Vento Bands Updated

Vento Bands Updated

The Presidents of both the England & Wales and Scotland Tribunals have announced today that all claims made on or after the 6 April 2022 will be subject to the new compensation bands, commonly known as ‘Vento bands’.

When a claim for discrimination is brought to the Employment Tribunal, claimants can be awarded, on top of any financial losses, an award for ‘injury to feelings’. The award for ‘injury to feelings’ is a discretionary and is there to compensate the claimant for the negative impact of the discrimination on their wellbeing. It takes into account the degree of humiliation, hurt and upset caused to the claimant as a result of the discrimination.

When assessing the amount of an ‘injury to feelings award’ a case involving a claimant with the surname Vento is relevant and why the Vento bands are applicable to such cases.

There are 3 levels of Vento bands applicable to assessing injury to feelings. The increase announced today is to take into account the RPI measure of inflation. ?These 3 levels consist of the lower band, the middle band and the upper band, the rates following are all applicable from 6 April 2022.?The lower band deals with less serious cases such as one-off incidents and will be £900 to £9,900. For the middle band, this deals with cases that do not merit an award in the upper band and are between £9,900 to £29,600. The upper band, deals with the most serious of cases such as continuous discrimination and/or harassment which has had a profound effect on the claimant.

This award will now be between £29,600 to £49,300. It is still also the case that only the very exceptional of cases would exceed the £49,300 top band.

For further advice on this matter, please contact one of our Employment Law Team.

Amy Hallam - Head of Employment t: 01246 564012 e: [email protected]

Ellie Leatherday - Solicitor t: 01246 564002 e: [email protected]

Jessica Eyley - Trainee Legal Executive t: 01246 560587 e: [email protected]

Georgia Jeonney - Employment Paralegal t: 01246 564035 e: [email protected]


