VeloCloud & Equinix Network Edge
It's in the name. VeloCloud's main mission is to help users get to their cloud resources. And so far, we could connect to Azure, AWS, Google and Alibaba Cloud either via the numerous Gateways deployed around the world (IPsec via NVS Gateway), or by using virtual Edges (from the provider's marketplace).
And now we have the 3rd option, for those customer who are utilising multicloud, and would like to simplify the way to connect to them. It is called Equinix Network Edge, and it allows us to spin a virtual Edge inside the Equinix DCs, and from there, in a few clicks, connect to the cloud of our choice. The interconnects are so low in latency, the workloads can communicate with one another even if not in the same cloud. Plus Equinix supports connectivity to Intel and Oracle Cloud, where currently there is no VeloCloud Edge offering.
Equinix Network Edge can connect with the rest of the VeloCloud estate not only via public links, but also MPLS, with the service providers having the ability to physically terminate circuits in the Equinix switches.
Even better, we can now utilise the Equinix low latency worldwide network to connect Edges to one another, bridging different regions together a feature called Device Link. Check the video bellow for more:
Thanks Dimitrie Sandu, it was a blast.