The venture to the unknown.
The unknown supersedes the known by an infinity. That creates uncertainty and doubt about virtually everything. It also leads people to seek guidance. At times it appears that the circle of the unknown widens the more we know, but in reality, the acquired knowledge is of immense benefit. It enables us to expand our knowledge base and verify the information.? Undoubtedly it is easier to create attraction by finding suitable appearances and practicing narratives that resonate with people. While this may generate the desired attention for a while, such common tactics tend to soon lose their effectiveness.?After having tried the obvious brave entrepreneurs may take the initiative and embark on a search and discovery journey that does not have predetermined resolves. The (β) type of exploration encourages venturing beyond the known. This search is based on the premise that there is more that we don't know, ?than what we do know.?Considering proactive (β) activities as a continuous search for innovations alongside the reactive (α) improvement activities. Exploring the realms of the unknown will occasionally reveal applicable insights. These revelations lead to advancements that supersede everything. To make the (β) exploration effective it is recommended to have a clearly defined cause. Ideas generated by the (β) imitative, will be made relevant to the cause.? The implication of searching for answers in the vast unknown.? Every entrepreneur needs to engage in reactive (α) improvement activities, by exploring the available alternatives. While such augmentations may suffice, for a short time, they would fall short of providing a platform that differentiates itself significantly from the competition. To find unique differentiation, proactive (β) activities are needed.?The potential drawback is inherent in this proposition. The unknown is frothed with uncertainty and even when a breakthrough has been found it is likely to meet resistance from the support groups.?? Why bother?? Since the unknown outnumbers the known by an infinity, the prospect of finding new insights is high. The challenge is to stay resilient and despite the occasional failure to continue making many correlations with insights that seem to have not much in common. Once some inspirations could be matched up, the potential of having found a revolutionary new idea is imminent. And when the discovery has been converted to a relevant application, the benefits of uniqueness will be rewarding in many ways. Companies that systematically promote INNOVATION alongside reactive engagements, will retain a competitive advantage. When developing ideas becomes a key feature in the corporate policy, it indicates management’s commitment to advancement. As long as each participant is committed to both activities, proactive engagement will inadvertently energize reactive engagement.? What can you expect from being proactively engaged in the (β) initiative? Becoming receptive to the minute and vaguely related signals. Becoming resourceful and first to come up with solutions. Becoming more intuitive and flexible. Solving problems faster and more efficiently. So what are we looking for???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? While probing strange objects that are floating by, finding the particle that energizes the device that benefits our cause. Along the way we are likely to encounter various indications for energy sources as well as devices that are not directly related to what we are looking for but could nevertheless be useful indicators. Identifying a cause. The search and discovery stimulus is inherent in human desires. Fundamental reasons for the search need to be scrutinized and formalized. Often describes as a scientific approach, anyone can make these brave steps towards the unknown to arrive at new solutions within the personal commercial universe. What we've pegged as a cause for an end-benefit is a precondition to embarking on this search.?In an exceedingly informed society, it is important to consider the unrelated pitfalls that may appear to be a worthy cause. ? Correlating the previously inconceivable. In trying to explore the unknown, we tend to jump to conclusions before allowing a gestation period for the new insights to pass various constellations of possibilities.??? Open-mindedness is an essential posture in considering the previously inconceivable. An important part of the mental search and discovery journey is to create close alliances with people who have similar values but utterly different experiences. This may lead to the realization that most decisions are based on belief and trust rather than on facts. ? Chaos makes us recognize things that we would have overlooked if everything would have been in perfect order.?? Enabling progression. It is possible to allow the flow of associations to form new, previously inconceivable thought clusters in parallel to the ongoing (α) activities.??By switching off the “must do first" notion, the brain can provide receptive space that accommodates creative blimps that would otherwise lose their illumination before being picked up by the neuron system. The more restrictive the thought process the less innovative thinking takes place. It is therefore important to enable random thoughts to emerge and gestate. The memory will store unresolved thoughts that can be recalled later to merge with other thought alliances.??? To benefit from reciprocity. We need to promote intellectual mutations. In reality, we are already dependent on the intellectual output of others who in turn depend on the intellectual output of people we don't even know. But only on rare occasions do we coordinate the thinking process on unresolved issues.?During this sequential process, some of the mental DNA from other minds will infiltrate our own. Finding collaborating partners willing to engage in a productive discourse pays off. Reaching out to the others. Existing differences between gender, race, and the diversity of beliefs are what enrich society. It adds infinite dimensions and possibilities to thrive on. Humankind needs close relationships with others. The attraction between people is guided by self-defined value indications.?No matter how hard we try to understand someone else, the odds are that we won’t.?Each individual’s emotional sphere guides reciprocal resonance.? Most people are inclined to grant permission to enter their emotional sphere under certain conditions.?In a constructed discourse we should take advantage of this notion, with respect. Gaining trust by taking calculated risks. How do people gauge their proactive participation in the cause????People