Vantage Resources understands the key SQA & Testing challenges faced by organisations.
Derek Leahy B.Sc. Mngt, ACMA, MBA
MD Bua Bua Recruitment - 087 661 3711
Our business model is to assist our customers in addressing key quality and testing challenges faced by organisations seeking to respond to:
· Increasing scope and scale of IT enabled business change as business units seek to respond to volatile market demands.
· Demand for faster response times in implementing change initiatives.
· More discerning customers with little tolerance for poor quality and mistakes.
· Organisations that must deliver high quality, bug free applications to its own customer base who have higher expectations and are becoming more demanding as technology advances.
· Increasing regulatory oversight of breaches of standards and compliance with the need to have a more rigorous response to regulatory and supervisory authorities to such breaches.
· Increasing efficiency, resource and cost management through increased standardisation, centralisation, consolidation and the use of shared services.
· Quality management and Testing which is increasingly seen as a separate independent professional competency with the ability to deliver significant added value and cost benefit through an “industrialised” approach.
· Increased usage of, and dependence on, third party software suppliers. Focus of internal teams for integration, implementation and support. Pressure to resource and support an independent quality and testing function to ensure successful quality implementation and benefits realisation.
We understand the challenges and complexity associated with achieving successful IT enabled business change. Find out more about our Quality Assurance and Testing Service
Only a formal QA & Testing process will deliver quality software
For a free consultation speak to Derek Leahy today on 0872940612 or email him: [email protected]