Venue managers & head office professionals: make Monday mornings a sensation - with the joy of automation!

Venue managers & head office professionals: make Monday mornings a sensation - with the joy of automation!

We all know that automation has a big future in hospitality: we've automated order taking via table ordering, order delivery via robots, and there's more to come, all to serve the twin goals of great customer experience and improved profitability.

Sometimes though we're on the back foot when it comes to internal processes. Who among us looks forward to Monday mornings? They're usually replete with DTS checks, budget tracking and weekly reporting. Automating THAT seems to have been an afterthought... until now!

Now you can forget about spending your valuable time on loading and compiling F&B, wages, and gaming reports. Now, all the reports, visuals and a 360-degree business overview are ready at your fingertips as you enjoy your cup of coffee in the morning. On your phone or laptop, anywhere, anytime, delivered by a proven provider, on a convenient monthly subscription.

Some of Australia's sharpest operators are already enjoying the benefits - so don't get left behind! Find out more at



