Vegan Lunchboxes

Vegan Lunchboxes

It's that Back-To School frenzy once again. Don't you want to switch things up a bit in 2021?

New Year, new goals, new me, new lifestyle, we have heard it all.

Dear parents, let's talk Vegan lunchboxes.

We already in the second month and most parents are faced with lunch box preparations. While this may be very stressful and time-consuming, it's also a good opportunity to explore this interesting food adventure through your kids lunchboxes.

Studies have proven that plant-based foods are packed with many nutritional health benefits and there are many fun ways to introduce this vegan lifestyle into lunchboxes to subtly educate kids around plant-based eating.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Knowledge is Power - Educate your kids

(education videos, How-To videos (TikTok / YouTube)

2. Encourage your kids to prepare their own lunchboxes.







