Values by Design, New mantra of Universal Value Based Education
Prof Dr Arun Jamkar
“Education is The Manifestation of The Perfection Already in Man”.
By Swami Vivekananda
Education is a medium through which we explore and polish the values within us. Just like an any diamond hidden inside the earth, every scripture is hidden, every value is hidden within us. Only Value based education is source for revealing these values. This quote gives perfect illustration for value-based Education. Education outshine you, aware you, civilized you and encourage you to be independent. Which further shaped into Value based society. School should take responsibility to make sure that education having values must taught as subject. This will make students not just good in academic, but also responsible and dutiful citizen to country and society.
India historically touts itself as a secular state, one where all religions are recognized and can peacefully co-exist. Well, at least in theory, it is. Unfortunately, the reality is much different after the independence.
People has become more religious intolerant than ever. They have forgotten the value in it which keep the humanity alive. If we are trying to make change in society, people relate it to religious sentiments which raise to violence and movements in society.
I also shared the same experience as, when I was Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) have managed to implement the Values based Technique VIHASA [1] (Value in Healthcare) in various medical Colleges. VIHASA What is the model developed by “Brahma Kumari” disciples in UK. This is the model developed on entirely Indian concept of yoga, meditation, visualization and internalization to imbibe seven values in medical students.
In MUHS after validating and creating VIHASA protocol, when I tried to introduce in medical colleges, there was resistance from society in the form of editorials in newspaper and even mass opposition. Society believes that any step university attempts to introduce values in education, will lead to backdoor entry for religion. While we tried to introduce a Vedic system but not a Brahmanical system as claimed by those oppose without understanding or listing. This might have been experience of several other educationists and activist. Since India is a secular state we stop teaching value education in our schools and colleges. There was a vacuum in value education that is lead to present state of so-called disaster. Value based education has been a need of hour. Several models and concepts are available. We need to take a stock of it and create a VBE system in world acceptable to all cultures and geographies. Therefore, Value Education not only grows roots but also gives wings of the fallen society/Nation.
We need to work for developing appropriate model of value education. Creating vocabulary of values and ethics across societies, cultures, religions and geographies to Create a system that is “Values by design” and decide the content by consensus, democracy to be acceptable by all. Every society wants value-based education this approach will bring right kind of action
Neil Hawks, Teacher and Founder of Values-based Education (VbE) has set concrete value structure on inquiring human mind using seven pillar principles1. [2]
I have modified to suit new context the basis of critical analyses to include best of system.
Pillar no 1: Modeling and Role modelling
Art of modeling deals with the value like respect, peace etc. that further helps students understand values better way. Modeling of these value is also tedious task but it can be done by role model. Role model are the persons who inspire the society like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa. Role models inspire and used as blueprint for how we should behave. Role models help to set the principles and ethics for the society
- Students can easily imbibe all these value from role model.
- Students can change the current fallen society into uplifted one.
- Students can have focused and determinate.
There is evidence to prove this role model concept, in Neurophysiology Studies research has proven that Mirror Neuron [3] in brain respond equally when we perform an action and when we witness someone else (Role model) perform the same action. In both aspect we experience the situation in same manner.
There is been neuro physiological evidence of concept mirror neurons to prove the importance of role models. We learn by imitating actions and values in inner curriculums are developed by family and parents, and value ecosystems at home Child learns by imitating his near and dear by through mirror neurons system. Few basic examples can be set by parents like, if father stops at signal traffic, then son will pick up this value. Basic core of values come from parents. Teachers, parents and social figure should be trained to act as a Role model.
Pillar No 2: Inner curriculum:
Inner curriculum is a technique for exploring the consciousness. Inner curriculum basically deals with emotions, feeling which are present in students by birth or values carried forward though family. Few such technique for enhancing inner curriculum are
- Prayers or meditation medium: students get calmed easily.
- Music: students can feel many emotions like inspiration, happiness, hope etc.
- Sports: students can be always in team spirit, social binding.
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[ Lead us from ignorance to truth, lead us from darkness to light, Lead us from death to deathlessness. From Brihadaranyaka Upanishad]
Apart of these various other techniques like wisdom of humanity can also help in setting values in student’s mind. In this technique students can learn the human values by adopting story telling concept. Stories are a popular way to teach moral values to students. Panchatantra and Aesop’s fables are based upon such principal, where each story teach students moral and ethical values. Students connect with stories, characters and the actions in them. They can use these learning in their life. NCERT also lays stress on the importance of value education. and, keen to promote it using "digital story telling method" [4] based on three principles
- Listening
- Comprehending
- Applying.
