VC Funds Regulatory Playbook
The Carta Policy Team Just Dropped the 'VC Regulatory Playbook' for Emerging Fund Managers. Let’s Review It.
Key Takeaways: We have written a lot about VC fund regulations here on LinkedIn—probably more than any other author. Today, our attention turns to the Carta VC Regulatory Playbook. My initial thoughts are that this is the best practical guide on VC fund regulations. It distills the complex nature of SEC rules down to simple checklists and a good framework for emerging fund managers. Let’s review it in more detail. (Link).
On February 7th, the Carta Policy Team posted the VC regulatory playbook:
What is It?
The VC Regulatory Playbook is a 23-page guidebook that covers these topics:
Back in Law of VC #20 - a Simple Framework, we learned that there are three principal laws that govern 80%+ of venture fund law:1
This is the same framework that underlies Carta’s VC Regulatory Playbook:
FAQs: Framing it in this way can help us understand some of the nuances and the common legal issues that emerging fund managers face today. For example:
? Yes—see Rules 506(b) and (c):- Rule 506(b): no general solicitation or advertising is allowed; - Rule 506(c): you can advertise but only if you take “reasonable steps to verify” your LPs are accredited investors.2
—100 U.S. beneficial owners (LPs); or,
—250 U.S. beneficial owners (LPs) if—Your fund size is limited to $10M [?? soon to be $12M]3 and it’s a Venture capital fund—Section 3(c)(1)(A) of the Company Act; and,
—1,999 for qualified purchasers only—Section 3(c)(7) of the Company Act4
? <$25M: ?? If your total assets under management (AUM) are less than $25 million, you may not be eligible or even permitted to file a Form ADV with the SEC—see Regulation of the Fund Manager section, below.
Let’s dive into the most important parts of the guide:
I. Regulation of the Fundraising Process
Regulation D: The Key Takeaways
In the Last Money In , Alex Pattis and Zachary Ginsburg laid out a very good high-level summary of the primary exemptions under Regulation D:
You can think about the differences [between Rule 506(b) and Rule 506(c)] in the ability to leverage the public or not. Under 506(c), you can advertise your fund on a large billboard or even a Super Bowl TV ad, while 506(b) is more restrictive, like a private club with a member’s only invite.
Rule 506(b)—Member’s Only
Pro Tip: While it may be possible to add 35 non-accredited LPs in 506(b) fund offerings, GPs almost always avoid it due to the uncertainty, disclosure obligations & costs.
Rule 506(c)—Influencer’s Wanted
Form D
Funds relying on Rule 506 are required to file a Form D5 with the SEC within 15 days after “first closing”—that is, the date upon which any LP is “irrevocably contractually committed” to invest in the fund; which is generally the date both the GP and LP sign their counterparts to the limited partnership agreement (LPA) and fund documents.6
But just to be 100% clear, there’s no 'registration' of any securities offering offering under Reg. D—you’re exempt from registration so you either just check a box under Form D for Rule 506(b)—for private offerings, or Rule 506(c)—for public solicitations:
Integration Doctrine
Can you have a dual offering—that is, can you use Rule 506(b) and (c) at the same time?
II. Regulation of Private Funds
The key sections that govern the investor limitations of private funds are found in sections 3(c)(1) and 3(c)(7) of Investment Company Act:
Section 3(c)(1)
Section 3(c)(1)(C)—Qualifying Venture Capital Funds
Section 3(c)(7)
III. Regulation of the Fund Manager
Who are Investment Advisers?
Exempt Reporting Advisers (ERA)
*Definition of Venture Capital Fund
What’s considered a “venture capital fund” under federal law?
Legally, a VC fund is a private fund that:
Here’s a simple explanation of how the “20% Non-Qualifying Basket” rule works:
Q: Can “warehoused investments” be considered 'qualifying investments' (i.e., VC assets) even though they were not originally acquired by the venture fund?
—Direct Acquisition: You or your affiliated entity (such as an SPV) must have acquired the investment “directly” from the portfolio company.
—Full Disclosure: The terms of the warehoused investment must be clearly outlined so all investors (LPs) know before their commitment to the fund.
—Transfer at Cost: It's best practice to transfer warehoused investments into the fund at the original cost basis, avoiding the perception of any conflicts of interest.
SEC Updates Its FAQ on Form ADV
There are two types of ERAs in the U.S. federal system:16
You can file as a State ERA and SEC ERA, but only if your AUM is over $25 million. For fund managers who manage <$25 million AUM, state law provides the relevant rule. But in some states, you go through the same filing process—except a checkbox to file the Form ADV with state regulators (“Submit a report to one or more state securities authorities”) instead of submitting it to the SEC (“Submit an initial report to the SEC”).17
This dual regulatory system can lead to differences in reporting requirements, exemptions, and compliance obligations:
Pro Tip: ?? Importantly, if a fund manager is ineligible to register with the SEC because their AUM is under $25 million, the fund manager may be ineligible to file as an SEC ERA.
