VAST Opportunities 2021
Richard Williams - The Continental Group Securing Your Tomorrows
Business Development | Protection Specialist | Marketing & Communication
Have you noticed that this year everyone seems to be back at work earlier than ever and ready to go!
Do not worry - I am not going to launch into the obvious challenges and difficulties of 2020 in respect of COVID-19. It was a difficult year for so many and thoughts and prayers always with those who have been affected and of course those who are no longer with us.
Meanwhile this new term of “Togetherness” seems to be prevailing - it is infectious.
During the last 12 months, it seems that both immediate colleagues and my Global Partners came closer to one another and their respective clients than ever before.
For the first time ever, we were all forced by a single common issue to become super communicative, to embrace and not doubt technology more than ever before, and to learn new skills enabling us to keep in touch remotely and efficiently.
There were also many heroes of the airwaves and particularly here, on LinkedIn and in the trade press to whom we should be grateful. They keep content regular, upbeat, innovative, and fresh to keep the momentum going when so many meetings did not take place, and when people may have been feeling isolated or low. They went the extra mile, and they shared their thoughts, predictions, views, and great content.
FOMO / "Fear of missing out" ensured that no one was left behind.
We find ourselves now at the start of 2021:
- More communicative
- More prepared
- More excited than ever? - I think so
We have had to embrace Zoom, Microsoft Teams, What's App, and social media to be heard and to have a loud and most of the time a remote voice.
Despite going into yet another lockdown in the UK being announced last night, I am mindful that this is very different from March 23rd, 2020 as we should be celebrating the fact that several vaccines have already been approved in record time for global distribution. There is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.
The opportunities that we now have in our hands are VAST - everyone has significantly upped their game in terms of proactivity and being responsive. Communication will always remain the source of great business practice and a great life.
? #VACCINE - Unbelievable to have this rolling out already / Delivered in record time with many pharmaceutical company competitive boundaries taken down to speed up the process.
? #ABILITY - Everyone is in a position where they can genuinely celebrate being more communicative. How much more have you learned about being a better communicator and how can you put that into good practice after normality returns? What have you done differently?
? #SUPPORT - We have all the tools at our disposal to be super communicative and provide our work colleagues, our clients, and our friends with great support forever.
? #TOGETHERNESS - 2021 is starting out like no other year that we have had in our industry's history. We have survived 2020, we have learned, we have come together, and we are stronger.
Wishing you every success in the months and years ahead and please reach out if I can be of any assistance and I will be delighted to help. Supporting and being supported by the network is key.
Stay safe - there is a bright future ahead.