The Vegas Muse, by @Jeff Rose
Bill Whitehead
Founder & Principal - Whitehead Consulting "on the trail less traveled, join me"
January 21, 2018
"I am currently unindicted" - Jeffrey Rose:
Second week of coughing, hacking, and blowing my nose. Coughing is even worse
fun when one has a hernia. I've realized that I'm now one of those "older adults" at
highest risk for serious complications from the flu. Damn mortality!
Martin Luther King's dream is still a work in process. The US followed a black
president with Donald J. Trump who is entirely what he seems. How's his second
year going so far? We elected him. We bought him. We now find that his
grandfather was forced to leave Bavaria for not fulfilling his military service
requirement. That's a family tradition, I guess. It appears that the president is
limiting political trips that interfere with his golf game. Reporting on what the
president says (or tweets) is generally fake news. They are more entertaining than
his fake news awards that fell rather flat. The president and the porn star, and
another, and another. Ho hum. How come no one has accused Hooters of sexual
misconduct? Men, some not very powerful, continue to be accused of sexual
harassment. Our president is a narcissistic jerk who would rather play golf (73 days
of his first year in office). Live with it. Focus on his policies rather than him. The US
needs a leader...or two.
"I am not a crook"- Richard Nixon:
As the government shutdown moved closer, both sides started a game of chicken,
setting up the other for the blame. The posturing continued up to and after the
Friday deadline. Saturday both sides decided to play hardball. As this was the fourth
continuing resolution, the Republicans, in control, the Democrats, and, especially the
deal-guy in the White House should be blamed. It did screw up their weekend. He
missed his $100,000-a-couple self congratulatory gala at Mar-a-Lago (rented by
Trump from Trump). Pence left the country. Fixing blame seems to be more
important than a budget. Federal workers celebrated his first year in office by not
going to work. On MLK Day, after declaring he isn't a racist, he headed off for a
round of golf at his Florida club. Sarah Sanders intelligently observed, “Frankly, I
think if the critics of the president were who he said he was, why did NBC give him a
show for a decade on TV?†NBC, of course, also gave Matt Lauer a show. All the
president's men and women are very carefully (crafted by good lawyers) backing him,
saying that they didn't hear the word "shithole", but not mentioning what the "rough
language" they actually heard. Shithouse is about the same, but no one of them has
answered that question. Pence is visiting the Middle East, where nothing positive can
happen. The US is certainly no longer an attempted peace broker there. Under
orders from White House lawyers, Steve Bannon would not tell members of the
House Intelligence Committee anything about anything, before or after the
inauguration, though expectative privilege was evidently not invoked. The Justice
Department will retry Sen. Menendez. A Republican was removed from the House
ethics committee when it came out that he had used taxpayer funds to settle a
misconduct complaint. The conservative House Republicans are holding hearings to
restore earmarks (the swamp) and about to cut a deal to add $100 billion in
spending. Huh?
Mr. Mueller invited Mr. Bannon to testify before a grand jury. Then they cut a deal
for him to meet with prosecutors instead of the grand jury. The office of the US
Trade Representative has added China's Alibaba Group to its list of "Notorious
Markets", for sales of counterfeit products. Twenty-one states are suing the
government to reverse the repeal of net neutrality rules. New homeland security
secretary Kristjen Nielsen couldn't remember who said what in the DACA meeting and
said she didn't know if Norway was predominantly white. Anyone named Kristjen
should be able to do better than that. Secretary of State Tillerson announced that US
troops (2,000 now) would remain in Syria indefinitely. Nine of the 12 members of the
National Park System Advisory Board resigned over frustration that secretary Zinke
never met with them. Zinke has yet to nominate a National Park Service director.
