Verbal Abuse In Relationship and Marriage

Verbal Abuse In Relationship and Marriage

Another thing about using an abusive communication style is that the human brain is naturally Wired to defend itself.

When you use an abusive style to communicate, the other person's brain sees you as a threat, and they will respond to you as a threat.

It's either they fight back, or they flee from you. Or they freeze.

That's why you will be shocked that your partner did something terrible to you and when you complain about your hurt with lots of painful words; instead of saying sorry, they will attack you.

E.g. below

“You are a wicked man; that's why you didn't even check on me when I was sick. “

He will reply: “You must be crazy, don't you know I am busy? Are you the only sick woman in the world?” (Fight)

Or he will ignore you and leave the house. ( Flee)

Or he will keep quiet and look at you blankly as if he is not seeing you. (Freeze)

Attack and counterattack ??

You can talk to a therapist


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