The Variable Removement Process

The Variable Removement Process

A Confession, and Gratitude:

It is rare that I have more panic or more resistance than when I have to write something. And I’ve definitely been panicky and distracty and resisty around this, more than I’ve EVER felt in my life. It’s been a wild ride. So thank you ALL for your patience with me on this first Mental Model Monday.?

Launch Crew, I appreciate you all TREMENDOUSLY, even though I totally botched the ‘launch’! We’ll do a ‘grand opening’ style launch later, when I’m not piling so much pressure on myself.

Today's Mental Model: The Variable Removement Process

A professor friend was complaining a while back about how students don't know how to solve problems anymore.?

He wasn't talking about not being able to run an equation, he was more talking about not being able to figure out what equation they should even plug in.?

(This is what the Mental Model Monday is about - figuring out what model should be applied next.)

When a problem is tricky, one of the biggest reasons it can be tricky is because we haven't figured out what our variables are. I'll give a specific example below, but here's the concept:

If you've got an algebra equation with one variable, that's a very simple solution.

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No alt text provided for this image

If you've got an algebra equation with more variables or exponents, things instantly become much more complex to solve.

Real life is not a closed system like your math books were.?We're ALWAYS operating with incomplete information, so we never know for SURE what all the variables are.

So here's how to use this model:

  1. Write it up. Write for 3 minutes and just… LIST all the elements that could affect your decision. These could be mechanical, spiritual, emotional or mental, relational, financial, deadline issues, or really anything else depending on the puzzle you're trying to solve.
  2. WRITE DOWN an answer for each element. Answer EACH PART independently.?
  3. Sigh in relief that you actually DO KNOW THE ANSWER to several of them, and now they’re not cluttering up your brain.
  4. Now go after the ONE PRIORITY that remains after the clutter is swept onto the page. This is the crux of the issue, and you never would have realized it if you didn’t get the others out of the way FIRST. Once you’ve fixed the first issue, move on to the new priority.
  5. (Optional) Double-check your idea with an experienced person who already has seen your problem a few times. If this is the first time you’ve been ‘here’, you may have missed some elements. You’ve got friends (or coaches, or consultants, or employees) who have seen this pattern many times.

It really is this simple. Mental Models are SKILLS, not magical abilities you're born with - and they will help a LOT from day one.

not a DUMPSTER fire exactly...
not a DUMPSTER fire exactly...

Here’s a specific example of the VRP related to the question 'should I fire this employee?' that I’ve turned into its own framework and coached many clients through:

  1. Spend 3 minutes to write down all the biggest variables. For example, if you're contemplating firing someone, your variables might include:

  • Is there clarity in the delegation?
  • Is there appropriate training and skill set?
  • Is there enough mental bandwidth?
  • Is there a zone of genius and engagement issue?
  • Is this the right person for us?

(My friend Cha?el Robe mentioned to me that this fits well with the ADKAR concept from the change management world, and I agree. Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement.)

All this needs to be approached from a perspective of ‘what can I do differently AS A LEADER?’. Otherwise you end up asking yourself this kind of question pretty frequently - you don’t have to lack confidence in this area.

  1. Answer each question independently, providing a thorough understanding of the current situation without necessarily solving all the issues.
  2. Take a moment to celebrate the clarity gained through this process. Acknowledge the progress made and avoid underestimating the importance of celebration.
  3. Prioritize the fixes based on the insights gained from the answers.
  4. Check in with a friend who is a great manager - you probably know a dozen, but literally reach out and ASK them if you’re approaching this in a good way. Easily done, and it’ll give you a lot of confidence in your decision.

(BTW if you need help with this specific issue in your sales team or business, I’m happy to speak with you about it. Reply and we'll chat.)

Well don't put it in this MANY gears
Well don't put it in this MANY gears

Putting It In Gear:

Spend 15 minutes with the VRP on one client acquisition problem you’ve been stuck on. Write EVERYTHING down (or type it.) It really, truly, definitely, absolutely DOES NOT COUNT until you’ve got it written down. If you get stuck, text a friend. This could be related to your funnel itself, to a lack of compelling offer, a sales team issue, etc.

If you get REALLY stuck, feel free to email me - indecision is EXPENSIVE. Perhaps the most expensive problem we can have in terms of ‘lost revenue over time’.

And that’s it! Let me know what you win from using this!


MentalModelBot, Coach Me On This Right Now

Won't you be my neighbor?
Won't you be my neighbor?

Conversations This Week:

Beate Chelette has helped me clarify not one, but TWO avatar points. Thank you, Beate! Her site at is absolutely dynamite for understanding your peeps better, btw.

Where We’re Steering Next:

Getting this Mental Model Monday newsletter launched has been a bigger undertaking than I’d thought. Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Seriously. This wouldn’t have happened without you all. Getting it going STRONG is a huge project and a big part of my focus for the next couple of months.

Launching the live training portion of the High Octane membership is next! This will be sales training, tech, mental models, and implementation. (Ask me about our AI plans next time you see me.)

Talk soon.

Jeremy Pope Chief Potato Officer at Sales Call Overhaul

Jeremy "Mental Model Monday" Pope

SalesCallOverhaul, MentalModelMonday newsletter - unconventional strategies for becoming a 'high-impact giver' in small business

1 年

Monica Bozinov Cha?el Robe we are LIVE on linkedin!


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