Vardenafil: Spiritualize Your Love Activity

Vardenafil: Spiritualize Your Love Activity

Sometimes, the males looking towards happily sexual life but he enables to provide a sexual passion to his partner, due to his sexual dysfunction which is termed as impotency.

Then don't you worry....... Right cure is here, i.e. Vardenafil.

Sexual desires give you a complete freedom of happiness and provide freedom from sadness and depression. Sexual desire can provide you a sensual as well intellectual pleasure in your life.

Erectile dysfunction is the male disorder which harms your sexual life and also affects your psychological pleasure in your life. It is an inability to hold penile erection during the sexual activity and gives an unsatisfactory result to his partner.

Vardenafil is an effective and efficient drug for treating erectile dysfunction in males. 

What is Vardenafil?

(Generic Vardenafil) Filitra is proved its efficiency in treating erectile dysfunction or improves impotency in males. Vardenafil is category of medicine termed as phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors and acts by relaxing the smooth muscles and increases the blood circulation to the genital part of the males.

Other brand names of generic Vardenafil available in the market are Snovitra, Filitra and Velif.

Dosage form of generic Vardenafil is 20, 40 and 60 mg. 

Now the question is that......... why you put Vardenafil if the various drugs available in the market for the treatment of erectile dysfunction?

So, the answer is

  • It efficiently decreases the impotency in males.
  • It is user friendly drug and gives fast and effective result.
  • You do not avoid or limit your consumption of booze. 

How does the Vardenafil works?

It is a PDE 5 inhibitor, so acts by inhibit the release of PDE 5 at the sexual stimulation. This PDE 5 inhibits the action of cGMP, which is responsible to achieve the hard penile erection during sexual stimulation. Vardenafil blocks the release of PDE 5 and also stimulate the release of cGMP at the time of sexual activity. This cGMP attached to smooth muscles and relaxes the blood vessels. Due to this blood circulation to the penile region simultaneously increases and causes prolong and hard penile erection successfully at time of sexual activity. 

How should you administer the dosage form of Vardenafil?

The standard prescribed dose of the Vardenafil is to be administered before 30 to 60 minutes of having the sexual activity. The Dosage form should be administered through the oral cavity, i.e. via mouth with a full or half glass of drinking water.

Avoid of taking it as a regular dosage form, as it creates a sign and symptoms of overdose. The common symptoms of overdose are painful and prolong erection which last for 4 to 5 hours. 

For whom the dosage form is not beneficial?

The dosage form should be contraindicated in some medical conditions. These conditions are:

  • Hypersensitivity problem to active or inactive ingredient of Vardenafil.
  • Suffering from liver and kidney disorder, hypo- or hyper- tension and heart problem.
  • Heart attack or stroke with in previous 6 months.
  • Suffered from hereditary degenerative eye disorder.
  • Avoid to administering along with nitrate based drugs like Nitro prusside and Nitroglycerine.
  • Contraindicated in those patient who are taking other medication for erectile dysfunction like Sildenafil. 

What are the side effects of the dosage form after administration?

Some side effects of the dosage form occur after the administration of drug is:

Common side effects: Feeling of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, nasal congestion, heart burn and GIT problem.

Severe side effects: Loss of vision or hearing, prolong painful erection, fluctuation in heart beats, pain in muscles and back, breathing problem and hypersensitivity reaction. 

What safety measures should be adopted in between the medication?

For making the therapy effective, some safety measure should be adopted. These are:

  • It does not increase the sexual desire in the males.
  • It does not meant for inhibiting pregnancy, so never try it as the contraceptive method.
  • It does not prevent from STDs like HIV.