need to have sufficient trust in the leadership's commitment to making progress towards the cause. The experience of receiving trust credit from a leader is an impetus for people to set suspicion aside. In some cases people are then taking an initiative they would have otherwise not taken.??A value reassessment happens when employees realize that their leader has taken a risk for their sake.??? Benefiting from intellectual exchanges. We are already dependent on the intellectual output of others who in turn depend on the intellectual output of people we don't even know. Any intellectual input could turn out to be an inspiration. It is natural to probe the shared input for its originality.???? Facing fakeness. Fakeness isn't an aberration. It is part and parcel of everyday life. We are so accustomed to it, that in many cases we are faking subconsciously. From deceptions with good intentions like for example diverting a foreseeable calamity from happening to an unaware person to the despicable & malicious deceptions aimed at taking advantage, that subsequently harm the others.?It is closely linked to being deceptive or manipulative. The question is how aware are we of our fakeness and are we willing to concede to some, in the interest of gaining non-biased insights from the others?? Facing the consequences of fakeness. Nothing turns out as expected. And yet we avoid considering what the unexpected may reveal. We rely on what we are being told and examine the new information against a set of value standards before making judgments. We are not prepared to re-calibrate our value judgments all over again, just because unexpected aspects emerge. We are hoping that the indications we get are affirmations of what we believed to be true. What are the benefits of not faking it? One could argue that purposefully avoiding faking, is bound to raise suspicion. Depending on how profound the truth was, it may trigger resentment on the part of the recipient. But the obvious benefit would be to have a clear conscience. Virtually every encounter will raise suspicion about sincerity. It is important to apply cognitive analysis that preempts biases. Cautiousness in evaluation. Considering that we want to be seen as, smart individuals capable of forming our own opinion, how worried should we be about being subjected to subversive and deceptive information maneuvered by governing institutions? To evaluate the massive incoming impressions, we would need to spend a disproportionate amount of time gathering comparative information. Collaboration and interaction between people will prevail, but growing suspicion that what we perceive is a purposeful deception makes us overly cautious and less spontaneous. When one thing leads to another? Within the following 6 months, several indicators came to light. Some of them were pursued alongside a continuous search. Over the next 6 months, 145 viable insights were found but the big breakthrough eluded us. Tracking back revealed a constellation that was not previously recognized and that's where the promising idea was about to be discovered. ? (β) Type innovation modeling.? Minimizing the risk of failure by following a regimen of progression from investigating the unarticulated needs of end-users to delivering (β) type innovations. Concept Development and Testing. What product features must the product incorporate? What benefits will the product provide? How will consumers react to the product? Develop the engineering details.How will the product be produced most cost-effectively? Prove feasibility through virtual computer-aided rendering, and rapid prototyping Category and region-specific probing. There are links between seemingly unrelated expectations and deliverables beyond the available.?Situations that people simply put up with because they don’t know of any other way. Challenging such conventions can provide vital clues as to what could be augmented. Undertaking such preemptive measures is usually riskier than working within the familiar system but the outcome is likely to be more efficient. The first Idea Generating session is called the "fuzzy front end." Ideas for new products can be gained from observation of peoples’ needs and wants. Habits and behavior in all aspects of life, including consumerism. Not necessarily in the same product category. Market and consumer trends, the company's?R&D department, competitors,?focus groups, employees,?salespeople, corporate spies, trade shows, or Ethnographic discovery methods (searching for user patterns and habits)?may also be used to get an insight into a potential unmet need. One of the tangential insights from the beginning of this exercise led to an ancillary idea. By sheer coincidence, we stumbled upon a device that subsequently lead us to a new, unrelated application. It took two more years, a realignment with new affiliates, registering a new company, and a new patent before the new product could be marketed. Why the search and discovery journey should never end. As the journey continues, more and more potentially viable insights were discovered.? Most of them were by coincidence but each new insight was encouraging. In the vast unknown, there is a lot more to be discovered. Even a unique and relevant idea that was successfully introduced into the market will encounter copies and plagiarism. Business is continuous combat, where the best ammunition is to reinvent and reintroduce novelties. Inevitably the (β) initiative will turn into the reactive (α) improvement activities. The team should be encouraged time and again to embark on the next (β) type of exploration.? The Psychological/perceptual arrow of time.? The psychological perceptual arrow occurs because one has the sense that one's perception is a continuous movement from the known past to the unknown future. This phenomenon has two aspects: Memory - we remember the past and not the future; and volition - we feel we can influence the future but not the past. The two aspects are a consequence of the causal arrow of time: past events (but not future events) are the cause of our present memories, as more and more correlations are formed between the outer world our brains see correlations within the arrow of time.?This is because the increase of entropy is thought to be related to the increase of both correlations between a system, and its surrounding.??? Belated reactions are caused by the causal arrow of time.???????????????????????????????????????? A cause precedes its effect: the causal event occurs before the event takes place. ?The causal relation per se cannot be perceived; one only perceives the following sequences of events.
?Best regards, Alex Goslar.