Vast Flexibility of End Details
Joistz Ltd
Metal Web Specialists - supplying to all aspects of the construction industry.
Flexibility of end details are not limited when it comes to Metal-Web SpaceJoists. When designing our engineered joists, we can alter the joist to give a variety of support details without the need for expensive metalwork.
Top Chording End Detail
The top chord support is used mainly in timber frame, but also to trim around openings without the need for hangers. Top chord supported joists eliminate the use of a rim board. The top hung detail require panels to be higher, as well as the use of solid noggins on the top of the panel between joists to provide support for the panel above.
With the benefit of this support detail we are also able to extend and join joists without the need to stagger.
Bottom Chord End Detail
This is a standard detail on normal height panels or on masonry. A rim board with depth to suit around the outside is required to close off the floor zone, alternatively the bottom chord can extend the full width of the wall with restraining blocking fixed between each joist or if masonry, brickwork can be built around the joist. This end detail can be used on external or party walls.
These can also be finished in hangers on the face of masonry, timber frame, or steel beams.
Horn End Detail
Part L Building regulations require houses to be airtight, and so with the use of the horn detail it is easier to seal to brickwork with blocks pushed up against the supporting wall. Akin to the bottom chord detail, these can be face fixed to the support or can be built in.
This end detail gives flexibility for trimming on site, often with 35mm either end of the joist, but this can be made bespoke to allow more flexibility in the joist.
Trimmable End Detail
The SpaceJoist trimmable end incorporates a solid timber block which can be engineered with an allowance for trimming on site. We often find these are best suited to supporting waining walls or when notching into a steel beam.
All of the above end details eliminate the use of plastic caps for airtight requirements on a masonry build.
Joists supported by Internal Walls or Beams
Lastly, our SpaceJoists can sit on internal walls with a long timber block or engineered plated verticals which allows for slight tolerance on the wall position. A pocket can also be incorporated into the design when a continuous beam is required over raised bearing.
Our joists can also be cantilevered where there are difficult stair details, or to overcome an awkward section of the building.
Did you know that there were so many different details to give flexibility on a floor design??