, which is the epitome of ultimate intention for economic rents. It serves as an instrument for a faction to dominate the competent initiative and earmark the scientific overtures to seize control over the economy.

Why is it important to think in a horizontal and vertical manner?

The whole concept of classifying skills and knowledge founded on the distinct outline is merely a circumstance of amenity so that as new skills invented, furthermore, new job titles are formulated to assure the solace of leashing the sovereignty of intellect.

A classification is a useful tool under particular circumstances and requisitions, hence to streamline the means to meet a decision or make it productive. Any utility beyond that is ineffectual to any legitimate motive. Profiling is discriminatory in every shape and form, thus must be circumvented if deemed undue. About knowledge, Bundling becomes redundant, as is our skills and ability (whether solo or in collaboration with others) that embarks a task, not our legendary designation under a specific profile of headline. The title has always been the agent of Monopoly and corruption. In turn, it has been borrowed by licensing institutions with the ration of public safety and quality of service.

It’s All about regulating frugality, job demand, and income. The turf war of the job resort where the neurosurgeon feuds with the orthopedic surgeon on who is more qualified to do spinal surgery; nurse practitioners fight over being able to act independently without physician supervision or plastic surgeons are seizing their grounds as they ought to be the sole specialties authorized to do cosmetic surgical procedures.

Between the line

Elaborated on the concept of vertical and horizontal knowledge, is also imperative to embellish with articulation that under a conventional connotation the inclination of people who would, in fact, persevere vertical knowledge accession is anticipated to be further prevalent; plainly because is conveniently aligned with the aligned proficiency within the vertical sequel link of knowledge (such as, A1, A2, A3….) acquisition. Even so, it also makes sense, thus crucial to honor personal resources rather than segregated obligations.

Knowledge is precious and sacred to every individual. As a famous Persian noble historian of 580’s era Bozorgmehr-e Bokhtagan (Middle Persian: Wuzurgmihr ī Bōkhtagān) once said: “Everything is known to everyone, and not yet born to the mother.”

In the modern scientific world, intelligent is the adherent of the cue layout by those in the discretion of the civic mindset. The aftermath stands uneven distribution of opportunity, labor market, climate, and equity. And kind of system that regards individual merits and potential, and if they pursue the professional path corridor they corralled through, otherwise, will be demolished from social privileges under the justification of unconventionality. The outcome; societies lose the capacity to distinguish between licensing for the sake of public safety versus the licensing for monetary influence, domination over scholarly intellect, eradicate open pursuit, and license yet let to slay.


If I must use one word, it is going to be the role. The times that every person’s function in the world is different between two people. That role must also periodically reform within every person adapting to the needs of the respective time. Change of roles is the result of competition, stands for better quality, and catalysts to healthier societies; because we are all products of the circumstances through which we live. And those circumstances are the stimulants for constant learning and utilizing the God-given, or some may call it nature-given talent. Classifying a set of knowledge as vertical or horizontal means nothing but two different words describing how the skill expansion has been implemented by a person. All that matters is what, how, to whom one can share, offer, and service that knowledge. Everything else is its title, license, and level are redundant and help the marketing campaign of those who are reluctant to share the job market with one intention to secure income to the factor of production more than the costs needed to bring that factor into production, also called economic rent.

Originally published at on December 7, 2019.


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