The thought of crossing into an unfamiliar space can be worrisome to most people, at a minimum. At a maximum, the concern could be debilitating. Those who ponder the idea of change often surrender to fear of losses and/or harm. For them, the will to go forward dies, completely.
?An illustration is someone moving into a new profession, personal relationship, or, simply, into a different environment. In each case, the uncertainty can be just as crippling to one’s sense of safety. Many people cling to their familiar and “safe” harbor. They hedge on launching themselves into new experiences.
?To attempt a voyage into uncharted waters takes confidence, determination, or a realization that the present position is tenuous.
If bravery qualities are lacking, the default trigger will force some individuals to embark based on a new reality. The facts dictate that the present situation is riskier than moving to an alternative but unfamiliar location. This called forced motivation.
?A prevalent anxiety can be dismissed by a greater danger that looms ahead. Let’s say that you dread losing your job. But you remind yourself that starting a new position is overwhelming. It is better to hang on to your current work.
?Company workforce reduction is coming, however. The dilemma presents a choice. Which option has a greater risk, losing your source of income or secure new employment in advance? Against the inevitable loss, it is practical to move into a new position with a more stable employer.
Wading into a business undertaking is even more frightful than job swapping. There are many more unknowns in that arena. Twenty percent of new businesses fail within the first year of opening. Fifty percent close within five years. The odds are not in favor of a would-be entrepreneur. So, what compels some ambitious individuals to go headlong into the unpredictable zone of commerce?
?First, it is the unease caused by a present shaky predicament. Next, a personal fervor to make gains in a target market kicks in. The specific success idea prompts a venturer to invest in a product or service, despite the uncertainty.
?The daring upstart may achieve profitable market share or may not. Regardless of the outcome, the risk taker becomes wiser. Inevitably, he/she launches more enterprises knowing the chances of achieving success are in his/her favor. The driving force for odds defiers is their rare awareness. For them, the matter at hand is too precarious not to venture into the unknown. This is an actual strategy for risk avoidance.