Paying only $60 million, the US is holding back $65 million for the UN relief agency
for the Palestinians that funds educational, health, and social programs. Pence has a
plan to aid Christians in Iraq. Just Christians? The DOE photographer who leaked a
photo of secretary Perry hugging coal magnate Robert E. Murray was fired. The VA
announced that it won't (can't) study the effects of marijuana on veteran PTSD and
chronic pain. Medicare is making it more difficult for victims of chronic diseases to be
paid for home care. The number of US adults without health insurance rose by 3.2
million in 2017. International tourism to the US is dropping precipitously, costing
tens of thousands of jobs. The administration's stance toward foreigners just may
have something to do with that. Expelled from the Air Force in 1955 with a
dishonorable discharge for being a lesbian, Helen Grace James, now 90, finally had
her discharge changed to honorable. The Anti-Defamation League found that 18 US
residents were murdered by white supremacists in 2017, while only 9 were killed by
domestic Islamic extremists. A Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, a
member of the House Freedom Caucus, told Fox News (of course) his suspicion
("credible evidence") that the Las Vegas shooting was connected to ISIS. A second
Woman's March, commemorating the president's first anniversary, was coupled with
voter registration. Women marched all over the US (reportedly 600,000 in Los
Angeles). A world-wide poll of US leadership found its disapproval rate at 43% (vs.
30% for Russia and 36% for China). A CBS poll found 61% of Americans oppose a
border wall. Pew found that 74% want to grant permanent status to Dreamers.
"What this country needs is a really good 5-cent cigar.":
How could Hawaii (obviously still a third-world country) have an emergency alert
system where the real "button" could be confused with the test "button"? Actually,
the button was a drop-down menu on a computer screen with a lot of choices, some
in plain English. The agency evidently keeps some passwords on Post-It notes. It
looks like Las Vegas is stuck with OJ. The Clark County Sheriff says that no motive
was found in the Las Vegas mass shooting. Education Week ranked low-tax Nevada
last in the nation for education. We have nowhere to go but up. Highway 101
through Santa Barbara is closed indefinitely...or until Monday. The newest estimate
of the cost of building 119 miles of bullet train track through California's Central
Valley is $10.6 billion, up from the original $5 billion estimate. The California High-
Speed Rail Authority was established 23 years ago. Since then the state has built
zero miles while China has built 6,000 miles. The police in El Cajon, California (near
San Diego) arrested 12 for feeding the homeless in a local park. A Democrat won a
special election in a rural Wisconsin district that Trump carried by 17 points. The
governor of Missouri has asked for forgiveness from his reported attempted blackmail
of a woman with which he had an extramarital affair. The governor is using public
resources to defend himself. The Southeast had another round of cold, snow, and
Venezuela's financial woes are allowing Brazilians to cross the border for discount
"butt-lifts". Tijuana closed out 2017 with 1,744 homicides, beating the old record of
910 set in 2016. The British Prime Minister has appointed a minister for loneliness.
Pope Francis married two flight attendants in an impromptu ceremony on a Chilean
airliner (A321) at 36,000 feet. A winter storm with wind gusts of up to 90 mph
caused havoc in the Netherlands and Germany. The low temperature dropped to -88
degrees F in a Siberian village. Its all-time low is -98. Cloudy Moscow basked under
6 minutes of sunlight in the entire month of December. Turkish artillery was shelling
the Kurds in Syria and seems to have sent troops into Syria.
Cape Town, South Africa has 90 days supply of water in its reservoirs. Drones have
started appearing in Afghan rugs. India will set up a $350 million fund to finance
solar projects. Bangladesh and Myanmar have agreed to repatriate 1,500 Rohingya a
week. It will take about 9.5 years if the current 740,000 refugees all want to go
back. Since their security and livelihood aren't guaranteed, there is no compelling
reason for them to return. The president of Sri Lanka nixed a plan to allow women to
legally buy alcohol. North and South Korea will march together for next month's
winter Olympics. North Korea is sending a pack of 230 cheerleaders (unarmed, one
hopes) to the Olympics. The Iranian tanker that was burning off the coast of China
since January 6 finally sank, leaving oil still burning and a huge oil spill on and in the
surrounding sea. The 32 on the tanker are presumed dead. If its figures can be
believed, China's economy grew by 6.9% in 2017 (vs. 3.2% for the US). The air
quality in China is so bad that Xian has built the world's largest air purifier. Initial
results indicate that it can bring nearby smog down to moderate levels. Interrupted
during a drone training program, New South Wales lifeguards saved two teenagers by
using their drone to drop them a floatation device. Australian lifeguards are also
using drones to spot sharks. New Zealand's prime minister, 37, is expecting her first
Beware the military-industrial complex:
The CEO of BlackRock ($6.3 trillion under management) sent a letter to 1,000+
global CEO's saying that they should have a positive impact on society as well as
good financial returns. US corporations are giving one-time bonuses instead of raises
with their tax-cut dollars. Twitter found another 1,062 Russian-linked accounts
(totaling 3,814) and 13,512 Russian-linked bots (totaling 50,258). Lactalis, a huge
French producer of dairy products, has recalled more than 12 million boxes of
powered milk from 83 countries for suspected salmonella contamination.
