VARK learning style results - Dheeraj Rai

VARK learning style results - Dheeraj Rai

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I am under the assumption that just maybe I can proceed to enhance further on my aural, read and write mode as per my VARK Learning style. This is so that I can refute the suggestion as per given to me via my Belbin Team Report which states that I need to get out more often and meet new people and introduce myself. It is literally dragging me out of my comfort zone :(

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After all with technology constantly improving, surely an INTJ (Jung Type) / ISFP (MBTI) like me can utilize or enhance their aural, read and write mode to be more of an extroverted without getting out of their comfort zone ? I wonder what how stubborn can a INTJ (Jung Type) / ISFP (MBTI) be ? :)

INTJ (Jung Type) + ISFP (MBTI) + Western astrological zodiac sign: Virgo (Month: September) + Chinese zodiac sign : Dog (Year: 1982).

Below is an extract essay of which I had submitted when I was doing my Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA with Northumbria University where I received a First-Class Honors grade in 2018.

1.2.1 What is VARK?

VARK learning style model measures individuals’ preference (not personality) of learning style (Stirling & Alquraini, 2017). The creator of this model to diagnose an individual learning style on a set of questionnaires is N. Fleming (Fleming,1995). Peyman et al. (2014) states that VARK enables self-awareness of one’s learning styles and allows each learner to select suitable study methods. VARK is established on dissimilar senses, specifically visual, aural, reading, and kinesthetic, and the name of the model itself was created from those senses prefix letters (V, A, R, and K) (Othman & Amiruddin, 2010). Fleming (2001) illustrates in Table (List of Figures) the emphasis on how an individual learns when tested by the VARK questionnaire (as cited in King & Lawley, 2016).

Approximately 50-70% individuals are estimated to be multimodal (i.e. possess more than one preference when it comes to learning) (Peate & Wild, 2017). Multimodal learners do not have a strong preference for any single method (Ictenbas & Eryilmaz, 2011).

1.2.2 My VARK results

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According to the result of VARK Questionnaire (Table, I have a multimodal learning preference. It must be noted that the scores are not evenly spread across the four modalities. Thus, I moderately agree with the results although my personal preferences based on my professional working experience lean more towards the aural and read/write modalities.

However, given my professional and personal background I have always been flexible and able to switch from mode to mode or combine some modes when it comes to learning depending on the resources or circumstances presented to me.

Firstly, on the visual modality during some of my modules in school, there would be lectures where slides would be the primary medium to relay information to me as a student. Hence, I would decipher the visual information by writing it down as notes which I will use to study for my examinations or do my assignments. In this instance I have combined two modalities to facilitate my learning of the subject being taught to me.  

Secondly the aural modality has been an absolute key in my professional working life. I have received one recommendation on my LinkedIn profile from a third-party service provider whom I communicated with in one of my previous employment stints. It was stated that I ensured win-win partnership between my vendors and employer. I personally feel that the way I aurally listen and discuss ideas or issues with others has been a key to learn successfully the task on hand.

Thirdly the read/write modality would be an absolute staple in my scholarly and professional life. In the international trading industry contracts worth millions of dollars are concluded on a regular basis. The sheer necessity to be able to send clear, concise e mails (write) after understanding (read) the respective contracts are a pre-requisite and learning mode of my job scope.

Fourthly the kinesthetic modality would be an absolute necessity in my conscripted military career. In my military career when undergoing weapons training I have been required to strip, assemble and fire the respective firearm using life rounds. The fundamentals of firing the firearm can only be learned through the kinesthetic mode where physical contact with the item (firearm) is a critical element of the learning process.  

To conclude this section, I would say that I may not have an absolute strong learning modal preference. However, given my passion professionally for the international trading industry which I belong to, I incline slightly towards the aural and read/write modalities where I have scored the highest in for the VARK Questionnaire.     

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Fleming, N. D. (1995, July). I'm different; not dumb. Modes of presentation (VARK) in the tertiary classroom. In Research and development in higher education, Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Conference of the Higher Education and Research Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), HERDSA (Vol. 18, pp. 308-313).

Ictenbas, B. D., & Eryilmaz, H. (2011). Determining learning styles of engineering students to improve the design of a service course. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 342-346.

King, D., & Lawley, S. (2016). Organizational behaviour (2nd ed., p. 342). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Othman, N., & Amiruddin, M. H. (2010). Different perspectives of learning styles from VARK model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 7, 652-660.

Peate, I., & Wild, K. (2017). Nursing Practice. Google Books. Retrieved 28 February 2018, from

Peyman, H., Sadeghifar, J., Khajavikhan, J., Yasemi, M., Rasool, M., Yaghoubi, Y. M., & Karim, H. (2014). Using VARK approach for assessing preferred learning styles of first year medical sciences students: a survey from Iran. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 8(8), GC01.

Stirling, B., & Alquraini, W. (2017). Using VARK to assess Saudi nursing students' learning style preferences: Do they differ from other health professionals?. Journal Of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 12(2), 125-130.

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