Vegas Bets on Rubio
Did the Iowa caucuses really matter? Apparently they did! Here is a graph of the how the Vegas oddsmakers see the Republican's chances of winning. Even though Rubio came in third he has swapped places with Trump as the odds-on favorite to win. Though Cruz won the caucus, he barely got a bump in his odds. Bush continued his submarine impression. Obviously, Vegas believes the big winner was Rubio. When you look at the odds, Vegas is betting that our next President will be Clinton or Rubio.
For a really fascinating analysis of the way Vegas works the odds, check out Todd W. Schneider's blog post. To really get the numbers on all the candidates and all the odds, check out Betfair. Its fascinating. These are not pollsters, the media or campaigns, these are people who study the race and put their money where their mouth is. They have skin in the game so I "bet" they are closer to being right than anyone.
The guy I want to know more about is John Kasich. He is hanging around in the odds. He is scheduled to speak at the Knox County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner on February 27, just 4 days before the Tennessee GOP Primary. So, apparently, he plans to be around well past New Hampshire.
Who is John Kasich? He is a former Congressman and current governor of Ohio. Beyond that, I don't know a lot. I like the fact that he is a governor and has been in the role of chief executive before. I don't know much about him, but I'm going to find out.