Pillar no 3: Reflection:
Reflection is a technique which help to develops the imaginative side of the brain that promotes creativity and problem-solving skills. Our actions are basically reflection of our mind. Reflection of student’s mind can be done by spiritual teachings. Reflective method involves learning from experience to evaluate concerns and improve present situations. Its helps students to take a calm, detached view of themselves, rather like an observer, so that they can examine their own emotional reactions and release them. Reflection is used to identify and affirm positive experiences as well as facilitate a degree of detachment. (also practice in Brahamkumaris )
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[[5] One should speak in such sweet language which makes everyone happy, not just yourself but also others who listen to you. By Saint Kabir Das]
Pillar No 4: Curriculum:
Teachers designing their curriculum must consider how the environment of the classroom will impact students. A student will learn from what is taught in a class and from how that class is taught. Therefore, student will also take lessons from how his/her class and school are organized. These are the concepts of explicit and implicit curriculum, and they will help educators think about the different ways students learn. So, they can design more effective methods of teaching.
Not only India, but also entire world is taking this subject as indispensable mode.
Douglas Supreka [6] (1976) outlines eight different approaches to value Education include in curriculum
- EVOCATION APPROACH: In this approach students are encouraged to make spontaneously, free, non-rational choices, without thought or hesitation. In this approach student is spontaneous behavior will be judged
- INCULCATION APPROACH: In this approach students are forced to act according to specific desired values. In this approach student focus on specific values like patriotism, honesty and peace for the country.
- AWARENESS APPROACH: In this approach helps students to become aware and identify their own values. The students are encouraged to share their experiences. In this kind of approach student will be more aware of themselves thought process. Corporate industry like Persistent use this approach by asking a question on real time life situations list and asking them answers to modify their opinion ethically by making them aware, Some times people want to follow ethical practices but being unaware do opposite
- MORAL REASONING APPROACH: In this approach placing themselves in specific role and experiencing the process of deciding. In role playing, students can begin to see moral decisions in a larger framework than their single point of view. It consists of the students discussing a dilemma and by reasoning they attain a higher level of knowledge.
- ANALYSIS APPROACH: In this approach, the group or individuals are encouraged to study social value problems which further they clarify it. By analyzing they can search the truth, evidence of purported facts, and arrive at value decision.
- VALUE CLARIFICATION APPROACH: In this approach, students to use both rational thinking and emotional awareness to examine personal behaviors patterns. By knowing behaviors, they are able to classify and actualize values.
- COMMITMENT APPROACH: In this approach, students to perceive themselves not merely as passive reactors or as free individuals but as inner-relative members of a social group and system.
- SPIRITUAL APPROACH: In this approach, student build as person in all levels including the intellectual, emotional, recreational, cultural, vocational, and spiritual lives.
Pillar no 5: Atmosphere:
“Classroom Atmosphere Reflect the quality of learning” Quoted by W.Theo Dalton
A positive classroom atmosphere is big need for students to learn and develop. Research analyze that a positive and healthy atmosphere raise student academic achievement and leads to increased self-esteem. Creating a positive classroom atmosphere takes effort on the part of the teacher and students. Additionally, Class room should have welcoming atmosphere for students as well. This make student not only comfort but also get focused. Whereas if student does not get welcoming atmosphere, student gets threatened and miserable. Therefore, we must consider following fact to make classroom more welcomed
- · Acknowledge students each day and induce positive encouragement.
- · Promote two-way respect.
- · Share something inspirational with students.
- · Restrict bullying behaviors.
- · Storytelling and sharing experiences.
Creating an ecosystem that follows ethics and values in schools, colleges, universities and society will tempt students to follow.
Pillar No 6: Ethical leadership with integrity and honesty
Being a leader means defining and exhibiting moral and ethical courage and setting an example for everyone in the society.
