VEGA NaturK2-Vitamin K2benefits for people of all ages

VEGA NaturK2-Vitamin K2benefits for people of all ages

What is Vitamin K2 ?

Vitamin K2 is a crucial fat-soluble vitamin that supports numerous essential functions in the body.

Cardiovascular health and bone health markets are growing

Osteoporosis and atherosclerosis are two of the most common diseases in older adults.

  • In 2016, it was estimated that more than 200 million people worldwide suffered from osteoporosis. (An overview and management of osteoporosis, 2016)
  • In 2020, the estimated global prevalence of increased arterial thickness among persons aged 30-79 years was 27.6% (95% CI 16·9-41·3), corresponding to 106.67 million affected persons (Peige Song , etc. 2020)


Deficiency of current calcium supplementation methods

  1. Calcium cannot directly enter the blood, but needs to pass through the intestinal mucosal cells. Simple supplementation of calcium has little effect.
  2. Vitamin D3 helps to form osteocalcin, opens channels on the intestinal cell membrane, and allows calcium ions to pass quickly into the blood. Therefore, vitamin D3 can improve the ability of human intestine to absorb calcium.
  3. Blood calcium can not directly enter the bone, and can not effectively ?prevent calcium loss. In addition, excessive blood calcium is also easy to lead to calcium deposition in blood vessels, leading to vascular diseases.


How to solve this problem ?

Action mechanism

Action mechanism

Realize hard bones and soft blood vessels

Realize hard bones and soft blood vessels

BUT,whether all the K2 has the same effect ?


K2 Different effect

Advanced green extraction technology

Advanced green extraction technology

Advantages of NaturK2

100% Natural MK-7

MK-7 is the most scientifically researched form of vitamin K2 with well-defined health benefits.

Also, it has the longest half-life (72 hours), making it more effective than other K2 forms such as MK-4


Cis MK-7 is not exsist in nature, and cis-MK-7 has no biological activity.

Nearly half of the synthesis is in cis form

Process and production:

  • Green extraction process, no solvent residue Green Extraction, No Solvents
  • Produced with High-Purity Vitamin K2 Crystals
  • Tailor-Made Vitamin K2 Assay, Carriers and Packing Specifications
  • Efficient Production & Just-in-time Delivery
  • Concept Formula and Premixing Service



  • The production and storage process of VK2 shall be as dark as possible; K2 is sensitive to light.
  • The main attention is to avoid light as much as possible during weighing and production, or it is recommended to use a pink light source with a longer wavelength in the operation room to reduce the photodegradation of K2.


  • In the tablets, VK2 and some minerals will degrade after being pressed, Magnesium oxide and Calcium citrate are the most serious ones.
  • When designing the formula of Calcium D K tablets, calcium carbonate can be recommended;
  • In the formula design of multi-vitamin mineral tablets, magnesium (especially magnesium oxide) should be avoided


Vitamin K2 has health benefits for people of all ages

Vitamin K2 has health benefits for people of all ages

For more information, just contact us:

[email protected]


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