PriceWaterhouse Coopers has been banned from auditing listed Indian companies for
two years. Boone Pickens closed his energy hedge fund. An Emirates airline order
for 36 Airbus A380's will allow Airbus to keep the production line operating and carry
its development into cargo. Lockheed's Skunk Works is reportedly working on a Mach
6, SR-72 hypersonic spy aircraft. BP is still paying for its Deepwater Horizon disaster,
$3 billion estimated this year. On Tuesday the value of a bitcoin dropped almost
25% in 24 hours. Easy come, easy go.
Between 2000 and 2015, the average number of times a garment is warn
(worldwide) before disposal has dropped 36%. Products like the $450 silver ruler
helped Tiffany & Co. sales to rebound. The Detroit Auto Show may have well been
the Detroit Truck Show. The ubiquitous 3.5mm headphone jack is on its way out,
sadly with no successor in sight. The Vikings beat New Orleans last week on the last
play of the game. Tom Brady is a freak. By not kicking the extra point, the Vikings
kicked their betters (who lost by 1/2 point) in their wallets. Playoff TV ratings have
been pretty dismal. At least 14 Michigan State University representatives were told of
Dr. Nassar's sexual misconduct over 20 years. Most of the long-time officials of USA
Gymnastics are still in their jobs. While the Olympic committee has barred Russia
from the winter Olympics, it has provisionally cleared 400 Russian athletes to
Eating Tide pods? Not a good idea:
The girl in the magazine doesn't even look like the girl in the magazine. Drinking oat
milk yet? You will. Fire and Fury will be shopped as a TV series. Nancy Pelosi will
be a guest judge on RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars. Warren Buffett, a major Apple
shareholder, is sticking with his Samsung flip phone. Conan O'Brien is flying to Haiti
despite a very negative Yelp review by the president. Hair-impaired Prince William
came out with a shaved head. James Comey will teach a course in ethical leadership
at College of William & Mary, his alma mater. Chelsea Manning says she's a different
person than she was ten years ago...pretty obvious. Chris Christie, no longer a VIP,
was made to get into the TSA line at Newark Airport like a regular person. Trump
aide Sebastian Gorka has had an active warrant for his arrest in Hungary, for "firearm
or ammunition abuse", since September 17, 2016. Dan Gurney, all-around car racing
sportsman, has died at 86. Paul Bocuse, perhaps the first celebrity chef, has died at
If you want to avoid the flu this year, get the shot and don't breathe. Flu is the 8th
leading cause of death in the US. A Boston University study found that repeated hits
to the head, not necessarily a concussion, is better linked to degenerative brain
disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Researchers have found that new
mothers taking group singing lessons with their babies recover more quickly from
post-natal depression. Holding in a sneeze can be bad, very bad, for your neck.
Unless you have celiac disease (1%) or gluten sensitivity (6% or so), A gluten-free
diet is not healthy. Mushrooms are high in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. 2017
was only the second hottest year in recorded history, not able to beat out 2016 for
Jeffrey "Ronin" Rose
Las Vegas and on the road
If one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out. - Oscar Wilde
We have met the enemy and he is us - Walt Kelly
. . . for a full version with the hyperlinks; email Jeff Rose at
Founder & Principal - Whitehead Consulting "on the trail less traveled, join me"
7 å¹´Jeffrey K Rose puts out this weekly blog of what is interesting to him in the NEWS, you should check it out and email him for the full version with all the links. It is worth the 10 minutes it takes to read.