Today, immoral and dishonesty was the main extensive, evasive and disheartening factors for ethical leadership failures. Neither the public nor private sectors were safe as many leaders were exposed for immoral or unethical behaviors. Financial greed and corruption, corporate meltdowns, and spiraling unethical practices were revealed as financial scandals surfaced at prominent companies. In this era question arises how to overcome the issue. Richard Barrett [7] who is a British author who writes about leadership, leadership development, values, consciousnesses well as cultural evolution in business and society proposes Seven level leadership concept.
Leaders once shelter in ethical values.he will walk up from crisis manager to visionary leader. Leaders should create Leaders and not followers. In addition ethical leaders should create ecosystem to promote an educational system that promotes universal values, at the end value of society will improve.
Pillar No 7: Ethical vocabulary and Vocabulary of Universal values
Ethical vocabulary also known as Ethical Intelligence which help to provide principles for various aspect of social life.
a. Society aspect in Inculcating Values: Social values play a predominant role in running and maintaining the social order. They provide not only the general guidelines for social conduct and behavior but also establish the norms in the society.
'??????? ????' [Truth alone triumphs.[8]]
Our Indian National Slogan is a golden vedic maxim from the ancient Indian scripture Mundaka Upanishad. Following the independence of India, it was adopted as the national motto of India in 26 January 1950. The most important assets of a nation are the citizens themselves. If the citizens are Truthful, Honest, trustworthy, healthy, patriotic and sincere, the nation will progress at a much faster pace.
Apart from truth, other social values are also needing to adopt for dealings with our fellow citizens and with the whole of human race. Lack of values create alarming rate of losing the sanity, more important, non-serious attitude, unaccountability behavior. In certain condition, people depend on each other for best behavior without deep understanding of right or wrong. In such situations we need to have “Role model” who can help to shape our character.
b. Education aspect in Inculcating Values: Students are being groomed to be professionals to capture the top salary jobs in the market. Without telling them how to take a stand ethical and morally in various circumstance.
This Ancient Indian deliberation on this matter is also profound and perhaps much deeper in its philosophical analysis which weaves the dual purpose of education into a coherent philosophical thread:
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[Which means “Education leads to sensibility, sensibility attains character/qualification, from that comes wealth and from wealth (one does) good deeds, from that (comes) joy” [9]]
The objective of education in a country like India, which has a glorious heritage and can boast of diversity in geography, culture, values and beliefs very rarely seen in this wide world. Should be to educate a student of the value system which is indispensable to live successful life.
c. Family aspect in Inculcating Values: Parents’ communication with their students is one aspect of students’ social experiences that may be used in the construction of moral knowledge. By explaining the reasons for rules and responding appropriately to moral violation, parents can facilitate moral development by stimulating students to think reflectively about their actions. This assertion implies that the more explicit parents are about the nature of the event and why a behavior is expected, or a misdeed is wrong, the more effective such messages might be, particularly for young students.
Similarly , parents are vital in the moral development of the child because they are the first moral teachers and role models that young people have. They do by providing the necessary affective relationship and extensive interactions that facilitates moral development. Parents are responsible to students ‘s transgressions and moral dispute and their explanations of the reasons for rules and expectations may facilitate student’s moral development.
d) Religion aspect in Inculcating Values:
Religion is not curse it’s a boon to our make sur people should follow some discipline and attitude towards themselves, society and nations. Let's have a look on religious value which help the humanity safe.
- Hinduism
Religions and Hindu religion plays a significant role in inculcating values, Hindu religion as an instrument for the development of spiritual, moral and mental growth of the pupils or students
The Indian term for morality and ethics is Dharma is understood in Vedas as duty par-excellence Comes from the root ‘Dhar’, which means to hold together. Function of dharma is to hold the human society together for its stability and growth. Right conduct is essential if the human society is to survive. Dharma (right behavior) constituted the bedrock of ancient Indian society;
Dharma required a man to live in society as a civilized being, subordinating his selfish urges to the interest of others. High standard of ethics and a defined code of conduct
The Holy Geeta is a book of ethical teachings says:
? Gita[10] emphasizes both on Karma Yoga and Gyana Yoga for the attainment of the Supreme Bliss,
? Karma Yoga is superior to Gyana Yoga.
? Karma Yoga simply means the practice of one’s own duties without any attachment with moral dimension
? One will be blessed with Brahma yoga, which will lead him not only to moral success but also to the infinite spiritual joy and peace.
