Various Marketing Pricing Strategies with example.
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Pricing strategy is a crucial element of marketing that determines how a product or service is priced in the market. Different pricing strategies can have a significant impact on consumer behavior, revenue generation, and brand positioning. Here are several types of pricing strategies commonly used in marketing, along with examples:
1. Cost-Plus Pricing:
2. Value-Based Pricing:
3. Penetration Pricing:
Jio and Notion Press used the same strategy in their early stages to get intoskimming the market.
4. Price Skimming:
5. Psychological Pricing:
6. Bundling:
7. Dynamic Pricing:
8. Freemium Pricing:
9. Predatory Pricing:
10. Loss Leader Pricing:
- Description: This strategy involves setting a low price on a specific product to attract customers to a store or website, with the aim of selling other profitable items.
- Example: A grocery store might sell milk at a loss to entice customers to purchase other items in the store.