As to that last point, one of my emerging fund clients received an email from the SEC earlier this year, with words to the effect of:
Based on your latest Form ADV filing, it does not appear your firm is eligible to report as an SEC exempt reporting adviser (ERA) because you are not eligible to register with the SEC, primarily because in your Form ADV Section 7.B.(1), you report that you are managing less than $25 million in private fund gross assets/regulatory assets under management. You further do not qualify for registration under specific exemptions that would allow you to operate without SEC registration, such as being a multi-state adviser or a related adviser under certain SEC rules. Please submit a final report with the SEC to terminate your reporting as an SEC ERA.18
On October 26, 2023, the SEC updated its FAQs on ERAs:
Q: Must I be otherwise required to register with the SEC to be eligible to file as an SEC Exempt Reporting Adviser?
This creates an interesting regulatory paradox. If you’re a State ERA, but ineligible to file a Form ADV as an SEC ERA, what happens to your legal status if you complete the same steps and disclose the same information in your Form ADV? For instance:
State Rules for Fund Managers
State adviser regulations across the U.S. have been keyed into this USA map:
How does California treat their State ERAs?
California treats ERAs identically as SEC ERAs but with two key differences:
? PPM: Advisers must provide “material disclosures” regarding the fund and “the nature of advisory relationship” between the GP and the fund’s LPs.
? Audit: Advisers must provide their LPs with audited financials annually.-
? Qualified Clients: Advisers may only charge “performance fees” (i.e., carried interest) to “qualified clients” ($2.2 net worth).
In California, you’re considered a "State ERA" not a "Dual ERA" or “SEC ERA”, if you have under $25 million in AUM.
IV. ERA Compliance Checklist
In addition to the ERA Compliance Checklist by Carta, there is another checklist available by the Investment Adviser Association (IAA)—entitled Form ADV Part 1A Checklist:
Here is a summary of Carta’s ERA Compliance Checklist:
Reporting Requirements
Form ADV—Part 1A includes:
Filing Process:
State Registration and Blue Sky Filings:
Fiduciary Duties and the Advisers Act
Fiduciary Duties:
Anti-Fraud Requirements:
ERAs must still comply with the anti-fraud prohibitions under Section 206 and Rule 206(4)-8 of the Advisers Act, which broadly cover fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative conduct.
1. Prohibition of Misleading Conduct
? Avoid making false or misleading statements to current or prospective LPs—the most important places this is made are in emails and your LP deck.-
? Do not omit material facts necessary to prevent statements from being misleading
? Refrain from engaging in practices that could be deceptive or fraudulent.
2. Specific Prohibited Activities
? Providing investors with misleading performance data
For example, showing 10x returns on portfolio but the data is cherry picked or misleading personal investments.
? Promising or implying guaranteed returns
? Making inaccurate disclosures regarding management fees & expenses.21
Conflicts of interest
—Where a conflict exists and can be waived (eg, a principal transaction for a warehoused asset that is to be transferred into the fund), informed written consent by LPs must be provided prior to the effective date of transfer.
SEC Pay-to-Play Summary
In simple terms, an adviser cannot receive compensation for services provided to a government entity or official after making political contributions to the same.
Key Points:
Material Non-Public Information (MNPI):
Checklist for Emerging Fund Managers:
—Establish written policies to prevent MNPI misuse.
—Adopt a code of ethics.
—Specify expected business conduct.
—Identify “access persons” subject to reporting obligations (like managing directors, managing partners, and general partners).
—Ensure timely reporting of securities transactions and holdings to the CCO.
V. Other Fund Regulations
Carta’s VC Regulatory Playbook also covers the following rules and regulations:
Here’s a brief description of each:
Private Fund Advisers Rules
Corporate Transparency Act
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements under the CTA
The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) mandates U.S. companies to disclose beneficial ownership information to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to enhance corporate transparency and combat money laundering activities.
The three most important things about this rule are as follows:
Here’s a summarized checklist:
—Entity Details: Legal name, DBAs, principal business address, jurisdiction of incorporation, Taxpayer ID (EIN); and;
—For Each Beneficial Owner/Company Applicant: Name, date of birth, residential address, and a unique identifying number from an ID document, along with an image of that government sponsored ID.
? “Beneficial Owner” Individuals owning at least 25% of the company or exercising substantial control, including executive officers, managers, GPs board members, or even investors with significant control rights.
? “Company Applicant” The individual who files the entity’s creation or registration documents, or the one primarily controlling the filing.
—For Existing Entities: January 1, 2025, if formed before January 1, 2024.
—For New Entities: Within 90 days for entities formed between January 1, 2024, and January 1, 2025; within 30 days for entities formed after January 1, 2025.
—Updates: Must be filed within 30 days of any change in beneficial ownership.
For a lot more useful information on Beneficial Ownership Rules and the CTA, checkout this Substack by Shayn Fernandez and Justin Bell :
California’s VC Diversity Disclosure law
The Last Word: Carta’s VC Regulatory Playbook has a lot to offer and I just included the parts that were interesting, but I encourage you to download it if you are an emerging VC looking for a comprehensive framework and checklists for regulatory compliance.
for more regulatory frameworks:
3 ?? New $12 Million Qualifying VC Fund Threshold
4 Parallel Funds
100 LP limits can be avoided if you operate a 3(c)(1) fund with a 3(c)(7) fund in parallel; the two funds can coexist and increase the number of LP slots to raise. However, you cannot add two or more Section 3(c)(1) funds together—otherwise they become “integrated.”
