Values-Driven Life: The way to congruence
To thrive and lead a fulfilling life, I believe we need to nurture the most important relationship in our life - the one we have with our Self! Thus, my intention here is to share with you matters I hope you'll find useful to guide you on your journey to create a loving relationship with yourself and others, and to build a life you desire.
Wow, I can't believe it's that time of the year again... the time of excitement about vacations, heat waves, sweat, colourful summer dresses, flip flops, cocktails, being outdoors... and, I am back at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the biggest event of the year, the 68th General Conference.
So, let's begin...
Many years ago, during my NLP Master Practitioner training, I had a coaching session with my mentor Drs. JOke Land . I remember at that time I felt stuck, drained and had very little satisfaction and motivation in my work life - which was exactly my reason to reach out and ask for coaching. We did this exercise together, that I later learned during my Coaching Certification, that uncovered my core values in the work area of my life.
This new knowledge opened up my perspective on how these things called "values" shape my life. Once I became aware of my 5 core values, it immediately became clear to me why I was not satisfied and motivated at work. Not only that, but this new awareness helped me implement changes in my behavior and environment in a way that I began satisfying my core values. This, in turn, brought me the incredible feeling of congruence (alignment of the internal world and external behavior)... and miraculously, my motivation and satisfaction came back.
Since then, I've done hundreds of "Discover your Values" sessions to help clients become aware of their unconscious values and every time I get the same response: "wow, I was not aware how big influence my values have on my life!"
Now, let's dig deeper...
Understanding personal values means understanding human behaviour.
Personal values play a critical role in shaping our lives by providing a sense of direction and purpose. They help us determine what is important to us, what is good and what is bad, right or wrong, and influence our goals, priorities, and choices. For instance, a person who highly values integrity will prioritize honesty and transparency in their interactions, while someone who highly values adventure may seek out new experiences and challenges.
Research has shown that individuals who have a clear understanding of their personal values tend to have higher levels of psychological well-being. A study by Sagiv and Schwartz (2000) found that:
value congruence, or the alignment between personal values and behavior, is associated with greater life satisfaction and overall well-being. This alignment allows individuals to live authentically and experience a sense of coherence and stability in their lives.
So, what are values?
Values are internal criteria, those things in our life that are really important to us. They form the basis on which we make decisions and control our behavior.? As deep unconscious motivators, they provide the motivation to approach or avoid certain things.? Values provide the primary motivating force behind our actions and therefore have massive impact on our outcomes. They motivate us to do what we do. Many people usually don't know what motivates them on the conscious level – they only feel that they are motivated or not.?
Now, imagine having this knowledge and what it can do for you?
When your actions are aligned with your values, you experience a deeper sense of satisfaction and motivation.
Values are also our internal criteria for evaluation of ourselves, our behaviors and the world around us. Are we good or bad, is someone or something desirable or undesirable, valuable or not?? They are unconscious filters shaping our subjective reality. High-level generalizations that describe what is important to us and how we decide about how we feel.? Therefore,
values act like a compass that helps us stay on track and focused on the most important things in our lives.
We acquire and develop values as we strive to make sense of the world. A value can have a different meaning to different people. Two people may both value professionalism - to one it may mean that they have to stay late at work, and to the other it may mean that they have to leave at 17h punctually. For one success might be to have a big house, to someone else to have a doctorate degree. There is no right or wrong when it comes to values, it is what it is.
Most often they are unconscious and have been inherited from our parents, education or culture - decided upon at a young age, or significant emotional events later in life. We were raised with them! They are nominalizations (verbs turned into nouns), and big chunks around which there are sets of beliefs. To gain practical meaning, values must be connected to experiences through beliefs. For example, if someone highly values “freedom”, they might have a set of beliefs such as:? I can do what I want, I am my own boss, nobody can tell me what to do, etc. This directs the actions, behaviors and the environment in which one lives and works.
To give you my personal example, my highest work value was achievement. Knowing this I would always create small chunks of tasks and outcomes, so that I would satisfy the value by achieving and thus, feel the motivation. After the cancer (a significant emotional event like this can affect your values), I felt totally unmotivated to work. Even after creating the environment, doing small chunks of tasks, and other similar activities that would satisfy the value of achievement, my motivation to work was still in minus. Nothing worked.
Knowing what I know, I knew that something had changed in my values hierarchy. At that time, with two colleagues we were working on The Self-Coaching course, and I asked Anna, also an NLP trainer and coach like me, to help me find out what happened to my values. What I found out was that my highest work value has changed, it is now connectivity. That was why I was not motivated; I was satisfying a value that was not as important anymore to me. So, I started connecting to people by doing joint projects, creating partnerships, attending events and, voila, my motivation was back! I was satisfying the value and was rewarded in return. This is the time when I created and developed my signature NLP Practitioner training, consisting of Classic and New Code NLP - a highly immersive and transformative deep dive into your own structure, aiming to help you create a life you love, in alignment with your own values.
A few announcements:
The good part is you can only take Module 1 to taste if NLP is for you and you can learn the basics of communication excellence. Then, if you are like some people, you might love it and want to continue with the whole program. It's up to you to decide, you always have an option.
There will be an online Q&A session on the 25th of July at 18h, you can register here. A special surprise waits for you when you join.
Check out the program and the early bird offer here. Or reach out and we will create a payment scheme tailored to your needs.
2. Maybe you know that I am a mentor, mentee and volunteer at the Professional Women's Network PWN Vienna . The applications for the Mentoring Program, which the jewel of our network, are already open and you can apply for a mentee or a mentor. If you do sooner, than later, you will have the opportunity to join a workshop with me on the subject: “Inner voice, outer strength: Transforming negative self-talk”
3. I am very proud that we successfully completed the Women of Impact Leadership Programme(Лидерска програма за жени со вли?ание) with the fantastic first cohort of women from the governmental, non-governmental and academia sectors. Due to a high demand, we will be opening the program to the wide public in November, so if you are interested sign the waiting list and you will be the first to learn when it opens.
Before we close,
The person-organization fit
Many people have jobs or work for organizations or companies that do not reflect their personal values. This explains why there is so much dissatisfaction, disengagement and burnouts in so many companies. It is important to stress that the alignment between personal values and various aspects of life, including work, significantly influences life satisfaction and work satisfaction. Research by Kristof-Brown suggests that person-organization fit, or the compatibility between an individual's values and the values of their workplace, is a strong predictor of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions.
When individuals work in environments that reflect their personal values, they are more likely to feel engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their work. Conversely, a mismatch between personal values and the workplace environment can lead to feelings of disconnection, dissatisfaction, and burnout. Therefore, finding a job or career that aligns with one's personal values is essential for achieving long-term work satisfaction and overall well-being.
Now, reflect for a moment, how do you feel at work currently?
Are you satisfied? Motivated? Engaged?
Does it fill you up or drain you down?
Does it make you proud?
If you answered most of the questions with "yes", then your values are satisfied at your current work. But, if you answered a few of them with a "no" or "maybe", then I suggest you consider uncovering your unconscious work values. There are many ways on the internet and many guides on how to do so, but with all of them you work consciously.
Our value filters are highly unconscious, therefore I invite you to uncover them through a coaching session. You can then gain the knowledge that will allow you to begin living congruently, with integrity and in alignment with your values. Trust me, it is a fantastic feeling!
To close,
My message for the month of July is:
Create harmony between who you are and what you do ??
A suggestion for your further reading:
An invitation to slow down - a past Self-Expedition newsletter suitable for the summer.
Logical levels in communication - a video from the Communication Excellence series
Inspiration and Information Sources:
I'm listening to: