VE Day to VC Day
Steve Applegate MBA
Author and highly experienced international Director open to NED and Consulting roles
We were preparing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) Day on the 8th May, it is sadly very unlikely that this will take place in anything other than in a low key affair, we will be unable to pay tribute to the brave men and women who worked on the front line and in supporting roles in a way that they deserve. We are in a very different kind of war now, one where the enemy cannot be seen but is nonetheless just as deadly and indiscriminate, once again we are beholding to those on the front line and in supporting roles, it would be fitting therefore to establish a VC (Victory over Coronavirus) Day once we are on top of this pestilence in tribute to those working to keep us safe or selflessly trying to heal those souls that unfortunately contract the virus. Please 'like' this article if you agree.