The parallel funds structure is a strategy that many GPs have used recently, including Ryan Hoover at Weekend Fund 3:
5 The SEC has said in 2024 it will propose amendments to Reg. D and Form D that will likely change the regulatory reach and timing of the current rules. As of 2022, 18.5% of U.S. households qualified as accredited investors, a significant increase from 1.8% in 1983, the first reporting year of Reg D. Without adjustments to inflation, the U.S. accredited investor population is projected to rise to 31% by 2032. Funds have historically made up a little more than 1/3rd of all Form D filings, but more than 3x the number of Form D amendments:
“D/A filings” means Amendments to Form D.
The proposed changes to Form D and Reg D are projected to happen in April of 2024.
6 The SEC allows fund managers to file before a first closing so most funds today just file their Form D before their closing, so the initial Form D has relatively little information. Amendments should be filed within a year after first closing but not everyone does this.
“A Rule 506(b) offering, followed by a Rule 506(c) offering: Where a Rule 506(b) offering is completed and then followed by a Rule 506(c) offering, we believe integration should not be a concern because it is clear the investors in the Rule 506(b) offering were not attracted to the offering by the general solicitation in the subsequent Rule 506(c) offering. However, application of the five-factor test [before Rule 152 was amended] may not produce this result.” —The SEC.
8 By default, one LP equals one beneficial owner (1:1). There are four “Look-Through Rules” or exceptions that apply notwithstanding the default rule:
9 See Footnote #2, above.
10 See Motley Fool has a venture capital arm that has raised a Section 3(c)(7) Fund with 629 LPs, closing $145 million in 2019.
11 While “investment adviser” is a broader term than a “fund manager” or a “VC”, within our context, the terms can be used interchangeably since every fund manager qualifies either as an “investment adviser” or “investment adviser representative”.
12 The “Form ADV” is a standard document used by?fund managers to register with the?SEC or?state securities regulators (RIA) or to report as an?exempt reporting adviser (ERA).
“Solely” advises one or more venture capital funds:
The term “solely” is an important qualifier: When fund managers “solely” advise venture capital funds, it means they exclusively manage VC funds. VC fund managers generally cannot manage other private funds or investment vehicles beyond direct VC investments.
Importantly, the Advisers Act restrictions apply to each fund individually, not the entire portfolio. If you manage a position in a non-qualifying fund (e.g., secondary resale or fund-of-funds), you risk losing the federal VC adviser exemption.
14 The second element of the VC fund definition is the most important—Rule 203(l)-1(a)(2):
(2) Immediately after the acquisition of any asset, other than qualifying investments or short-term holdings, holds no more than 20 percent of the amount of the fund’s aggregate capital contributions and uncalled committed capital in assets that are not qualifying investments, valued at cost or fair value, consistently applied by the fund. § 275.203(l)-1(a)(2).
The [SEC] would not object to [a VC fund manager] treating a “Warehoused Investment” as if it were acquired directly from the qualifying portfolio company for purposes of the definition of “venture capital fund” under Rule 203(l)-1 of the Advisers Act provided that: (i) the Warehoused Investment is initially acquired by the adviser (or a person wholly owned and controlled by the adviser) directly from a qualifying portfolio company solely for the purpose of acquiring the investment for a prospective venture capital fund that is actively fundraising; and (ii) the terms of the Warehoused Investment are fully disclosed to each investor in the venture capital fund prior to each investor committing to invest in the fund.
16 SEC ERAs vs. State ERAs:
18 To be honest, I was a bit confused by the SEC’s interpretation because it means a fund manager under $25 million AUM is prohibited from filing as an ERA with the SEC.
19 CA Rule 260.204.9(a)(4)(A) defines a “venture capital company” as a firm that meets one of three types of VC firms:
(A) the fund must have at least 50% of its assets (other than short-term investments or distributions to LPs) in venture capital investments valued at cost.
20 In Law of VC #30, we discussed that the SEC ended up not adopting the more draconian indemnification prohibition initially proposed, as fiduciary duties and antifraud provisions at the federal level already cover much of the prohibited activity, including negligence.
21 Demanding management fees upfront or applying fund expenses without proper disclosures & policies can result in multi-million dollar fines. See SEC Charges Venture Capital Fund Adviser with Misleading Investors (2022); see also NH Bureau of Securities Reaches Settlement with Manchester-Based Alumni Ventures Group (2022).
23 But the important part is that it is “filed … with the SEC”. In other words, it is an SEC ERA, not just a State ERA.
Venture Capital | Startups | Data Science | Strategy
11 个月Great summary, Chris! Has the inflation-adjusted threshold increase from $10M to $12M gone into effect? Or was the announcement simply the SEC communicating changes to come in the near future?
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