Variadic Parameters in Swift
A Variadic parameter is a way to provide numerous arguments of a specific type, to a function call. To make a parameter variadic you follow the parameter type name with three-period characters (. . .).
func shoppingList(items:String...)
These trailing dots after the type name is how you indicate to Swift that the function can accept a varying number of parameter values.
func shoppingList(items:String...) {
for i in items {
print("I'm adding \(i) to my shopping list")
shoppingList(items: "Milk", "Bread", "Tea", "Biscuits", "Scones", "Jam")
//I'm adding Milk to my shopping list
//I'm adding Bread to my shopping list
//I'm adding Tea to my shopping list
//I'm adding Biscuits to my shopping list
//I'm adding Scones to my shopping list
//I'm adding Jam to my shopping list
Here, shoppingList() is a function with a variadic parameter. I can add as many items as I want to the function call and the values will be made available as an array in the function’s body.
Multiple Variadic Parameters in One Function
func shoppingList(items:String..., whereToShop:String..., isPayday payday:Bool) {
if payday {
print("It's payday so I'm going on a shopping spree! I'm getting, ")
for (item, shop) in zip(items, whereToShop) {
print("\(item) from \(shop)")
shoppingList(items: "shoes", "bags", "makeup", "artisanal cheese", whereToShop: "bond st", "oxford st", "selfridges", "borough market", isPayday: true)
//It's payday so I'm going on a shopping spree! I'm getting,
//shoes from bond st
//bags from oxford st
//makeup from selfridges
//artisanal cheese from borough market
It’s possible for a function to have more than one variadic parameter, but the first parameter to follow any variadic parameter must have an argument label to make it unambiguous where the variadic arguments end.
In the preceding code, the variadic parameter whereToShop is followed by the argument label isPayday. This makes it explicitly clear which arguments are passed to the variadic parameter whereToShop and which belong to the isPayday parameter.