Variation Order: From the Perspective of a Quantity Surveyor

Variation Order: From the Perspective of a Quantity Surveyor

Picture this, a client decides to change the flooring material from hardwood to marble. On the surface, it might seem like a simple swap, but beneath it lies a chain reaction of changes.

As Quantity Surveyors, we meticulously calculate the cost difference between the materials, factor in the additional labor required for installation, and adjust the project timeline to accommodate the change. It’s a bit like being a financial detective, piecing together clues to see how the numbers will add up.

In this article we will delve into the world of variation orders from the perspective of a Quantity Surveyor, exploring their significance, challenges, and best practices in managing them effectively.

Understanding Variation Orders

In the world of construction projects, change is a constant. It is rare to find a project that fully adheres to the original plans without any modifications or alterations. These changes, often referred to as Variation Orders or VO, are an integral part of construction management. As Quantity Surveyors, we play a crucial role in managing these variations, ensuring they are adequately documented, and understanding their implications on the project's cost, time, and quality.

So, to put it simply, variation orders are changes made to the original scope of work in a construction project. These alterations can arise due to various reasons, such as design changes, adverse ground conditions, client requests, or unforeseen site conditions. While some variation orders may be essential to enhance the project outcome, others may pose challenges such as delays, cost overruns, or quality compromises.

Assessing the Impact of Variation Orders

One of our roles as Quantity Surveyors is to assess the potential impact of the variation orders on a construction project. It is like being the detective who examines every clue before solving the case. This assessment involves a comprehensive analysis of various factors.

First, there is the scope of work. What are the additional works? How far has it changed from the original scope? Any breakdown of the work elements?—so, these are some of the things that will be running in our head. When a variation order enters the scene, it is like introducing a new puzzle piece. The Quantity Surveyor’s job is to figure out how this new piece fits in with the existing ones.

Next comes the pricing aspect. Think of it as managing your personal budget but on a much larger scale. Quantity Surveyors meticulously calculate the potential cost implications of the variation order. This includes not only the direct costs of materials and labor but also any ripple effects it might have on the overall project budget.

Time is another puzzle piece in this construction game. If a variation order results in changes to the project’s design or scope, it could impact the timeline. The Quantity Surveyor steps in to assess how these changes might affect the project schedule and if any time extensions are necessary.

Lastly, there is the resource puzzle. A change in plans could mean shifting resources around—maybe more labor is needed in one area, while materials need to be reallocated elsewhere. The Quantity Surveyor plays a strategic role in evaluating these adjustments to ensure that the project remains on track.

At the end of the day, all this detailed analysis is not just about crunching numbers; it’s about providing project managers with the information they need to make informed decisions. It’s like being the consultant who lays out all the options, highlighting the pros and cons of each. By assessing the impact of variation orders, Quantity Surveyors empower the decision-making process, ensuring that the construction project continues to move forward smoothly.

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Challenges Faced by Quantity Surveyors

Being a Quantity Surveyor isn’t all clear skies. We face our fair share of challenges. From unexpected variation orders shaking up plans to navigating negotiations like a pro, and juggling meticulous documentation – it’s like solving a complex puzzle every day. Some common hurdles encountered in our role include:

1. Inadequate Information: Variation orders often arise due to unforeseen circumstances or design changes during the course of the project. The lack of detailed information can make it challenging for Quantity Surveyors to accurately assess the impact and properly manage the variations.

2. Time Constraints: Variation orders typically require swift action, as delays in decision-making can affect project schedules and costs. Hence, Quantity Surveyors must work efficiently to analyze and communicate the necessary information within strict timelines.

3. Cost Management: Variation orders often impact project costs, which can be challenging to manage if proper systems and controls are not in place. As such, we have to closely monitor expenses, ensure appropriate cost estimation methods are followed, and accurately track any changes in project finances.

4. Contractual Considerations: Variation orders may have legal, contractual implications that demand a thorough understanding to mitigate associated risks. So, as Quantity Surveyors, we are also required to have a sound knowledge on the operation of the contract terms and conditions to navigate potential disputes and claims that may arise due to variations.

Best Practices for Effective Variation Order

Drawing from my experience, I would say that tackling these challenges head-on requires a Quantity Surveyor to embrace a set of best practices. These strategic moves although may not be the best solutions, at the very least may serve as roadmaps and pave the way for effective?management of variation orders. Some of the best practices which I think would be useful include:

1. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration between various project stakeholders, such as architects, engineers, contractors, and clients, are vital. Quantity Surveyors should establish clear lines of communication to promptly address variation issues and seek consensus on their management.

2. Detailed Documentation: Maintaining a comprehensive documentation system is essential to capture all variation orders accurately. Quantity Surveyors must create a standard process for recording variations, including detailed descriptions, relevant drawings, cost estimates, and timelines.

3. Robust Cost Estimation and Pricing Strategy: Accurate cost estimation is critical to ensure that variation orders are properly priced. Quantity Surveyors must employ reliable methods such as benchmarking, historical data analysis, and thorough market research on the prevailing market rate to estimate the impact of variations on project budgets.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Reporting: Quantity Surveyors should regularly monitor and report on the progress of variation orders, including cost changes, schedule extensions, and quality implications. Regular reporting keeps project stakeholders informed and enables proactive decision-making.

5. Contractual Review: Quantity Surveyors should carefully review project contracts to understand the provisions related to variations. A thorough understanding of the conditions, clauses, and procedures outlined in the contract is crucial for managing variation orders effectively and minimizing potential disputes.


In conclusion, variation orders are an inevitable part of construction projects, representing changes to the original scope of work. Quantity Surveyors play a crucial role in managing these variations by assessing their impact, estimating costs, and documenting changes accurately. By implementing best practices such as effective communication, robust cost estimation, and continuous monitoring, quantity surveyors can successfully navigate the challenges associated with variation orders.

Remember, variation orders need not be stumbling blocks. With the right strategies in place, Quantity Surveyors can transform them into opportunities for project improvement and successful outcomes.


