“Van Hoek van Holland tot Oldenzaal”        British Guards in The Netherlands

“Van Hoek van Holland tot Oldenzaal” British Guards in The Netherlands

On Saturday February 29th, 2020 the Guards’ Remembrance Association of The Netherlands organised a symposium within the attractive old walls of the Hooglandse Kerk in the city-centre of the ancient and world renowned university town of Leiden.

The theme of this symposium was the liberation of Twente and the Achterhoek – on the eastern border of The Netherlands and Germany – in the Spring of 1945 by – amongst others - units of Foot Guards and Household Cavalry Regiments.

After a word of welcome by the Chairman of the Guards’ Remembrance Association of The Netherlands, Jan Jaap van Weering, Dirk Ruis, author of the book?“Oorlog rond Hoek van Holland” and Chairman of the "Fort aan de Hoek Foundation", elaborated on the Irish and Welsh Guards, who fought in May 1940 in and around Hook of Holland. The 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards had been deployed to Hook of Holland to cover the evacuation of the Dutch Royal Family and Government. Dirk Ruis paid special attention to the return of the missing guidon of one of the platoons of the 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards to this Regiment in 2000.

Then Wim Rhebergen, author of the book “Britse littekens in Aaltense bodem”,?focused on the role of the King`s Company Grenadier Guards at Aalten bridge on March 30th, 1945. On which date Alten was liberated by units of the Grenadier and Irish Guards. During the fights connected to said liberation 9 Guardsmen lost their lives. They were buried at Berkenhove Cemetary in Aalten. Wim Rhebergen further adressed the audience about his initiative to have a bridge in Alten named after the King`s Company Grenadier Guards. The ceremony connected thereto took place in 2012 in the presence of family members of the killed Guardsmen, representatives of the Queen’s Company Grenadier Guards and the Band of HM Grenadier Guards.

Then Wim Geul en Hans Pol, two Dutch former cavalry officers, took the audience to the Randweg in Borne (NL) where two streets will be renamed after the 1ste Royal Dragoons (amalgamated with Royal Horse Guards into the Blues and Royals) and the Nottinghamshire Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry an initiative of the “Stichting (Foundation) Vergeten Bevrijders”. This ceremony took place on April 7th, 2022, in the presence of representatives of the Regiments, Mrs Joanna Roper CMG, HM Ambassador to the Netherlands, and the UK Defence Attaché, Colonel Mark Maddick, Royal Marines. (www.vergetenbevrijders.nl)

The liberation of Enschede by the Guards Armoured Division on April’s Fools Day 1945 and the action between the 2nd Troop The Life Guards, the 2nd Troop Household Cavalry?and units of German paratroopers (Fallschirmj?ger) was then discussed by Jip Meijer, owner of Durendale, tour-operator in Military Historic Travel (Battlefieldtours). (www.durendale.nl)

After a short coffee break Lieutenant-Colonel Corstiaan de Haan, former Head Ceremonial & Protocol of Royal Netherlands Army, took the audience through the very interesting and important initiative of Mark Evans and Charlie Foinett, two former Coldstream Guards Officers, who set up “Waterloo Uncovered”; a charity that combines a?world‐class archaeology project on the battlefield of Waterloo with a?support program for veterans and the military community. Working in partnership with some of Europe’s top universities, and through the unique perspective of a?team comprised of archaeologists, veterans, and serving soldiers, Waterloo Uncovered aims to understand war and its impact on people, as well as to educate the public about it. In collaboration with Glasgow University and the Universities of Bent (Belgium) and Utrecht (The Netherlands) Colonel De Haan is seeking to introduce a similar scheme for Dutch veterans in the Netherlands. (www.waterloouncovered.com).

Thereafter the mezzo-soprano Emma Brown addressed the attendees poignantly about Remembrance in Britain, its significance, the people involved, the beginnings of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and her personal views and artistic involvement. She sang during a short moment of remembrance and contemplation. (www.ejebrown.com)

Lastly Major-General (rtd), Theo Vleugels, Director of the Oorlogsgraven Stichting, displayed the policy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission?with regard to the adoption of British war graves in The Netherlands and presented the adoption certificate of three Guards’ War Graves situated on the “Algemene Begraafplaats” of Hook van Holland to Jan Jaap van Weering, Hubert van Veen and Thijs van Leeuwen, Chairman, Secretary and Spokesperson of the Guards’ Remembrance Association, respectively. (www.oorlogsgravenstichting.nl) (www.cwgc.org)?

The lawyer Maarten de Klerk (bagpipes) and Emma Brown brought the afternoon very fittingly to an end with a stirring interpretation of “Amazing Grace”.

The Board of the Guards’ Remembrance Association of The Netherlands herewith wants to express its gratitude to Emma Brown, the honored speakers, our many guests, Thijs van Leeuwen, Jacques Vinckens’ Team, Daan Boissevain and - last but not least - the verger of the Hooglandse Kerk, Ronald Hartsuiker, for their commitment, patience and excellent assistance and - last but not least - to our day’s chairman, the “Voice at Military Ceremonies”, Ed van den Bent.?

Without you all this afternoon would have not been, what it has been.

Thank you so much!

On behalf of the Board of the Guards’ Remembrance Association of The Netherlands,

Hubert van Veen,



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