Verizon's Problem with Covering Up Failure.
What follows in a transcript from a chat conversation I had with Verizon this morning about how the "My Verizon" app is no longer functioning on my phone. This is a problem that was going on for over a week now with no responses from the "ticket" that is mentioned in the conversation. This is also the third chat conversation I've had over this issue just this morning. The first attempt, when I was using my phone for the service chat to "turn off my phone" as a solution. The other just disconnected me. This is the third and to clarify, I was very upset over the treatment I'd gotten to this point. At about halfway through, I get transferred to the support supervisor "Sam", who is the one who commented "You don't want to be in a company so outdated."
Verizon (Alex)
Thank you for contacting the Verizon Wireless Chat Team regarding your device. How can we help you today?
I would like to talk to someone in charge of your support department because so far, all I've gotten is a bunch of flack!
Verizon (Alex)
Hello, I am more than happy to help. To get started, may I please have your first name?
Verizon (Alex)
Hi, this is Alex. May I have your name please?
Verizon (Alex)
Just checking in, is everything going well?
Verizon (Alex)
Did I lose you?
I'm wanting to know why the my Verizon app is no longer available for me to use! WHY ISN"T IT COMPATABLE WITH MY PHONE! WHY DID YOU REMOVE THE OLD ONE THAT WAS!!!!
Verizon (Alex)
Im sorry to hear you're having issues with your My Verizon app.
Verizon (Alex)
Based on the records, a ticker has been raised for this issue with the Reference No: NRB000009210538
Verizon (Alex)
Im going to followup on this, making sure this will be taken cared of
I'll believe that when its actually happened.
Verizon (Alex)
May I know what's happening with the app? Is it crashing/freezing? Or does not open at all?
I already covered all this. Your reps told me the app is no longer compatable with my phone because the old version was removed even though the new version is not working. I want to know why and how I'll be compensated for this failure of service on Verizon's part.
Im currently checking on the status of this incident report
Im working with my supervisor right now for your concern about being compensated for this failure
I know this has been going on for quite some time and its important for you to have the app, for quick access
Right now, we dont have any updates yet with the ticket number. But I will have this escalated to my supervisor.
I wanna ask though, how would you like to be compensated for this matter? So I can relay that as well to my supervisor
Are you still with me?
How about not having to pay my next bill since I'm not getting the serviced I paid for.
Or a new windows phone. I'm open to options.
The Verizon app is not a paid application
Im currently speaking to my supervisor right now
We can provide you like a $20 credit for the inconvenience for this bill cycle
No, but the service and convenience it provides is.
Will that work for you?
You still have the option to use a mobile browser to access My Verizon. Its pretty easier because you'll see the whole page itself, just like how it's being shown on desktops
No, its not easier. I've tried and it doesn't even WORK!
We're still checking other options to make this fair to you
Hold on
I will connect you to my supervisor so you'll have a chat with him
Verizon (Sam)
Hi there! Sam here!
Verizon (Sam)
I am currently reading the transcript
You should tell your employees to not patronize your customers.
Verizon (Sam)
I deeply apologize if the application is not compatible to your device. You may still use the app through your desktop
I see you also fail to see the point. I'm NO LONGER RECIEVING THE SERVICE I'M PAYING FOR!
Verizon (Sam)
Our systems would have to update from time to time in order to be competitive and move along with the other providers.
This isn't an update. Its dropping a service!
Verizon (Sam)
I understand what you are saying there are other means of viewing your online account
Verizon (Sam)
It's just that the mobile device is no longer compatible.
Ways that are NOT CONVENIENT for me.
Which is drop in services!
Without prior notification I might add.
Verizon (Sam)
I get your point, I apologize if you were not informed of this. To add there has been a trouble ticket created as what I've read on the notes
Verizon (Sam)
We just need to do a follow up
Verizon (Sam)
As of the moment we cannot provide you anything as we are still working to put a fix on your concern
Verizon (Sam)
Only until it has been closed and there's no resolution
Verizon (Sam)
That will be the time we will provide you credit
And how much credit are you planning on giving me for your companies failure?
Verizon (Sam)
I cannot provide any amounts as of this time as we have no result from the investigation
Verizon (Sam)
The credit will depend on the outcome and how you have been inconvenienced
The cause of the problem was from a decision on the part of Verizon to drop a service to its customers. The cause is well within your company's control and therefore, its responsibility.
Verizon (Sam)
It is an upgrade on the system. Not dropping of service. It just so happens that your device is no longer compatible
Verizon (Sam)
We are working to see how we can have it added to your devices
Because of an "upgrade" your company decided to implement.
Verizon (Sam)
Yes, technology needs to be updated in order for the company to be competitive.
Verizon (Sam)
Even other providers do this to keep up
Verizon (Sam)
You don't want to be in a company that can be so outdated
You realize you're patronizing me right? So long as the company in question provides the services I'm paying for, how "outdated" it is or isn't becomes irrelevant. DO NOT PATRONIZE ME!
Verizon (Sam)
I'm sorry if that is your standpoint, I understand. We need to wait for the ticket to be resolved first.
Very well, but after the way you and your emplyees have patronized and insulted me, I do expect more than the "$20" credit when that time rolls around.
Please note that throughout this whole conversation, both the technician and Sam contradict their own statements.
Verizon tech: I know this has been going on for quite some time and its important for you to have the app, for quick access.
Then later:
Verizon tech: You still have the option to use a mobile browser to access My Verizon. Its pretty easier because you'll see the whole page itself, just like how it's being shown on desktops
It is this kind of double talking that makes me angry. By stating that its important for me to have access to the app, and then turning around and claiming its easier to use the desktop browser on my phone, he's just trying to pitch a deal instead of actually coming up with a solution.
Then there's the patronizing "You don't want to be in a company that can be so outdated" coming from a supervisor!
I felt as though he were treating me like a small child! I may have been angry and upset, but I did not insult either of them. By providing services to my phone, they agreed to provide ALL services at the level I'm paying for. That includes convenient apps that other customers have access too but were suddenly dropped in my case because Verizon intentionally did an upgrade that left my phone out without notifying me of changes to my service.
Now I'm still angry and upset as I write this, so if you want to take this with a grain of salt, I won't fault you. But I feel that my anger is justified when I'm insulted by a company that I'm paying money to for services that are dropped because they decided to drop my access to services without notifying me first. Even if the cause of the dropped service is from doing an upgrade, I was never notified that my services would be dropped and now Verizon has to deal with the consequence of that decision. But instead of admitting the failure and fixing it, they patronize me and hope I'll go away.
If Verizon wanted to stop providing services to my phone for ANY reason, they should have notified me first. Now they have a potential discrimination lawsuit in the works for not just myself, but for anybody else who's services were dropped without prior notice just because our phones are not ones they want to provide services for, despite what the contract says.
This is why you don't cover up failure. It goes from a little thing until it snowballs into an avalanche and there are plenty of people out there who aren't afraid to start an avalanche.