The Veils Are Being Lifted

The Veils Are Being Lifted

 Your friendship groups are changing or evolving

 Your relationship has or is ending - or is becoming more intimate

 You are feeling more inclined to say NO to more and YES to less

 You feel the need to move or downsize

 You read or watch news or social media with a large degree of scepticism

 You feel you have to guard your energy more

 You find yourself saying "WTF" a lot lately!

This is the year of the veils being lifted and we are now seeing people and institutions for who they really are - not for who we thought they were!

This year of change has been predicted by many. What we didn't realise was tthe change to something better could only be preceeded by breaking down of the old & that change would be painful, stressful and often challenging.

And while it looks like it is happening” out there” its also happening through us!

 Body - you may have gained extra weight this year, or often feel tired and drained of energy?

 Relationships - you may find you need to be on your own more, or only spend time with likeminded individuals, as others drain your energy.

 Bank account - you may be looking at a change in career through necessity or choice or choosing to start up a new venture or study a different modality.

But we all play a part in this change - the planet needs more people to question, to hold space and to be the voice of clarity, calm and wisdom

To help you keep your vibrational energy high and navigate some of the MEESS that is 2020 - these are some of the things that should be your highest priority!!

 Meditation (essential)

 EFT (critical)

 Exercise & Eat for wellness (non-negotiable)

Stop listening/watching fear driven narratives (a priority!)

 Spend time listening/watching those with alternative uplifting viewpoints (vital)


PS: Remember the special offers on 2 EFT Online programs end tomorrow at 5pm!

Click here for the Mastering EFT for Personal Use

Click here for information about the EFT for Leaders & Coaches



