Version 5 AGA Horizon 2020 published
Martin Baumgartner
Horizon Europe Legal NCP; organization & business coach, trainer & facilitator; personal account
Today the European Commission published the new version (5) of the Annotated Grant Agreement.
The changes are:
- Travel costs for external experts in the project => new option: eligible if their participation is specifically justified in the periodic technical report and the Commission/Agency approved it without formally amending the GA (simplified approval procedure)
- Prototype: direct costs for construction of a prototype or pilot plant may exceptionally be eligible, if building the prototype or pilot plant is (one of) the main action task(s)
- Updates due to the amendment of the model grant agreement v.5.0, in particular Articles 29.3 and 34
- New presentation of calculations for payments and recoveries, now compiled under Article 21
- Updates due to the adoption of the Guide on grant reductions
- New explanations and examples resulting from frequently asked questions, in particular in Articles 6.2.A, 6.2.D, 11, 14a, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50.3, 51, 55 and 57.2.
- Annotations on the new Lump Sum Pilot model grant agreement
- Annotations on the new MSCA Special Needs model grant agreement
- New annotations and updates in the specific model grant agreements:
- ERC: Articles 18, 29 and 32
- MSCA: ITN Articles 6.2.a, 6.2.B, 32; IF Articles 6.2.A, 6.2.B, 18, 32, 55.1, 56a; RISE Articles 6.2.A, 32 and Co-fund Articles 6.2.A and 15
- SME Phase 1: Article 8
- PCP/PPI: Article 8
- SGA: Article 3
- General lump sum: preamble, Articles 8 and 18