When there is a shared feeling of commitment, cooperation and togetherness towards the progress of a country, it is termed as nationalism. Either you call it common cause, oneness or passionate loyalty, any will pass as a good description of what nationalism is. Nationalism is an indispensable ingredient to protect and promote among citizens for nation building.
As Nigerians, it's important to hold firmly the truth in our hearts that, come what may, Nigeria is ours, and we must be proud of our heritage. We must together work towards the realization of our highest potentials. We have no other nation where we can be original citizens. We must, against all odds, be deeply satisfied in our souls, that we are Nigerians. As individuals, we must understand, only our collective feeling of such deep satisfaction can drive our hope and passion for positive change.
Except those who fought for Nigeria's political independence did that with a sense of forthrightness and unity, it couldn't have been possible to break free. If we will get further free, it cannot be in hegemony, nepotism, favouritism, ethnicity, conspiracy or animosity - they only weaken the cord. Unity is not an option.
Each of us must make our country a prime consideration. We must rise to make common commitment towards the progress of the our nation, being void of bias and sentiments; religious, ethnic, social or economic. We must unite in love and have a common vision.
Rising from a commitment to truth and love born out of a sense of nationalism, our enemy or friend should be common. As individuals, we should be driven to make our society better without suspicion of sabotage.
Do you believe in Nigeria's greatness?
Can you fight to protect Nigeria's identity?
Have you any hope that Nigeria can be any better than this?
Are you committed to making your contribution towards Nigeria's greatness?
We must join our heroes past, like Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe, and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa to uphold our values and identity, and salvage our image.
It's my time, it's your time - what shall we make of it?
By Jonathan Omonogun
(This is a campaign effort of The Great Nigeria Initiative for Development for value re-orientation of citizens)