Religious knowledge imparts in students an understanding of the universe and the interpersonal relationship between human beings and the supreme being. The importance of Hindu religion in inculcating value is found in the claim of personal and spiritual knowledge of God. It is a stabilizing factor in the individual personality. Hindu religious knowledge trains the students morally and enlightened them to do good and be virtuous. This is also the trust of value education. Like Hindu Religion, Other religion also believe in Good behavior is most desired value.
- Christianity
Bible[11] says, " It’s more valuable than material things." Proverbs 16:16 says that having wisdom and understanding is better than having silver or gold. Attractive and expensive items can be enjoyable, but there are very few things in life that can never be taken away, will never go out of fashion, and that truly make you a better person. Value Based education is one of those things.
- Islam
The uniqueness of value education in the philosophy of Islam is the perfect everlasting role model for man, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad. The Prophet Muhammad encouraged all Muslims to acquire knowledge and share it. He said:
"Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make a path to Paradise easy for him." (Al-Bukhari)[12]
Therefore, Islam gives great importance to knowledge and education. A knowledgeable person is accorded great respect in many prophetic narrations. In almost all narration in Quran, Allah command his messenger "and say: `My Lord! Increase me in knowledge" [Quran, 20:114]
- Buddhism
Gautam Buddha or “the enlightened one” was a sage whose teachings laid the foundation of Buddhism. His teachings & principles include wisdom, justice, kindness, compassion, inter-dependence and personal responsibility. Which should have a prior place in current education system.
Students should involve in ethical explorations and meditation so that they will become calmer, focused, and develop kindness. Once the value vocabulary is created it could be suitably modified for respective cultures and geographies
And so on.
It’s worth mentioning that UNESCO has my keen interest in values-based education, They have given me an opportunity for contributing generous role in BIOETHICS Movements through UNESCO chair of Bioethics in Haifa with national nodal center at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.
We created a vertically integrated curriculum in medical colleges in almost 70% of medical colleges in India are following this curriculum. Let us hope we are able to create ethically sound humane doctors. It will regain the confidence of society. People are so much inspired and encouraged in this, that I desire to upgrade but in absorbing level state.
In conclusion universal value-based education is a long way to go but multiple candles are already burning. In terms of ‘campaign approach for change’ these are found pilots. We need to critically evaluate these efforts and validate and amplify better approaches for the benefit of mankind.
Moral values are those value which are an important part to all the people we get to make our life better. And in time when you're putting into practice each of the values , you will have good results and rewards. Thus, value education completes the all need very easily with an impact on the young minds making the world a better place to live in.
"Moral values and a culture and a religion, maintaining these values are far better than laws and regulations." - Swami Sivananda [13]
1. D, Biswas & R, Fulzele & Deogade, Meena & Parwe, Shweta & Thosar, Nilima & R, Sharma. (2016). An experimental study of “Values in Health Care- A Spiritual Approach” (VIHASA), in a health University set up. International Journal of Developmental Research. 6. 8508-8511.
3. Jamkar, Arun & Jamkar, Maya. (2017). ROLE OF MIRROR NEURONS IN SURGICAL SKILLS TRAINING 22 INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 7. 22-24.
8. "Motto for State Emblem" (PDF). Press Information Bureau of India - Archive.
9. Hitopdesha, Text 6
10. Dharm Bhawuk (2011). Spirituality and Indian Psychology: Lessons from the Bhagavad-Gita. Springer Science. pp. 147–148 with footnotes. ISBN 978-1-4419-8110-3.
11. John 3:17(Verse)- New International Version, 2011-2017, Biblica
12. Sahih Bukhaari, Vol 1, Kitaab al-'Ilm, 10. PROPHET
13. Swami Krishnananda, The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (1977) (
Student at University of Liberia
1 年That's indeed a resourceful thought. Thank you sir.
Dean at Shri BH Govt. Medical College
5 年?????
Prof.and Head (Chief Biochemist) at SAIMS Medical College & Hospital, Indore
5 年Very intelligent move sir,need to work on it for early implementation.Keep it up sir.Your students will play contributory role when required.
Very well said Sir.I had initiated a similar activity for students who are deaf or hard of hearing,as they often fail to imbibe values learnt incidentally by hearing peers. Value education vis a vis privatisation of professional education has greater relevance too. Will it cut ice when huge monetary investments are involved??